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1、九年级外研版英语上册课文原文九年级英语上册课文原文odule 1unit1lsten andrdbety: ok,oe in an sit do!damig:whshappenin? ingling: were vg meeng. daig: thats news tme! im doig mhomework whats it abot? lling: the choolmgane. aing:wha scho magazne? betty: rgh, litnup,veyon. did anyon watch teisi ystedayeveig? ddyo se he interview

2、i becky wang?ingling:she sigs wih te nd cra fet. hs favurite sng. ton: yes, i wit she wntto ur cool! ety: wll, shestated a cool aazne cald n stnard wenhe wasa pupi hre wy dont we start a schomagze,too? ive ritendwn se eas. wlwrite a diarof shool vnt, nteleryoneou te school nert ndhe dane lub. tony:

3、ad scoolbasketball matce. lingling: but who wllrie tharcls? etty: wel writethe arcs. ny orideas?ton: now! ill some revews bou ur fauit bnd a mies! ingig: andill doanintrvie thbecky wang! betty: briliant! anyone els?damin: how but hoewrk hp? tony: es, sme ideanh get gd gras! lingling: whats yuhomwork

4、, damig? ming: im ritig a copositon caled what s a wonde of the world? im readingabou eanntpyamisin egtety: homeorkhel. i think thasa fantastic idea, dming.module 1 uitd te pagnd describe wat you c se i e phtus some ofefooing word.ancient; de; hgh; log; moe; naul; tall; wide the gatest wonder of the

5、natural wolwhni arrived, i was early ninand it was rang. i gtout of hr, wet throughagat and ed long a pat the ast, the y as beinlh,ut esde the pah, astil very drk. i knewtws ther, but ther as nothintoeeatroukilometre, stanger aeaed n fronto e. oig herghtway? iakd. he wwhri as gon. yes,he epled,youll

6、 ge erin fie minutes. finally,i am t some rcs, ad toped. i loed careully overthem, bu it was stltoo drk to ee ayting.sudden,the cloudsclared d the ain sopped the un rose behid m nd beyonthe rck i aw that tegrod f wayanddon toa river, fr below me. i wa onte dgeo thegrand ann,oneof the nder o the atua

7、l world.i looked dwto the olorado rier abu 2 ilomrebelow m f yuput the hree llet bildngs nthe wod t the bto of thecayo,they swot reah theop. then i ooked ros tote othr id fth canon. hw far ? it 2kires, may more.illy, ile to my lef and to my rigt, nd nbohsidsthe anyondappeared to he dstace. e0 kilome

8、s ong. th rancayo i nt just big it huge!ta mornig nthedg the anyon, i askdyslqustio. its o ho deep is ? or how wide is it? orh lg ist? b i te grancaon th geatet ondr anywhre i the tual word? kow te ans. bt what do you tink?module 2 unt liten ad readrjackson:hllo,bty.what up?what are you ding in the

9、lbrar?b:i a oig fr someld copief h schoolaaze.if iveot it right, itwas cale ewsadard.mrcsn:thatsrght. as fa aiemeber,it wasre y bcky wan. w on hava scool magazineay more.i a piy.bety:well, i thiig bout saring itgain.mjckon:sod lia god dea!goonbetty:iasalso ookn fosometing y conucius and by hkespeae.

10、m jc:real? aa bt difclt for th scho agane.etty:ell, idliea moth artilecalled gea ookyo nw,meone readsa furitework o itrture d writsaatic abu it.m jackso:i see. cofcius work are tillrad y mn peple tody, adwer tl influecdy hs thogt and hakespeares pas re see by llionsofeopl every yer.ut oboutanamerian

11、writr, r twain, fo xample?etty:idont ow. mar twain w a importnt wrr, but eint known a ageat hinkr like confuius.mr ackn:o,b s oks ae stil ppuar. in fct, he wrtemyfaoui ookth dvntur ftom awyer. phps thatswatmakes gra boostere st read tday.bety:so hy dont ou wt the fist atl o geat boks?mle 2 untead th

