



1、. 1、 听力部分(30 分)A、听录音,选出你所听到的选项,将序号写在括号内 (8分)( )1A. listen B. lesson C. listens( ) 2A. some B. sun C. same( ) 3. A. here B. her C. hair( ) 4. A.hand B. head C. have( ) 5. A.write carefully B. sing beautifully C. sit quietly( ) 6. A.play games B. play chess C. play cards( ) 7. A. Helen likes playing t

2、he guitar. B. Helen likes playing the violin. C. Helen likes drawing pictures.( ) 8. A. Dad usually goes home at 4:15. B.Dad usually goes home at 4:50. C. Dad usually goes home at 4:45.B、听录音,选择答句 (6分)1.( ) A. We have seven lessons every day. B. We have three English lessons a week. C. We have four l

3、essons this morning.2.( ) A. She likes going shopping. B. They like playing the piano. C. He likes surfing the Internet.3.( ) A. She lives in London. B. She usually goes to school by bike. C. I live in Jiang Su.C、根据录音内容选择合适的答案 (10分) ( )1. Q: Whats wrong with Nancy ? A: Shes got a bad cold. B: Shes g

4、ot a bad cough. C. Shes got a headache. ( )2. Q: Does WangBin run fast? A: Yes,he does. B.No,he doesnt.C.No,she doesnt. ( )3. Q: Whats Davids hobby ? A: He likes making model ships. B: He likes making model planes. C: He likes making clothes. ( )4Q:How many lessons do they have on Wednesday? A:Three

5、 B:Four C:Five ( )5Q:What does Jims grandfather like? A:He likes growing flowers. B:He likes reading newspapers. C:He likes reading magazines.D、听录音,完成句子(听两遍) (6分) 1. Su Yang_ _English in the morning. But Su Hai_. 2. What _do you have on_? 3. _are seven _in a_. 4 How do you _now? 5 Im _an _to my_. 笔试

6、部分 ( 70 分 ) 一.语音。找出划线部分发音不同的单词 (5分) ( )1. A. clock B. hot C. mother ( ) 2. A. puppet B. music C. jump ( ) 3. A. doctor B. brother C. monkey ( ) 4. A. Sunday B. student C. bus ( ) 5. A. some B. love C. coffee二.词汇 (15分)A)写出下列词组 (5分)1.每个星期三_ 2.收集花的邮票_ 3.严重的咳嗽_ 4.和她打电话_ 5.住在一个小镇上_ 6.in a small town _ B)

7、根据句子的意思选用所给单词填空 (10分)1. I _a letter to my English friend, Tom . (am writing, writing)2. He likes running, he _fast. ( run, runs)3. SuHai doesnt _to school on Saturdays.(go, goes)4. My aunt likes dancing. She dances_ (beautiful, beautifully)5. We want _ cards. (to play, play)6. We are at _ age.(same,

8、 the same) 7. My father can play basketball_. (good, well)8. What _do you have this term ? (lessons, subjects)9. Do you have an Art lesson_ (on, in) Friday afternoon?10. Mike doesnt like PE. He cannot _ (jump, jumps) high.三.单项选择 (20分)( )1. Whats wrong with_ ? A. he B. him C. his( ) 2. He _ got a col

9、d. A. have B. is having C. has( ) 3. My brother often _ in the study. A. study B. studys C. studies( ) 4. A: Does your father _flowers every day? B: No, he _. A. water, doesnt B. waters, does C. water, does( ) 5. Ben likes collecting stamps, but Mike_. A. cant B. dont C. doesnt( ) 6. My brothers hob

10、by is_ photos. A. taking B. take C. takeing( ) 7.Please show _ your doll. A. we B.I C. me( ) 8. May I _to Miss Li? Yes, _. A. speak, speaking B. speaking, speak C. speak, speak( )9. Nancy and David go to school _Monday _ Friday. A. for, to B. to ,from C. from, to( )10. This lovely dog is _my daughte

11、r, Ann. A. for B. to C. give四、在栏中找出能对栏句子做出正确反映的答句 (10分)A) ( )1.Why are you absent today ? A. We have four. ( ) 2.How do you feel now ? B.I still feel ill. ( ) 3.What day is it today ? C. Im sorry to hear that. ( ) 4.Ive got a high fever . D. Its Monday. ( ) 5.How many PE lessons do you have a week?

