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1、初一英语综合复习(四)句子翻译1. 这两个男孩是双胞胎,他们看上去长得一样。These two _ are _. They _ the _.2. 请问,这些用日文怎么说?_ me, what _ these _ _?3. 这幅画里你能看见什么?What _ you _ _ the _?4. 仔细听这首英文歌。_ _ this _ song _.5. 我想我不知道答案。I _ I _ _ the _.6露西是个新生,请照顾她。Lucy is a 1 2 .Please 3 4 her.7 你家的电话号码是多少? 5 6 your 7 8 number?8.你是像你爸还是像你妈? 9 you 10

2、 your dad 11 your mum? 9.-你们的教室在哪儿?-请走这边。 -Wheres your classroom?-Come 12 13 ,please .10.我骑自行车上学。 I 14 15 school 16 my bike.11.今天谁值日? Who is 17 18 today?12.来认识认识我的朋友杰克吧。Come 19 20 my friend Jack.13. 杰克和他的朋友们喜欢在河边玩。 _14. 教室里的椅子是什么颜色的? _15. 我要一件像这样的毛衣。 _16. 这儿没有狗,但有一只小猫。 _17. 我们必须把窗子打开。 _18. 你能猜出桌子里有什

3、么吗? _19、我认为你的手表没坏。 I your watch is .20、房子里有人吗? any people in the room?21、你难道看不到天上的鸟吗?不,我看到了。 you the birds the ? , I .22、请把我的书桌涂成淡黄色。 Please my desk .23、你能在钱包里找到多少钱? 找不到。但有一张电话卡和格林一家的两张旧照片。 money can you find in your purse? I cant find any, but theres a card(卡)and two old of .24、墙上的风筝像是你的。 The kite

4、on the wall yours.25、布莱克先生的儿子走失了。 Mr Blacks son is .26 你必须穿上外套。_27 该看电视了。_28 她看上去像她的姐姐。_29 现在是六点一刻。_30 在树后的女孩是我的好朋友。_31 我没有时间出去吃饭。I _ _ time _ _ _ to _.32 我想要一杯咖啡和薯条。I _ _ a _ _ _ and some _ _.33 你能看见桌子上有多少瓶牛奶?How _ _ of _ can you _ _ the table?34 别着急!我能拿给你。_ _! I _ _ it _ you.35 这个书包里全是书,我拿不动。The b

5、ag _ _ _ books. I _ _ it.36. 不要把空瓶子放在房间里。把它们扔到垃圾箱里。 _ _ the empty bottles in the room. _ them _ the litter bin.37-你的电视怎么啦? -没有图象和色彩了。 -Whats wrong with your TV? -Theres _ _ and _. 38-你在干么? -我在找我儿子,可就是找不到他。 -What _ you _? -I am _ _ my son. I cant _ him. 39-现在几点钟? -五点三刻。 -What time is it now? -Its _ _

6、 _ _.40-妈妈在哪里? -她在浇花。那些花很好看。 -Wheres Mum? -Shes _ the _. They _ _.41桌子上有几瓶牛奶?_ _ _ of _ are there _ the table? 42你想要点吃的吗?来个汉堡包怎么样?_ you _ _ to _? _ _ a _?43有时候我们晚餐吃面条。_ we have _ _ _. 44 他们中的两个正在拍照。Two _ _ _ _ photos.45 星期三晚上他做汽车模型。_ _ evening he _ _ cars.46. 在周末你通常什么时候起床? _ _ do you _ _ _ _ _?47. 他

7、喜欢客厅,因为他喜欢在那里看电视还有做其它的事情。 He likes _ rooms, _ he likes _ TV and _ _ _ there. 48. 他是做什么的? -他在一家大医院当医生。 -_ _ he _? -He is a _ _ a big _. 49. 她每天在七点半左右到校,她不喜欢迟到。 She _ _ school at _ 7:30 _ _. She _ _ _ _ late. 50. 汤姆有时放学后踢足球,现在他正在和二班踢一场比赛。 Tom _ _ football _ _. Now he _ _ a _ _ Class Two. 51. 在周末你通常什么时

8、候起床? _ _ do you _ _ _ _ _?52. 他喜欢客厅,因为他喜欢在那里看电视还有做其它的事情。 He likes _ rooms, _ he likes _ TV and _ _ _ there. 53. 他是做什么的? -他在一家大医院当医生。 -_ _ he _? -He is a _ _ a big _. 54. 她每天在七点半左右到校,她不喜欢迟到。 She _ _ school at _ 7:30 _ _. She _ _ _ _ late. 55. 汤姆有时放学后踢足球,现在他正在和二班踢一场比赛。 Tom _ _ football _ _. Now he _ _

9、 a _ _ Class Two. 56. 你叔叔觉得南京怎么样? _57. 来一杯咖啡怎么样? _58. 我可以借这本汉英字典吗? _59. 那个女孩穿着一件蓝色的上衣。 _60. 那些外国人来自美国。 _参考答案1. boys, twins, look, same 2. Excuse, are, in Japanese 3. can, see in, picture 4. Listen to, English, carefully 5. think, dont know, answer6.new student look after 7.What is home phone/telepho

10、ne 8.Are like or 9.this way 10.go to on 11. on duty 12.and /to meet13. Jack and his friends like to play beside the river. 14. What colour are the chairs in the classroom? 15. I want a sweater like this. 16 There is no dog here, but there is a little cat. 17. We must open the window. 18. Can you gue

11、ss what is in the desk? 19、dont think 20、Is there 21、Can see in air, No can see 22、colour to yellow23、How much telephone pictures 24、looks like 25、missing26. You must put on your coat. 27. Its time to watch TV. 28. She looks like her sister. 29. Its a quarter past six. or Its six fifteen. 30. The gi

12、rl behind the tree is my good friend. 31. have no, to go out, eat 32. would like, cup of coffee, potato chips 33. many bottles, milk, see, on 34. Dont worry, can get, for 35. is full of, cant carry36. Dont put, Throw, into 37. no picture, colour 38. are, doing, looking for, find 39. a quarter to six

13、40. watering, flowers, look nice41. How many bottles, milk, on 42. Would, like something, eat, What about, hamburger 43. Sometimes, noodles for supper 44. of them are taking 45. On Wednesday, makes model46. What time, usually get up on weekends 47. living, because, watching, doing other things 48. W

14、hat does, do, doctor in, hospital 49. gets to, about, every day, doesnt like to be 50. sometimes plays, after school, is having, match with 51. What time, usually get up on weekends 52. living, because, watching, doing other things 53. What does, do, doctor in, hospital 54. gets to, about, every day, doesnt like to be 55. sometimes plays, after school, is having, match with 56. How does your uncle like Nanji


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