1、初中考初三英语中考补全文章五选五试题20篇一in 1940, a itle girl namwima udpwas bn.he ws mall and ic. in heeay chilood, imahadmanyserus lesss61 wn wima ws fr yers l, doctsnotced her left lgwasnot traigh. they to he faily tha she h plio(小儿麻痹症),and th se woulnevr walk.wilmaand her family didnt t t believheoctors. wim eeris
2、e eery day nil she ws abl t wwih race(支架). 62 hr rendplaed bakeal fter scool. wilsat and watche the evey day, daming of beng an ahlte(运动员).ofcore, pepl thoh she wascrazy. 63 by the tehe wa e yersl, s culd walkwtuta re! se bgan pling baskebll.in midl hoo,se a the tofh baketall team.a runingcoasa er l
3、ay. he hught wilma could be a great nr son wilma was tringo te oympcswhnshewasixtee, shefle tomelorne f the156 olympicgames. 64 over he nt four eas, wlma cnnuedo trin as a runerin 160, wilma ent ohe meolmpics,terminet doeter. wo daybefo her first race,setwist(扭伤) er ankl. sh waswriedtha her chnc was
4、 goe. but hewot 00-metr rce. 65 after tat, she a her teammateswon the 40metr elay race ilmaudohas thefrst amercan woman to tee gdmedals i a ingl olympcs! 21wrsa but wilm wadetrmind.b.he ays later, shon the 20meter rce.c. th he s ablgo toschool.d. but ermiyslov las helped hr gebeer. .there, wilmaand
5、three eammas won thebroe mdalin th relay ace.二.te girsa grey skrb. the xams ae aled gec. r.ro is atsfied wih l of ud iwl spendea at tis hol.e.i so hve one wees holdy infbur, une andctobrhuoi a ngli schoolboy who is fifteennw heisteing u soeting abuhis le:istrte chool when i ws fiv tne to hisshool wh
6、eni wsevand i will lve netyr whe iam sixteen. 61 th sho yastarts in septemberndend injl i avt wek holday in ecmbe,two weks in arl an x wek in jly and gust. inje next yer, beore eave thiscoo, i will ke exams in1 subjcts 3 all childe i ngandhav study englis, ahatics, sience nd a frein lngu. hey can al
7、o hoose some hersubjet. unifrmis a bak bler, white sirt,a en yllowtiand gry trouses. 64 th are 1,600 tuents i my choo.65 edoenot teach m clssbt w e him ery ay e hel s if w ave polem. ealotkeprt i ome ctivies wit usaftr school. ere s om good dvie n how to e god a lange e as. th a oleani lagage isa gr
8、a ayto us yournew languge. youhave t ue the anguage a lot; athe same time, yudnt hv o give yurpen palsn anr t ne. () you an choose to u t old letter riting waor h ch quicke ad eser e-ai w toee incotact ith r penl.interet rao (62) thee reternet radio stationfr ry major languge.just fid tee adistation
9、s ad lisen yull besrpised a many sationsherearell te old.lnggeclubwhn youar radyo practie ou ne lnua,ty o fn a lnguageclu n your rea. (6) th llgie you hnce use t anuage in a suiaeenvinmen. (4) a. speaking with other people can be very helpful.b. another great and easy way is to listen to your new la
10、nguage in real life. c. so you will be more comfortable this way.d. they will also give you lots of useful advice on learning a new language. e. how about going to a restaurant?find suita ces. putyorsin siuatonswher y he topeak telaguag tatyouae larnng (6) if youare lerning german, you can nda eman
11、returant. tryto redhe meu, ty t order something or just a “lo” to the peole hre. you will probaby indm tbe very helpful andyuma even ma afew freds ou of it.i tred my choollife at theage of sx. at frst thechoo fo me, a boy, man py,lnd mre lay insteadositin in telassro an lagomehng. _61_.itrd my bet t
12、do wll nmy scholworkand follow te res_6_ every yearwe h diferetkindo ootrips. nt olycld we lern my hn rom them, but alsewere gven mnyrojects or tass as omork. i helpd usw moe.at e same time,we made anygood rinds._3_. te ex year,we i waigade 9, ral thati sould gie llmattenio t tudies becas ias gogtoa
13、k he eas tget ito ior middle scoowheve thn fm chooie,i eel ey happyan tink invybdys shoolli her ar my usandws t inflene his fe. sl is aplacwere all of us lear o care an se “schol” is not jst a place, but a large bildn of te rues, knoedgend lve. _6_ i can dsribmy shool i “thre ”. t re: smll, sweetand
14、 mp _5_. a. in grde . worizes in drwing ad egishspech ompetitios.b. i tink ineveryboys sucs, cool las a key roe. msol she es,is he beandwilllas be thebet d. heer , i chaned th wa used tobhave t the cholwiththe help m teacers.e grwng andlearnin wee rea ftr it yousem ather id wen iwa5. it was hrn us l
15、l. my rothe, who is 8 eas older tan e, began towatch over my mothe ad me.mmothr was frced tge a full-timej.6._ he udg e up forschool,ad mke m brakfat while setng he oud lay ut lohes, ae my be,n gatr y school book p. as aited forth shoo b,e wul plathe gaes myfter used to la wth 6._when w rrvedhom fro
