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1、中科信咨询公司版权所有,1,ISO14001:2004标准 修订介绍,中科信咨询公司版权所有,2,专题一:标准修订背景 专题二:标准修订条款研讨 专题三:ISO14001认证研究,中科信咨询公司版权所有,3,专题一,标准修订背景,中科信咨询公司版权所有,4,修订历程,ISO14001: CD1发布:2001年12月 CD2发布:2003年1月 DIS发布:2003年8月 FDIS发布:2004年8月26日 正式出版(预计):2004年12月 SC1WG1巴黎会议2004年3月 SC1秘书处编辑小组,中科信咨询公司版权所有,5,修订历程,ISO14004: CD1发布:2002年1月 CD2发布

2、:2003年1月 DIS发布:2003年8月 FDIS发布:2004年8月26日 正式出版(预计):2004年12月 SC1WG1巴黎会议2004年3月 SC1秘书处编辑小组,中科信咨询公司版权所有,6,修订范围,驱动因素 进一步改进与ISO9001:2000的兼容性的强烈要求 标准应用的经验对某些现有条款予以澄清 部分国家翻译的需要 限制因素 一些国家希望细微修订或不修订 出于自身利益不愿意向ISO9001:2000趋同,中科信咨询公司版权所有,7,修订范围,成员机构强烈支持有限的修订 标准修订仅限于: 改进与ISO9001:2000兼容性 澄清现有条款 不增加新要求,中科信咨询公司版权所有

3、,8,修订范围,标准的主要变化: 改进与ISO9001:2000兼容性 增加一些新的定义 使标准的条文表述更加清晰 改进了法律要求条款和附件,中科信咨询公司版权所有,9,标准转换期,原计划将ISO14001:2004与ISO14004:2004的转换过渡期定为12个月 决议将ISO14001:2004与ISO14004:2004的转换过渡期最终定为18个月,中科信咨询公司版权所有,10,专题二,标准修订条款研讨,中科信咨询公司版权所有,11,标准修订分类,技术性修订 编辑性修订 对附件的修订建议,中科信咨询公司版权所有,12,技术性修订,ISO/DIS 14001的技术性修订主要集中于4个方面

4、: 4.5.2对法规符合性的评价 增加关于不合格(不符合)、纠正措施、预防措施的标准条款(与ISO9001相一致) 新增加关于法规符合性记录和通用记录的标准条款 管理评审(与ISO9001:2000相一致,管理评审的输入包括组织的环境表现),中科信咨询公司版权所有,13,技术性修订,ISO/DIS 14004的技术性修订主要集中在以下方面:确定重要环境因素外部信息交流 4.5.3不符合、纠正措施与预防措施 附件AEMS要素间联系的例子,中科信咨询公司版权所有,14,ISO14001标准变化,术语修订 3.1审核员 auditor 有能力实施审核的人员 ISO 9

5、000:2000, 3.9.9 3.2持续改进 continual improvement (ISO14001FDIS) 强化环境管理体系的循环的(RECURRING)过程,目的是根据组织的环境方针,实现对整体环境表现(行为)的改进。 注:该过程不必同时发生于活动的所有方面。 3.2.13 持续改进 (ISO9001:2000)增强满足要求(3.1.2)的能力的循环活动,中科信咨询公司版权所有,15,ISO14001标准变化,术语修订 3.4文件 document( 见ISO9000:20003.7.2)信息及其承载媒体。 注:媒体可以是纸张,计算机磁盘、光盘或其他电子媒体,照片或样件,或它们

6、的组合。,中科信咨询公司版权所有,16,ISO14001标准变化,术语修订 3.5 环境管理体系 enviromental management systems (ISO14001:1996) 整个管理体系的一个组成部分,包括为制定、实施、实现、评审和保持环境方针所需的组织机构、计划活动、职责、惯例、程序、过程和资源。 3.8 environmental management system( ISO14001FDIS ) part of an organizations (3.16) management system used to develop and implement its env

7、ironmental policy (3.11) and manage its environment aspects(3.7) 组织整个管理体系的一个组成部分,用来开发和实施其环境方针并管理其环境因素,中科信咨询公司版权所有,17,ISO14001标准变化,术语修订 3.10 environmental performance measurable results of an organizations (3.13) management of its environmental aspects (3.4) NOTE In the context of environmental manag