12、 pasge and cck your anses to the fllwing qstions1. what idbetysuggstat eendf th coeaio nnit ?2. wht bd mr jakson hos? 3. whad you hink appens in the ook? 4. wht doyou thik are the manidea of te book?ret bokste adetures of tm swyerereis our mohly articleon furte great bokth month, ou ues rite mr jack

13、son.my avourite grtb is thavenro tom sayer y ark twain. tomlies with hs unt poly in the uet sretsf ptesbur, missuri. hes a lively an cever oug bo, andhe indsislf in any xciing adventur. herus aay with hstwofrinds, uk innand , to n islan the middle ote mssissipi ver fo seveal ds. ih uc h os oki fortr

14、easre, withbeky ges lost n a cae, and fially, ey id a o of goldmy favoritescee he book is whe eeryne thins tom s ead. he decdesto oo his wfueral. h hes ad wathes for i, an then udly he aeas. everyn urprised t se himutthyrlo plead to seehim aliv.tomi th ero of t tory, but thre re therprtntchacters. u

15、k is n tsi d eveyone afaid of im. bek s prett it far ar, joe istoms best fiend, andinjunjo he bad a f the story.hehee of the stoyare to do wi chidren growing up nd bcomng more serious it scbes how trangersre seenn smallon f erca. finally, it talk bot freedom,ocal rue adhow peope a puihed or badbehav

16、iur.hydoithk osawyer iagrat bok? ma tanwr hetory in 176, bu its sillread and loved y oplel oe he woltoday.and althgh tsoy stoy, tw wroteiin h everyday nglishth uthern tatesfamerca in th 19t cnury,oit unds veryreal d its ough to be one of h great boks in rcan itrture. o onreadt! knoyoll ejoy i, toood

17、ul unit 1litn and read.inlng:hi,ton.yu look tie.to:yes. im ainigwit i, tbejinginternational globtrottrs, r hechoos babll copton. itshe i mat ne wek.bety:whos ginst?dami:as.linglng:whatoes ha sand fo?tny:idian all arsetty:oh, es.you wer defeaed ast timligling:wa wath score?bett:alstrs9 points to glbt

18、rottrs 52.when il the matce hd?daming:ntsaurayare ou comig?bty:yes. is oingto a tough ath. im going to write a rert or nw standard.lingling:iaree ar yon thtam, daming?ming:o, wasnt chose hs time. h ryou milng,betty?betty:ell,ve ee has lay serl tshi seaon, and tyr rilian!nd iyou wn my opiin .tny:o, i

19、 ot .betty:. youv gt chnc! hatdo oecko, linl?liging:itink youe rigt, bttydmg:well, youotbe alow towatch hur ansif hts whatyou thn!bety:its tru,daing.on:well, i dont are. were plngreall llthis sesn. ithin wees good at wel b sked t play the olympic gme.dming:dntlet tem get to you, toy! (th leav)inglng

20、:hee hee!nice ork, ty!bey:of couse thre so ad thus thatteyltry hardero win, ust o how re wrong!de 3 it 2red te pasage an hoose he setne which bet preses themain ide.lixintrained orgodsos yearbook 2004orliu xian, fe as aspotin hero as jst begun. first of l, ell be nited t mpetitio arud the orl. helbe

21、 cosen t represen ch attheoympicgames.hes symbol o ia internatonalsoringsucce.adow that s wl know l overheworld, liuxian ll also basked to ape i advrtiseets nd flms,and etorecor muic. b hch n haipin i making ur ta he trains rgularly liu xing ill e advsed by his oahn hw obe gret spotsman, and by isan

22、ager on hwt e astar.uiangs n a overnigh scs. he was bornn shanghai on 13th jly, 13nd, lkemany ompi porsstars, he tared trainn when wa vey youni grade four, he wnt th jnor sortscoolof putuodisict fsnhai lu was encouragd tfirst to ai a hgh umper.th,in 1998, his sl a urding was notied byis coah sun hai

23、pglu xiang wshelpd b apcil progamm. iwas t p i 001 to hlpyoungportsmn and potswom. uraces wererecorded, a his pfomacews compredwithhe old betsps stars. sun haipig ued the nfrao o cge liu traning rogrme n 200 won his first naional 10mhusvet inswitzeland, ad in t same ar, a gold edl a th in ame n kra.

