儿童英语剧本幼儿剧英语小剧本 小兔子乖乖The little rabbits_第1页
儿童英语剧本幼儿剧英语小剧本 小兔子乖乖The little rabbits_第2页
儿童英语剧本幼儿剧英语小剧本 小兔子乖乖The little rabbits_第3页
儿童英语剧本幼儿剧英语小剧本 小兔子乖乖The little rabbits_第4页




1、英语小剧本-小兔子乖乖 The little rabbits 英语小剧本-小兔子乖乖 在美丽的大森林里,住着小白兔一家,她们快乐地生活着。兔哥哥喜欢跳高和跑步,兔妹妹喜欢唱歌和跳舞。瞧,他们来了。 (音乐起) Mother rabbit: Hello, I m Mother rabbit, I have two lovely children. Look, they are coming. Brother rabbit: Hi, Im brother rabbit, I can jump very high and run very fast. Sister rabbit: Hello, Im

2、 sister rabbit, I like singing and dancing. M: Come on, my dear children, I have something to tell you. 兔妈妈今天要去看望生病的外婆,她告诉小兔哥哥和小兔妹妹要乖乖待在家里,她担心大灰狼会来敲门,交待他们注意安全,不要给陌生人开门。 M: Grandma is ill. I am going to visit her later. Can you stay at home? B : Of course, we can. S: We can play together at home. M:G

3、ood children! The wolf may come. Dont open the door. B and S:Ok, we wont open the door. M: All right. Ill go back soon. Bye-bye. B and S: Dont worry. Goodbye, mum. 兔妈妈走后,小兔哥哥和妹妹在家看书,这时候,凶恶的大灰狼来到了大门外。他看到兔妈妈不在家,大灰狼想这下可以抓住两只小兔子饱餐一顿了。 Wolf: Haha! Today, mother rabbit is out. I can eat the little rabbits

4、. Oh, it will very nice. Haha! 敲门 W:Open the door, little rabbits. B and S: The doorbell is ringing. Who is it? W: Its me! Your grandma. Open the door. (两人小声商量)B and S: Grandma? t come here. S: Grandma is ill. She couldns the wolf. B: It但聪明的小兔子兄妹知道这是大灰狼的大灰狼假装是外婆想骗小兔子兄妹开门, 诡计,他们不给大灰狼开门。t open the doo

5、r. S: You are bad wolf. We can:Mum isnt at home. We canBt open the door. W: Oh, you are very clever. I am your friend. I have some carrots for you. Open the door. cant.B and S: No, we nice. Mmm. Open the door. You can have a nice lunch. ItsW: Oh, look, open the door. Please go away. wontB and S: No, we W: You bad rabbits. I will come again. 这时兔妈妈回来了。只好气急败坏地走了。 大灰狼看到小兔子怎么说都不上当,Open the door, my children. M:s mummy. S: Oh, itB: Wait! Be careful! B: Who is it? M: I am your mother. B and S: Oh, mum, come in. 表妈妈听了,兄妹俩看


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