8、ement systems (3.8), results can be measured against theorganizations (3.16) environmental policy (3.11), environmental objectives (3.9), environmental targets (3.12) andother environmental performance requirements. 组织对其环境因素进行管理的可测量的结果。 组织基于其环境方针、目标和指标,对它的环境因素进行控制所取得的可测量的环境管理体系结果。 (ISO14001:1996),中科

9、信咨询公司版权所有,18,ISO14001标准变化,术语修订 3.11 environmental policy overall intentions and direction of an organization (3.16) related to its environmental performance (3.10) as formally expressed by top management 由最高管理者正式表达的,组织关于其环境表现的总体意图和指示 组织对其全部环境表现(行为)的意图与原则的声明,它为组织的行为及环境目标和指标的建立提供了一个框架。 (ISO14001:1996)

10、,中科信咨询公司版权所有,19,ISO14001标准变化,术语修订 3.12environmental target detailed performance requirement applicable to the organization (3.16) or parts thereof, that arises from theenvironmental objectives (3.9) and that needs to be set and met in order to achieve those objectives 直接来自环境目标,或为实现环境目标所需规定并满足的具体的环境表

11、现(行为)要求,它们可适用于组织或其局部,如可行应予以量化。(ISO14001:1996),中科信咨询公司版权所有,20,ISO14001标准变化,术语修订 3.18prevention of pollution use of processes, practices, techniques, materials, products, services or energy to avoid, reduce or control(separately or in combination) the creation, emission or discharge of any type of pol

12、lutant or waste, in order toreduce adverse environmental impacts (3.7) NOTE Prevention of pollution can include source reduction or elimination, process, product or service changes,efficient use of resources, material and energy substitution, reuse, recovery, recycling, reclamation and treatment. 旨在

13、避免、减少或控制任何类型的污染物或废物的产生和排放而对各种过程、惯例、技术、材料、产品、服务或能源的采用(单独或结合采用),以减少负面的环境影响(3.7) 注:污染预防包括污染源头减量或消除,过程、产品或服务更改、资源的有效利用、材料和能源替代、再利用、再生、再循环、改造和处理,中科信咨询公司版权所有,21,ISO14001标准变化,4.1总要求 4.1 General requirements The organization shall establish, document, implement, maintain and continually improve an environme

14、ntal management system in accordance with the requirements of this International Standard and determine how it will fulfil these requirements. 组织应建立、文件化、实施、保持并持续改进其环境管理体系。,中科信咨询公司版权所有,22,ISO14001标准变化,4.2方针 4.2 Environmental policy Top management shall define the organizations environmental policy an

15、d ensure that within the definedscope of its environmental management system it: a) is appropriate to the nature, scale and environmental impacts of its activities, products and services; f) is communicated to all persons working for or on behalf of the organization; and 与EMS范围相一致;所有活动、产品和服务;传达到所有为了

16、组织或代表组织工作的人员,中科信咨询公司版权所有,23,ISO14001标准变化,4.3.1环境因素 4.3.1 Environmental aspects The organization shall establish, implement and maintain (a) procedure(s): a) to identify the environmental aspects of its activities, products and services within the defined scope of the environmental management system

17、that it can control and those that it can influence taking into accountplanned or new developments, new or modified activities, products and services; and b) to determine those aspects that have or can have significant impact(s) on the environment (i.e. significantenvironmental aspects). 活动、产品和服务;控制

18、和能够施加影响;考虑策划的或新的开发、新的或修改的活动、产品和服务;SEA,中科信咨询公司版权所有,24,ISO14001标准变化,4.3.1环境因素(续) 4.3.1 Environmental aspects The organization shall document this information and keep it up to date. The organization shall ensure that the significant environmental aspects are taken into account in establishing, impleme

19、nting and maintaining its environmental management system. 将环境因素识别与评价的信息形成文件并及时更新。 组织应保证在开发、实施和保证其环境管理体系时对重要环境因素加以考虑。,中科信咨询公司版权所有,25,ISO14001标准变化,4.3.2法律与其他要求 4.3.2 Legal and other requirements The organization shall establish, implement and maintain (a) procedure(s): b) to determine how these requi

20、rements apply to its environmental aspects. The organization shall ensure that these applicable legal requirements and other requirements to which theorganization subscribes are taken into account in establishing, implementing and maintaining itsenvironmental management system. 确定法规要求如何适用于其环境因素 在建立、