12、E. Im ill.B) ( ) 1. Do you have any hobbies? A. He does his homework. ( ) 2. Welcome to our school. B. Yes, I do. I like going shopping. ( ) 3. What do you like? C. Thank you. ( ) 4. Does Helen dance beautifully? D. I like going shopping. ( ) 5. What does Mike do on Sundays? E. Yes, she does.五.找出下列各

13、句中的错误,将错误之处改正在横线上。(6分)1. His hobbies is playing chess and growing flowers. _ 2. Can you tell they at once? _ 3. Does your brother watches TV at night? _4. Can David skate beautiful? _5. Is your sister writing carefully in the study? _6. This is Miss Li speak. _六.完成对话 (14分)1. A: Hello ! B: Hello ! _I

14、 speak _Tom , please ? A: Yes, _ is Tom _.2. A: What _you usually _after school ? B: I usually _football. A: What _your brother usually do after school? B: He _the Internet.3. A: Wang Ying, whos that _? B: _ my brother. A: Does he like_? B: Yes, he_. He _high.七.阅读理解 (10分) A)阅读短文,判断句子正误,用T或F表示Its Sun

15、day morning. There are some boys and girls in the garden. Look! Xu Ming is taking photos. He likes it very much. Under the tree, there are some boys. They are playing football. Oh, there is a girl under the tree. Shes playing the guitar. Wang Bing is drawing pictures. He likes making model ships, to

16、o. There are two girls over there. They are making clothes for their dolls.( ) 1.It is Saturday morning.( ) 2.Some children are in the garden.( ) 3.The girl under the tree is playing the violin.( ) 4.Wang Bing has some hobbies.( ) 5.The girls can make clothes.B)阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题(要求答句完整)Hello, everyone

17、. My name is Peter. Im twelve years old. Im in Grade 5.I live in a small town near Sydney. We have eight subjects this term. Theyre Chinese, English, Maths, Science, Social Science, Art, Computer Studies and PE. I hope we have more. I have many hobbies. I like running. I run fast. I like playing foo

18、tball and table tennis, too. I often play football with my friends on Saturday afternoon.Questions: 1.Where does he live ? _2.How many subjects does he have this term? _3.What subjects does he like? _ 4.What are Peters hobbies ? _ 5.What does often do on Saturday afternoon?听力材料及参考答案A)1.lesson 2 . su

19、n 3.hair 4.hand 5.sing beautifully 6.play chess7.Helen likes drawing pictures.8.Dad usually goes home at 4:50.命题意图:考察学生对读音相近或字形相近的单词是否能够分辨并区分开来B)1.how many English lessons do you have a week? 2.What does Mikes father like doing? 3. Where does your aunt live?C) 1.A:Hello! May I speak to Nancy? B: Thi

20、s is Nancy, is that Mary? A: This is Mary, where are you B: Im at home, Ive got a headache A: Im sorry to hear that. Take care Nancy. B: Thank you. (C) 2.A: do you like running, Wang Bing? B: yes, i do . I can run very fast. (A) 3. A: Hello, David, what do you like doing after school?B: I like makin

21、g model ships. Look. This is my model ship.A: wow , great! (A) 4.A:How many lessons do you have on Wednesday? B: We have three lessons in the morning and two lessons in the afternoon.(C) 5.A: Wheres your grandfather, Jim? B: Hes in the garden. He likes growing flowers. (A)命题意图:考察学生对所学日常用语以及对话的理解力和灵活运用能力 D) 1. Su Yang likes reading English in the morning. But Su Hai doesnt. 2.What lessons do you have on Thursday. 3. There are seven days in a week. 4.How do you feel now? 5.Im sending an e-mail to my e-friend. 命题意


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