




2、享经验时说,读书一定要让孩子在书上划做标记,才算真正地读了这本书,我想不无道理吧!那么怎样来写英文读书笔记呢?首先说读书,我提倡“读两遍”原则,先读完一个章节内容,读的过程中把不懂的地方,不认识的词做标记,读完这章后再回头来解决这些问题,边思考边做笔记。我前面讲过笔记的要求。笔记包括生词整理和摘要两部分,生词整理是把不认识单词查出来(最好用英英字典),可以复制粘贴,也可以手写;摘要是用自己的话把主要内容复述下来,加上简短评论,再以图片或word文档方式发到英文原版小说阅读群。Bai saw that the king was only acting as a generous patron a

3、nd he didnt think Bai was going to make a smart politician or government official. Bai was sick of winning their favors and dealing with those who backbit him.Outside the kings royal palace, he hiked and traveled, he climbed famous mountains, he visited famous temples, he made friends along the way,

4、 he got inspirations and ideas and wrote lots of wonderful poems. He found his royal palace of poetry in the arms of nature.Those false accusations and unfair treatments actually helped him in a way that he didnt expected. His mission was to bring poetry to an unprecedented height, and the world was

5、 quite lucky that the mission was accomplished.He loved drinking alcohol all the time. For him, wine, poetry and friends are the most important pleasures of life. And wine was his all time best friend.He was once drunk in a restaurant and was summoned by the king to translate a central Asia language

6、 for the ambassador. The drank in the boat, during travel, when meeting and seeing friends off, when feeling lonely or frustrated.He drank alone in the backyard and proposed a toast to the moon. He drank with friends under a pine tree, when done, he said, “Ill get some sleep here, you may go. If you meet me tomorrow, please bring a zither”. He


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