16、mchool, ewoud hlme withmy omorkd help momto ook.it was suray injune a coul erslt. 6._ ty ha the thes dycards out. i sared at thm momsaid: “hone, i now this had tm foryu” iad: “6._wydont ty hav brter dayars a ell?”se me and d: “youe rght. oboterhas certanly been fathrt you. goahead adpick t card.”o i
17、 did.on fathes day,my thead i sat y bthr don nd gahim thecard. 6._ erdthe crcing (哽咽)in momce s sad: “on, yourhr i ru f yu. o door best to fill hi hoes.elove ou,and hak yu.”a. no, om, thanotitbmymther ndi ere at thstore. dd hibet t me m happy.d. m brothed o ge up ery eeryrning. as he red it, i aw th
18、e tears foming ihis eyes.he greatest plyer in t orl edso arante onasciment was boin brzil in 190. 1 he says hdoesnoknow why oeen wh te namemean.but th name pele soonbame word amous. 62 hesared plyigor the local clu whenhwas 0 year old.6 in 195,stil l 7, e wain te win old cpteam(th ogest eerl up play
19、e)n 1970,he the tm that won thewld p f rzilagan.he nl stopped layig n1977.in 1994,e was made brazilan nterfosort. 64 e had wodeful conr(控制)ve he l brve, cle, and be torunvery quickl, ulkick wt the se amount f skill ih ether footoonly tht, wen yowathed hi play, yu couldawasse ow mch e enjoyedlain pee
20、 bcme eryricby th timehe ws2.65 hewa oved bhis teamates nd he yers iother eams. he wrked ard evelop tegameand to encourage yougn por oys t wrk hard do well. hereis no beter ealor rtsmn ndportmentoy to py. pele was a exclle playr.b at scool e was aled “pel”.c. but he ws syand oli.d. may eopleie thate
21、l ws th greatest ootbllerofall ti.at the g of 15,hews layng for his ountrythes r ictres of my faml.we ont li ogether. e livein dfert cies. but wofen alk ecoter n the hoe. 61 b. t isourfaiy reuin in oumly, peole cmeo th reuon from masachutts, new mexico,biihcolubia,and louisina on of my cosinflies th
22、eunited stats fomelan! w sly met i a saltwi ennsylvania 62 . 63 weply bseball, swi,d eat a lot. we play vllybalt. the womnngil aron one team. 6 .oenigh we always hea big barbecue. e it rou a ire,tl storis, neta lton te a night, we havea dnner dance at a nice htl. 6 .ouramilyally likes to eat. e do o
23、n eat.e tak about prblem. someime w e.tgod tohava ig fmily. ut ath en of t k, im alway e tied!im app to be a.mgreat grndpaentslived inthis twn.b. ever sumer ll th ativesco tgeherfor a wek.c. ad h meand s are onth otherd.we liste to msic,nce, nd ata o.e. at the ruon, whava pinic oday a a beutifl lae.
24、my faters a busineman.his jbi oellcompt. _61_ e oes omeexrcisen ha a li brfast. _62_ ttkes hiforty mites, so he usuallyt thee eier han oters.es y busyevery mie, soplan his k very refly. he keps a diaryto elp hm reeber things he metsan talks wi mn people. he aks lots o telephonecalls _63_ he tavels t
25、ocitiesin china ikesahai, tianjin anddalian, ad sosme oter countrie._64_ thn he cnstay with myfaly. last ummr myfater,y othe nd i ha a ood estwe wet to a towath ea _6_ wn it raid, wstad in the otel,dong smreag r watchi v. ehad o f seafoo!wewee here foralf a mnt.we had a ot f fua. he often goes out a
26、nd visits people. b. we had a swim every day.c. he works very hard. every morning he gets up at seven. d. then he drives to his office.e. every year he has a long holiday. why do w ned to thro les awa? tr are tworeason.neis tasme soures(资源) atefoun nyre.teas thre is only acetan mountohat rourc inth
27、wrld. 61 henw use p lthe oil in the wo, er wil bno ore. 62 . ll of or rash as o beputsmewhere. much of hatash will eherefo hureds of years the pace ll b fillpwith oo mchtrah 63 on wa to recyle.when yourecylomehing, it eans itis ued again. old newspapermay become aper bag agas jar can bemeltedan made
28、 it a otte. 64 ou an ah a use a bottgain. it can old seting else.he tidway t cut down on tr is to reucete amount o rsh you make, top uyingting hatyou dot eedn the firstplace . a. theres another reason for throwing less away.b. there are three ways to cut down on trash.c. one example of this is oil.d
29、. that will reduce the amount of the earths resources as well. e. another way to cut down on trash is to reuse things. hen you arelearingeng, litening,seaing and riting are iport,utdi can also be vry helpfulhee aresoe ood reading tips 61. _ readsoethin thtyou an undertan. i o need to sto eery thewor
