1、人与自然 英语作文mann nature are itracie相互作用的 oces.第一范文网整理lookigback along thrr ofhistor we may fid htharmony us to exit beween people ad natr. at ht time nar was preield to e poghd son d harvested. manrpeced nu and s oe pat f nature. whle w rdisrupting破坏the orr of e naturalorldearehe tia vctis fo nature is
2、 skigits revenge报复. disappein foretsdrying vrs olte soil n wseng clithave uish gredy humn beings. w hve ten too ch fo ature an given back toolite. nte t environmet which an beiglive y ismagnicent an unque.tresionlyoneearh wit upe livng ondtios i the unirse. e shold have cheisheature andpreserve i. c
3、onverey wr we have bee cntinalysiling it event ashcng dgr. now let ehat we hve . hosans of tres have ben cut dow per yr which ha aused sil erosin.huneds of hsand f os of cfs ave been left nthe higer sky in he ast ad whih s ed to te ozoe lye lak abve outhpolethtcvrs anaraof that ote nitestates.milion
4、 tns o uel containing itrgen asulhhave been cosed er ye whihhas vntally resuted i acid aitrohouthe wrld.rg o are-vopulatio what nauri everyhg tha ts in t wrl indpenl fpope suchas pas and ima earh n oks nd t weater. now mre and morepeopl are focsing n th nture itis no dbhat the natuei iprtant o every
5、 umn in nate n life.becuse of th suplis o theature we aeled happily for aog me. an we stared to gin evey thn availale fro nature. andthislastd so ong a titdaypeo hae discverd that te natur aon i ting worsand worse. wat isteateg th atr air and aterolutionoverarvesn of plantad anmalspeces overoaionad
6、son. overpopulain sthe biggestsurc oplutio. lets takeovepopulationaan emple. whadoe verpopulatinee like when mov sloy troughe citin tazi. wnweente acrowde slum dstrict. whete eperature isigh and hhe i thk wthut and smoke.the sreets re crowdih people. he trets seeal witeop peopleating.peoe wasing. pe
7、opletaking people sleepin peopl visiting ach erarguingand sreaming. people relievin hemeveeopleuing eir ads trugh thetaxi widows eggingpeopleleadinganiml.pople pepplpope. as we drve slowly thrugh thecosoundin taxi hrn the dutheatnois an cooing fires mae it lkea scen fro ell i admit,frghteig t he ntu
8、re overpoulation i bi problem. morepeople moe poltion. n te bopltion is tatenng th natr every son. th rapid rise inorld opulionis ntcaig rblmonl fr the delincuntries te whole rld ac the pblemthat rmterials are einguseup a iceasng ratead fod producto can nt keeuwithhe opulaoireae.pople in rich countr
9、ie mkthe eaviestdeadson hewrlds rsources its ood fuelndland nd cause he os pollution. a baby orn in te united states il use i hs liftie3 imemor of thewrlds resorcetan a aby borni idia.ules alhecounries othe worl take nitedacton to dal with the populaxloion hee willemore and mr peope fghing fo share
10、es ndless lnd fod and fel and he futre wllbrngpverty msry n waro s a. fr mt of te deloing cuntriesitis a godideat cntro th population rowt. forexme china hscrieut birth cotrolfo ears. and hs anhs greaffct on twrd pltion. if theouioontinue to increse if the ai nd ae continu t epol if we o osomehin op
11、rotet wildplant a willif spece ill e declining. spce ad biological commuites haediffct dptig to chage ecoomicportuiie andth uality ofle ofutur genertionsare also pt at isk by protcting naur erocturslves. ets nite togeer n in handwnd all acrssthe lad.we can mke ti orldn whih tolie. d in a.contlte pou
12、laiongrowh. ae good care f ur nature. human and nture人与自然 au tenvironmen whhhmn bngs li by ismagicn and nique. there is nly ne rth wthsuper ivigondition i thenivers. we shoul ave cerishednture nd presved t. 自然是人们生存的美丽和唯一的环境。宇宙中只有一个美好的生活环境。我们应该好好保护和珍惜环境。 conversely oer e have ben conally spoiligit ee
13、n t a hoigdegr.nowlets seewht we havdog. 相反的我们对它造成了很大的破坏现在让我们回首曾经所做的。 thusands of trs haeeen ct dor year whi as caed soil eoson.hndrdsof tusan o ons of cfchve beleft i the hhersk inthest decde wch hasledto the oone r leak abov he south polthat cvers nrea ofthat f t unte tats milo tons o l containi n
14、itrogenand slphurhan consumed er yr hihas eventall reultedi acid rain trugot the wod. 每年有成千上万的树木被砍伐引发了泥石流。过去的几十年有成千上万吨氟氯化碳堆积在高空这导致美国在南极上空的臭氧层的破坏。每年有上百万吨含氮和硫的燃 料的燃烧导致了全世界性的酸雨。 similarly cology as ben afe swell. nd considrabe nmbr ospecie v ben extic as he year g y mny craues which were comoni epast are becoin les lesevenrar. the ibt aneloe forntance i a good eamp. incethteops oiet have a prtf fu
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