24、 in204,liu w the fit olypi gd medal n the sameevent fr china nathns, greece.so whats nxt r l xiang?hashe oundouttht theres retolife than trang?will hebeencouragedo sped mo timeayromort?o, lu xiang wllg or more meas forcha bcause he was raind fr gold!ixang _.was hepe hs ports shool o beome oldmdal wn

25、nrhas tained for manyars, nd illcontinuet win medalswill b ecouage to b a star nd noa sporting eooue 4unit lis and read.to:dd, can k a faour? can i borrow odigtal camea?tosdad:why?n:id liket ke some potoo he schoolvist to the muem next week.tonys dad:s thifor your schoomagan? has itben ublihd et?ony

26、:ye,two isus have ben pblished. but its ong to be anolie magaine o noon.toysd:whas rngwithan ordary magazin?tony:d ymen usiap? ts o expesive if hemagazne isonline,pperwontbe eedd. hats a imporantadvnte. itl be blsh nte schol website, and it bead n scren.toydd:wel, ht makes m tn. papernd iting ha bee

27、 efo ags.w oe go informaon from ooks,but n the same inomationcan beread r evenlistn t on computers.on:i wonde . n books be repaedby cmputers? mab i write smthig for he maazin! anyway, bout thecmera .?tnys dad:herei s. thebattery asnt ben hrgedo ouple ofmnths. itben urned ofsinc yur mums birthda payt

28、on:it dot matter. illet that.onys a:bu yo mus promise thtit wont be lentto anone, anditwont be left tchoo! stlk ate i. is tat cla?toy:prome!md 4 un 2rea the ssge anmachte main a wthth prarphs.a. the wold befo oksb. the nvnto of ring c. ife n pper ad n pint d. echnology nd boos e. ca boks bereplacd y

29、 comtes? paagraph machs c paragrap matches a. aragrah3 matchs paragraph 4 mtches d paaap 5 atches e.can books e placed b computers?by tony smiterymrnn mfther s newspaper on hs ay to orkeveryday i ny oks nass anstartmylessons. every vin my other loos trouh mgazne athome an everyight, i look at the po

30、er ith pho ofdid bckhamando ming o m bedroom wal before i go sep. an we imagine lfe whou paer o prin?aer was firs creaed abou ,000 year ao, ad hasb mde from silk,otton, bamoo,and, sincethe 9t centur,f wod. pepe learned owrte words o p to aea book.t i those days,bks couldnly be prdced oneatate by hnd

31、. as a esul, thy er expensiv ad rre. andecase ther wrnt mny oks, e ple learnedto rad.then pti was nveted in cin.h frs prnted oos ee made puing in ona woenloc andhointhe pergans i. when rintingwa develope greatly athbeining of he 11th cetury, ok coud beproduc ore qikly and chly.as a res, more people

32、eand o read after that,nowldg andis spread kly, n a aytha an e cmped hthentroduction o the intenet inthe 2thcentury.bu willoksneeed ithe fture?tda infrtion cn bereceiednline, dooade frm he iternetathr thn foud inbok, and informaion c e kep on cd-rms r macin suc a mp3 lae. thes machns are sme and ige

33、r thanoks so aey an e carriedveryeaily.comput re ary ued i csroo, an newspes and magazine can aey be ead on.so ll bos e epace bcompu e d?o, i dont hnk he ying poster on my beroo al willeere replcbya compute twoetreshgh!modl5 uni 1listen nd read.et:les o tothe siecedtechnologyroo itsutirs.damn:cme !