21、实施和保持其EMS时考虑法律与其他要求 识别并收集判定其适用性与适用条款传递并实施检查其实施情况,中科信咨询公司版权所有,26,ISO14001标准变化,4.3.3目标、指标和管理方案 目标和指标应符合环境方针,并包括对预防污染的承诺。 (ISO14001:1996) 包括对污染预防、符合法律与其他要求与持续改进的承诺。 如果一个项目涉及到新的开发和新的或修改的活动、产品或服务,就应对有关方案进行修订,以确保环境管理与该项目相适应。(调整到4.3.1),中科信咨询公司版权所有,27,ISO14001标准变化,4.4.1资源、作用、职责和权限 条款名称的更改 Management shall e

22、nsure the availability of resources essential for the implementation and control of the environmental management system. Resources include human resources and specialized skills, internal infrastructure, technology and financial resources. 管理者应确保具备实施和控制环境管理体系所必要的资源。 管理者应为环境管理体系的实施与控制提供必要的资源(ISO14001

23、:1996),中科信咨询公司版权所有,28,ISO14001标准变化,4.4.2能力、培训和意识 更加强调能力 The organization shall ensure that any person(s) performing tasks on its behalf that have the potential to cause (a) significant environmental impact(s) identified by the organization is (are) competent on the basis of appropriate education, tr

24、aining, or experience. 组织应确保代表其从事可能产生重大环境影响的工作的人员应具备适当的教育、培训和(或)工作经验,从而胜任他所担负的工作。 组织应识别与环境因素及环境管理体系相关的培训需求,并提供培训或采取其他措施来满足这些需求。(参照ISO9001:2000) 包括代表组织或为组织工作的人员,中科信咨询公司版权所有,29,ISO14001标准变化,4.4.3信息交流 The organization shall decide whether to communicate externally about its significant environmental as

25、pectsand document its decision. If the decision is to communicate, the organization shall establish and implement(a) method(s) for this external communication. 组织应决定是否就其重要环境因素与外部进行交流,并将其决定形成文件。如果决定与外部交流,组织应建立进行外部交流的方法。 组织应考虑对涉及重要环境因素的外部联络的处理,并记录其决定。 (ISO14001:1996),中科信咨询公司版权所有,30,ISO14001标准变化,4.4.4环

26、境管理体系文件 趋同于ISO9001:2000 The environmental management system documentation shall include: a) the environmental policy, objectives and targets; 环境方针、目标和指标 b) description of the scope of the environmental management system;环境管理体系范围的描述 c) description of the main elements of the environmental management

27、system and their interaction andreference to related documents;环境管理体系主要要素及其相互作用的描述,以及对相关文件的引用,中科信咨询公司版权所有,31,ISO14001标准变化,4.4.4环境管理体系文件 d) documents, including records, required by this International Standard; and 本标准要求的文件,包括记录,以及 e) documents, including records, determined by the organization to be

28、 necessary to ensure the effectiveplanning, operation and control of processes that relate to its significant environmental aspects. 为保证与重要环境因素相关的过程的策划、运行和控制,由组织确定为必需的文件,包括记录,中科信咨询公司版权所有,32,4.4.5文件控制 Documents required by the environmental management system and by this International Standard shall b

29、e controlled. Records are a special type of document and shall be controlled in accordance with the requirements given in 4.5.4. The organization shall establish, implement and maintain (a) procedure(s) to: a) approve documents for adequacy prior to issue; b) review and update as necessary and re-ap

30、prove documents; c) ensure that changes and the current revision status of documents are identified; d) ensure that relevant versions of applicable documents are available at points of use; e) ensure that documents remain legible and readily identifiable; f) ensure that documents of external origin

31、determined by the organization to be necessary for the planning and operation of the environmental management system are identified and their distribution controlled; and g) prevent the unintended use of obsolete documents and to apply suitable identification to them if they are retained for any pur

32、pose. 趋同于ISO9001:2000 ISO9001要求编制形成文件的程序,而ISO14001只要求建立、实施与保持程序,未明确规定形成文件的程序。,ISO14001标准变化,中科信咨询公司版权所有,33,4.4.7应急准备与响应包括紧急情况和事故 The organization shall establish, implement and maintain (a) procedure(s) to identify potential emergency situations and potential accidents that can have (an) impact(s) on

33、 the environment and how it will respond to them. 识别潜在的对环境产生影响的紧急情况和事故,以及如何对其作出响应 The organization shall respond to actual emergency situations and accidents and prevent or mitigate associated adverse environmental impacts. 对实际发生紧急情况和事故进行响应,并防止或减少相关环境影响 识别潜在与实际应对已发生的,ISO14001标准变化,中科信咨询公司版权所有,34,4.5.

