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1、姓名-班级-考号-Unit 7 it is rainingUnit 7 it is raining Section AAnalysis Text and Students(教材与学生分析)A: Text:教材分析:Get the students to know the new words about the weather and ask for some sentences of the weather B : Students :学生分析:1 The students are smaller and smaller now .so each student can answer the

2、questions some times 2 The students have learned English less than half a year. They must be interested in English I think they are more interested in the weather三 Lesson type(课型):New type四Teaching time(教学时间):40 minutes五 Design of teaching aims(教学目标设计) :A: Target Language :a A key words: rain windy

3、cloudy sunny snow weatherb. key sentences:1 .Whats the weather like in Toronto?Its sunny.2. Hows the weather in Toronto?Its snowing.3. Whats he doing? Hes playing the guitar.六Teaching main and difficult points(教学重难点)Ask the students to remember the new words about the weather and how to ask for the

4、weather.七 Teaching methods:(教学方式)Teaching by individual work, pair work, group work and media work.八Teaching process教学过程)Step1: Leading inT: Hello! Everyone, please look at the picture, whats this?S: Its a picture of the weather.T: OK, Who can say what they are? S1: The picture 1 is sun.S2: The pict

5、ure 2 is sunny. (Maybe the students can speak in English or Chinese)T: Well, This lesson, we go on learning Unit 7 its raining about the weather.Step 2: Ask the students to look at the picture 2 about the new words of the weather. First, let the students try reading the new words and then teach them

6、 (I can ask each student to read them)Step 3: Find out the rules of description of the weather. sun-sunny cloud-cloudy wind-windyrain-rainy-raining snow-snowy-snowingNote : rain n. or v. snow n. or v总结: 表示天气一些的形容词,一般在名词后加后缀-y构成。sun(太阳)-sunny (晴朗的) cloud(云)-cloudy (多云的 ) wind(风 )-windy(多风的) rain(雨 )-

7、rainy(多雨的)-raining (下雨 )snow(雪) -snowy(下雪的) -snowing(下雪)Step 4 : Practice: 1 What bad_(天气) 2 When the sun is shining ,Its_ 3 Its c_ I think its going to rain . 4 It often_ (下雨)here in summer . 5 In the north of China, It often s_ in winter. 6 Its _(wind) . 7 I dont like _ (rain) days . 8 The weather

8、 is _ (snow) now 9 Listen! Its_ (rain) Step5: Ask the students to look at the picture11 and then read the conversations. A: What is the weather like in Shanghai? B: It is sunny. A: How is the weather today? B: It is snowing Step6: Make the conversations Let the students make the dialogues like this:

9、 (Each student takes part in the activity Step7:Summing up(总结): 询问天气的句型及答语: 1,询问天气状况的句子有1) Hows the weather( +地点状语或者时间状语2) Whats the weather like( +地点状语或者时间状语2, 答语:1) Its+描述天气的形容词2) Its+ doingStep8: Practice v 按要求完成下列句子 。v 1 上海的天气怎样 晴天。v How _ the_in Shanghai ? v Its sunny .v 2 Whats the weather lik

10、e in Qingdao ?v _ the weather in Qingdao ?( 改为同义句)v 3 Its cloudy today .v _ _ _ _ today?(对划线部分提问) v 4 Hows the _ (weather) there?v Its _ (rain)Step9: Homework: 1 Remember the words of the weather 2 Make a sentence with what is the weather like in + place and hows the weather in + place Step10 Design

11、 of writing.1,表示天气的形容词:v 表示天气的一些形容词一般在名词后加后缀-y构成v sun(太阳)sunny(晴朗的)v cloud(云)cloudy(多云的)v wind(风)windy(有风的)v rain(雨)rainy(多雨的)v snow(雪)snowy(多雪的)v storm(风暴)stormy(有暴风雨的)v fog(雾)foggy(多雾的)v frost(霜)frosty(霜冻的)v 2 询问天气的句型及答语:v A: What is the weather like in Shanghai?v B: It is sunny.v A: How is the weather today?v B: It is snowingvv Step 8、教学反思;v 通过本课学习描述天气的部分形容词的用法和询问天气的句型及回答。绝绝大部分学生都能够掌握并且会使用。但是个别学生还不能够 灵活掌握使用。存有以下几个问题v 第一 单词 sunny ,同学们变时总会少一个字母n.v 第


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