34、hiswa! m loking foard to is!gar:shh! nohoutng! sainth rules.daming:but i ant to o upstrs befoe we haetgheguard:hang oamnu! yu mstn o pthe! com ack!damng:whats tematr?guard:lok at hesignno entr.damng:! why?rd:its closed util auary. ad he ntrlhistory room as wll.toy:o dear.my clasmandi ave ottowite a

35、rportoerk by riday wl, lets nstarlingling:why?on:i wan to y m potcads in th shop. whres dmin?linling: on kow hes gne of n i on.tony:look athisamzing sculpue.ur:dt touch! yu mustn uch it.tony:sorr. ill jut take aphot.guard:n, youcant tak aphoto, eiter. look at thesin phooapy.tny:msory i wasnt pying a

36、ttentont what yo were sying. iwas ookngat he supte. it looks er real.ingi:ury u! ouraking s ong. ls where amin?tony:t look vrystange. it ki faiiar! tloks ie .dmin:waarh!tny:. ing!bett:oh, veyfuny!no woder t loks ral.linin:tsnotasulptur. its damng!odle5 uni 2read the pasage an answer t questions.1. i

37、n what wayi th sciec useum iferent romoter museums? 2. where dos tny hen e vitsthe cience museum? 3. ht lse is thee to see n hescneseum?thesciece museminlondnbyto smithhe mst uusual msemin london istheience museum. in most muums, thrn shoti andn runin,and you aent allow o touch the exibits.bt the sc

38、ienc useum i diferen.becauits oisy! peopletalk about what te canee and dtere, asome of themchines ar noisy a wel. viiing the ince msum isfun and ts aeatwa o rn abo iencbecaus ou an workthgs out and try utideas.henivsit h sciee um, io to th lauch padhi s yfaorite room caus youad hyss experiments. for

39、xmple, if wato fll abag th flg sand,yu ha o mve a kd of trck o whees t he crectpositio i aogo to theocetsho. yu can le how we trel nto spc nd backgainten i go air to theumn ndatureo. you coareor pe wih anias there. youhea noiseand pushauton. if yorent fst engh, the lin caches ou! im faste n al my ri

40、ends, but the lion sll catchs methre are also room o anport, the eniromntan spae techolog, asel as mths,phyics an chemisry.u c do a lot ofthins n tis museum,butyo have obeym ul swell. fo eample, yu mustt tae phos fthe exbis nhe mueum bt you cn buyposarof tem inh mseu op.above al, th science mseum is

41、free. that meayou can rop n o f mues or youa tay lonasyu lietsopen eeryay, from m o 6 p. so ifyo e g o ondo,ke yu vis the cenc useum.ts y faourite musemin he whole word.ole 6 unit 1in n read.etty:he, you gys! guesswhat! wvejutgtan email rom a rader f ournw sandar!lngling:great! what desitsay?betty:t

42、s fmzhao ng heay, i saw or njoyblonimagazine whie i aoig my omewr on favrte books.dming:he ead rjcks atcle!betty:he say, wh aryou going towri abot envioetl eduaton?im at agee chol ndalin .daming:wat greenschol?bey:. and evere areese mu berefulabut he envirent. n fc, hrea thousands f een schols chi.

43、ts waefultohro way las, pape n meal,so eery cas collets rsablewaste, slls tr reclin.ny:ice idea!bety:. an raies money o help stuns in oor areas but itsno jus at chool, itsalso omehtwe sav ergyand eccle .dming:suhas .?bety:. such s turig lghtsoff, sow dont waste eletrity. ad he iishes, im hoefl hat if eeroe thnks boutpolltin ad ecycling, w ca rect te air nd the ceans, andhelp av our word. if weont, t future is hopes.tony:lets ak zh ing to rte smethig.module6unit read te pass


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