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1、译林版七年级英语下册Unit5单元检测一、单项填空(15)( )1. He came to school this morning without _his bike. Aride BridingC. rides Drode( )2. He asked his son _ forget to water the flowers. A. dont B. not C. not to D. to not( )3.Who made the boy _ ? A. to cry B. cry C. crying D. cried( )4. Dont worry. There is _time left A

2、. little B. fewC. a little D. a few( )5. Its cold outside .Please keep the door_. A. closeB. closed C. open D. opened( )6. We _carefully but _nothing A. listen;hear Bhear;listen Clistened, heard Dheard;listened( ) 7. They turned around but could not see_. A something unusual B. unusual something Can

3、ything unusual D. unusual anything( ) 8. _ a UFO. Look at _bright light. AIts; its BIts; its C. Its; it D. Its; it( ) 9. Do you know what happened _her? Aon Bof C. for Dto( )10. Mum likes sleeping_ the windows _ in summer A. with;open B. by;open C. with;opened Don;closed ( )11.What _you _the day bef

4、ore yesterday? A do; did B do; do C did; do D did; did ( )12. Your books are on the groundPlease_ . A. pick it up B. pick them up C. pick up it D. pick up them( )13.There is _ “f” and _“u” in the word “fur” Aan;a Ba;a Can; an Da;an( )14. This mooncake is very nice. Good. Would you like _one? A. othe

5、r B. the other C. another D. some ( )15Everybody in our class _playing football A. like B. likes C. is like D. are like二、完形填空(10)A train stopped at a small station. A passenger looked out of the _1_ and saw a woman _2_ cakes. The man wanted to buy a cake, but the woman was standing quite far _3-. Th

6、e man didnt want to go for the cake _4-, so he _5_ a little boy who was on the platform (月台) near the carriage (车厢) and asked him, _6_ is a cake? Three pence, sir. answered the boy. The man gave him _7_ pence and said to him. _8_ me a cake and with _9_ three pence buy one for yourself. A few minutes

7、 later the boy came back. He was _10_ a cake. He gave the man three pence and said. There was only one cake left, sir. 1. A. doorB. train C. stationD. window 2. A. sellingB. to sell C. sell D. sold 3. A. outB. fromC. OverD. away 4. A. aloneB. by himselfC. himselfD. lonely 5. A. shoutedB. criedC. cal

8、ledD. told 6. A. How manyB. How muchC. How big D. How long 7. A. three B. fourC. five D. six 8. A. TakeB. CarryC. FetchD. Get 9. A. your B. other C. the other D. another 10. A. buyingB. carryingC. looking atD. eating 三、阅读理解(10)There is an old tiger in the forest. He doesnt want to look for food now.

9、 He often asks other animals to get him something to eat. One day, he sees a monkey and says, “I am hungry, monkey. Go to the village and get me something to eat.” “I cant do that now, tiger,” the monkey says, “ There is another tiger over there. He will not let me get anything for you to eat. I am

10、afraid of him.” “What? ”cries the old tiger. “Take me to that tiger. I will talk to him.” The monkey and the tiger get to the bridge over the river. “ Now look down at the water.” Says the monkey. “Do you see the tiger?” “ Yes, I do,”cries the old tiger. “I will eat him.” With these words, the tiger

11、 jumps into the river. ( )1. An old tiger lives _. A. in the zoo B. in the garden C. in the forest D. on the farm ( )2. How many tigers and monkeys are there in the story? A. Two tigers and two monkeys. B. Two tigers and one monkey. C. One tiger and two monkeys. D. One tiger and one monkey. ( )3 .Wh

12、y does the tiger ask the other animals to get him food? Because _. A. they are afraid of him B. only they can look for some food C. they are his friends D. they like to do so ( )4 .The monkey _. A. goes to get something to eat B. gets to the bridge with the tiger C. knows there is another tiger D. t