30、ds to use a ditinary, itisnot ntereti tryto icreas thenmber ofyourewords. if hearefur ri newodson a pa, write them inyou notebk.62. _ instead, try tgues hi meann s re:mark he wi apetn ome bkhen you haveiished adig toook hem p i dictonaryad rite themin you ownocaulary book. tn tr reemetem. ty t rereg
31、ulaly(定期地) 63. _ fteenminus everya s better ha tw rvr sunda. x timet ead and keepo t you col read forifteenmiuteswe oug to ed,or when yu get uo at luncime. 4 _ chos book r magzine about a subjec tyulike, as you ae gon t sdie don reigt. 6 _ yu c alo red ewspaers treare man enis newsapesin china. iis
32、ayenough o nderstad nalo th is somhing tertiginit.a. so, chse an nteresting book.b. try to rad t the righlev.c.fr ea,rad fo a sotie once day.d. butyou donthaveto writehe while youread. e. read wht ntertsyou. i was a specilday beause i oo th ia pe tes for jnir the sudets. thsn wasinng ightly 61 wetod
33、 i lne in grous. eforthe 80-ee race,wehad afive-mine wrm-u. 6 in c,ididntd welln it. 63 towads the end, iws o ti thai lwe down ndseveral runnrsugt u wt me. howeve, ecouaged bym classmates, ikeptring wheery effo. omplsure, tis the best reult i hve otinn00-tr rc. 65 notnly i chalenged stgh(挑战体能) t a r
34、unner needed bu s arndthttryigmy best would rellymke a difeence. a. but i felt a little nervous.b. with the teachers order, we began to run as fast as we could.c. we reached the playground on foot. d. today i was a success!e. finally i crossed the finishing line at 320. anglang i only 27 ys o, bas a
35、lrady been caled “the tppul pianit n he lant” b amerian televsionntwork cnn likeveyscessul eson, nwetthrouh years ofrand loneractcebefo makn h name _6 _it grea alnt (天赋), he wonhisfirs etitn at te age . lng aher puse little lag ry ad to suceed.when e was nine, ang nto larn music in eijng. _2_ u lng
36、gtfie (开除) by th piano teacherxonser. _ _ heag abu hs sns alue,las fater wsso ag ht he ol n jump off builin! _4 _hsig break came a age, he he gain wldwd am at “gla f the ury”, awellnown concet n chica, us. langdi was his re love of msc nd piano that mad hi ee wrkg a. f crse langdint jup, nressur(压力)
37、 soon changed toper.b. he has perfoedin lmost very big cityaoundh wld.c. i otally eroyed (毁灭) s piano dreamd. hebganto taepano lessons at h age of .e. hs father en gavu his job an movd to beiing wthis snsagduenhas elehantonher md. th eephants ar isrius dager 61 “unes tey r poected proprly onc, thy m
38、ight oly ppea ibooks and poo in the nr ftu,” ys sden. 6 hr lve f animals bean wenshe vey young.ewas jus a tene when e sawelephantsein sed for crrying things. 63 i 996, ndn, togethr wih her fml, up he elpt naure pak n hagmai. th main puose ofthe ari to rovie a plceforeleants o i peaeful in thr naural
39、 envirnent. 64 the disabldand sikeleansare mstly svedfrom priae owers.a presen, thosan f elpants alk aron igcitie with thiownelooing for el. nduens latest plan so move helephantsfrm ity re and brig thm back natural ernmn. 5 i onsredt be terimryhoe of wild (野生的) elphat.the new pace will see asa a f e
40、ephants ogo c to nature. the experence chned hrlife. s she rk hard to save thmcsaduen ws born in ountain areain nrthen thaiand 47 yasago.d. se ns openalpantentri suri.e. nw hrty elphasoall aes areunder e prks care ts morningi wet o the sho shp a: am to bu a ir f shoes. when i o her,i oticed a forend
41、ytalki toa sasgirl 1 y bh loed worred. 62 i hahrt conversation withthelady first. later, newta thlady is an ausralian an she wnte t uy r tralling shos. 3 he ay was rygla wen se gr farte shes in r hnds. bohof thlaade salegir exredheir hnks to me. he alia old me tathe ejoed rallin hrein ijin. 4 knw a
42、lt about the famus paces nbiing.i introduce many nice places ohr. we on becmfridsinhe aftno, we entot travlling tether.we had a go trip owo hous. 5 ihadwnderful exprie oda ad i felt happ tti expressed msel feely in lish.a. travellng isy faoie obb.b. i we up toh them. soi old it to he salesgirl.d.but
43、 he slsirddnt nerstand whatte oreignerwa ayig.e. 6:00 pm, i tk thlad o m homefo dinnr. sam i a do wholives inmayland,us. _61_. ad me o his paintings hae so fo $1,700. sam ols pcial paintbush in hi mouth toaint. marystdelaher,m oner, aid sam ves paini d candoit for hours“_2_e painthis paitings h darcsirst and then ov nto ligherns,” e said. _63_ sh camep with te iea of tacig m to pain afer seingrports aoutanimlpaintrs“_64_so ihouht, w not dog?”now the money from he ogs atsales elps tokep thdg serc center
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