34、2符合性评价包括组织承诺遵守的法律和其他要求;新条款;相关记录 4.5.2 Evaluation of compliance The organization shall establish and maintain (a) procedure(s) for periodically evaluating compliance with applicable environmental legal requirements and other environmental requirements to which the organization subscribes to meet the

35、organizations commitment to compliance. 组织应建立并保证一个或多个程序,以定期评价与适用环境法律要求及组织应遵守的其他要求的符合性,从而保证组织对满足法律要求的承诺的实现。,ISO14001标准变化,中科信咨询公司版权所有,35,4.5.3不符合,纠正与预防措施向ISO9001:2000趋同 The organization shall establish and maintain (a) procedure(s) for controlling non-conformities and for takingcorrective and preventi

36、ve actions . The procedures shall include: a) identification of actual nonconformity(-ies) and correct and mitigate their environmental impact(s);纠正和减少环境影响 b) investigation and elimination of the cause(s) of (an) actual nonconformity(-ies), in order to preventrecurrence;调查并消除实际不符合的原因 c) determinatio

37、n of action to eliminate the causes of potential non-conformities to prevent their occurrence;消除潜在不符合的原因,ISO14001标准变化,中科信咨询公司版权所有,36,4.5.4记录向ISO9001:2000趋同 The organization shall establish and maintain records as necessary to demonstrate conformity to therequirements of its EMS and of this Internati

38、onal Standard, including evaluation of compliance withenvironmental legal requirements and other environmental requirements to which the organization subscribesand the implementation of procedures and results achieved. 证明与组织EMS及本标准的符合性所必需的记录 法规符合性记录 通用记录(程序实施及其结果),ISO14001标准变化,中科信咨询公司版权所有,37,4.6管理评审

39、ISO9001:2000 Input to management reviews shall include:EMS管理评审输入包括: a) results of internal audits and evaluations of compliance with legal requirements and with otherrequirements to which the organization subscribes;审核以及法规与其他要求符合性评价的结果 b) communication(s) from external interested parties, including

40、complaints;与外部相关方的信息交流,包括抱怨 c) the environmental performance of the organization;环境表现 d) the extent to which objectives and targets have been met;目标与指标的完成程度,ISO14001标准变化,中科信咨询公司版权所有,38,4.6管理评审ISO9001:2000 e) status of corrective and preventive actions;纠正和预防措施的状况 f) follow-up actions from previous ma

41、nagement reviews; 以往管理评审的跟踪措施; g) changing circumstances including developments in legal and other requirements related to itsenvironmental aspects; and 变化的情况,包括与环境因素相关的法律和其他要求的发展 h) recommendations for improvement. 改进的建议,ISO14001标准变化,中科信咨询公司版权所有,39,4.6管理评审ISO9001:2000 The outputs from management re

42、views shall include any decisions and actions related to possible changes toenvironmental policy, objectives, targets and other elements of the environmental management system,consistent with the commitment to continual improvement. 与持续改进的承诺相一致,管理评审的输出包括与环境方针、目标、指标和EMS的其他要素的可能变化相关的任何决定与行动。,ISO14001标

43、准变化,中科信咨询公司版权所有,40,确定重要环境因素 “重要”是相对的概念,而非绝对 重要性评价涉及技术分析和组织自身判断 评价准则应保持一致性与评价结果的可重现性 确定重要性评价准则应考虑: 环境考虑(环境影响的规模、严重程度、持续时间;或环境因素的类型、大小与频次) 适用的法规要求 内部和外部相关方的关注(如组织价值观、公众形象、噪声、恶臭、视觉污染等),ISO14004标准变化,中科信咨询公司版权所有,41,确定重要环境因素(续) 可针对“环境因素”与“环境影响” 概率(可能性/频次)与后果(严重性/强度)的结合 定量(赋值);定性(高、中、低、可忽略) 保持并及时更新环境因素与相关影响的信息,ISO14004标准变化,中科信咨询公司版权所有,42,表2、重要环境因素评价矩阵表,中科信咨询公司版权所有,43,外部信息交流 重要与有效的环境管理手段 积极主动的交流能够增强交流的有效性 至少包括与外部相关方联络的接收、文件形成和答


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