13、ells the tiger to jump into the water ( )5 .Which of the following is right? A. The tiger is very clever. B. The monkey eats the tiger. C. The tiger eats another tiger. D. The tiger jumps into the water. 四、根据汉语提示填写单词。(9)1.What _ (发生) to you just now?2.Millie and Amy were _ (吃惊的,惊讶的) it was a little

14、cat3.If something is strange, we mean it is _ (不寻常)4. As usual ,they _ (坐) down under a big tree on that day5.Suddenly, they _ (听到)a whisper.6.Look! They are listening to their teachers _ (仔细地,认真地).7.I am happy because my pen friend _ (答复)to my e-mail last night.8.She _(想知道)why he was late for schoo

15、l this morning.9. The snake is about twenty_(英寸) long.五、用所给动词的适当形式填空(10)1. The fat and bones in the back of the person never stop_ (grow)from birth. 2. The strange man turned around suddenly and _(leave)the bush quickly.3. Somebody _ (run)away from the forest an hour ago. 4. It_(take) him an hour to

16、 read this book yesterday5. I am tired, lets stop _ (have)a rest.6. This morning he went to school without _(eat) breakfast as usual.7. He put on his coat and_(go)out.8. My uncle _(leave)for Beijing tomorrow.10. All of them were _(amaze) at the amazing things.六、句型转换(16)A将下列句子变为否定句1. She read about a

17、 man the other day She _ yesterday2. I learnt about an artistI _ an artist3. The museum closed an hour ago. The museum _ an hour ago4. He did his homework last nightHe_ his homework last nightB. 将下列句子变成一般疑问句并作回答5. Later the food became popular all over the world.(肯定回答)_?_6. Fish sleep with their eye

18、s open. (否定回答)_?_7.They sat down under a big tree as usual. (肯定回答) _?_8. The strange man turned around suddenly and left the bush quickly. (否定回答)_?_七、完成句子(15)1. Andy站在树边,仔细地听,听到了低于的声音。Andy_ beside the tree and listened _and _ the whisper. 2. 他想知道在他回家的路上会发生什么。He _ what will happen _his way home.3.没有人

19、回答,所以他自言自语地说:“这儿没有人,每一样东西都是我的。”Nobody _, so he _,to himself “There isnt _ here. _ is mine.”4.当这个虚弱的猫喵喵叫的时候,它发出像低语的声音。When the_ cat miaowed, it _like a whisper.5.他捡起这个猫,和吃惊的女孩们一起把它送到了动物中心。He_ up the cat and_ it to the animal center with the _girls. 6.我吃惊地知道,在它的脖子里只有七根骨头。I am _to know that there _ onl

20、y seven bones in its neck.7.Suzy将不会再害怕蛇了。Suzy _ be afraid of snakes _ _ .8.他能同时用一只手写用另外一只手画吗?Can he write with one hand and draw with the other at the_ _?9.后来,三明治在全世界受欢迎。_ _ popular all over the world later.10.到2010为止,大多数的家庭都有至少一台电视。By 2010, _ families had_ _ one TV.11.现在电视可以有152英才那么大。Now TVs can be

21、_ _ _ 152 inches.八、 书面表达(15分)。奇迹!一向不喜欢英语的Wang Tao,突然天天学英语了,在期末考试中英语还得了一个A,怎么回事?原来有一天,Wang Tao去颐和园,遇到两个外国人向他求助,他很想帮忙,可是他听不懂他们的话。这件事让他很感到很难过,从那起,他就暗下决心一定要学好英语,并希望在今年的奥运会(Olympic Games)上做志愿者(volunteer),帮助更多的外国朋友。假如你就是Wang Tao,请根据上面的材料,用英语讲述你的故事,放到你的博客上与朋友们分享,字数6080。 The key:1、 单项选择 15BCBCB 610 CCBDA 1115 CBACB2、 完形填空:15DADCC 510 BDDCD3、 阅读理解:15CDABD4、 根据汉语提示写单词:1.happened 2.surprised 3.u


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