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1、语言要点 询问和回答身体健康状况的表达方法以及英文标题的大写规则,1询问和回答身体健康状况的表达方法.Whats your complaint / trouble ? Whats troubling you? Whats the matter with you ? Whats up? Whats happened to you ?,What seems to be your problem / trouble ?What seems to be wrong with you?What seems to be the matter with you?,.What are you complain

2、ing of? What are you suffering from? .What hurts you? What ails you?,.How are you,sir? How are you feeling now ? How are you keeping ? How are you doing ? How long have you been ill ?,.Are you all right ? Are you having any discomfort ? .Is there anything wrong with you ?,2身体好时的回答 There isnt anythin

3、g wrong with me. Theres nothing wrong /the matter with me. Nothings happened to me.,Im /feel fine.Im all right /OK.Im quite all right.Im quite fit.Im quite well.Im very well.Im keeping fit.Im keeping well.,Im in good helth.Im in excellent /perfect health.Im as fit as a fiddle.I feel first-rate.Not t

4、oo bad.Not so bad.,3健康状况不好时的回答(1)疲劳 I feel exhausted /tired out /dead tired /extremely weary/ run-down. I feel tired and worn out . washed-out / fatigured. Im tired. Sth fatigured /exausted sb.,(2) 身体不适 I feel unwell / dont feel well. I feel bad /rotten /lousy /indisposed. Im not well. Im not feelin

5、g fit / Im feeling a little under the weather. Im not quite myself. Im in poor health.,(3) 生病 1) 生病get sick ,be ill ,have fallen ill2) 患某病suffer from / have +D ( pneumonia / hepatitis)Theres something wrong / the matter with ones organHave (a) organ trouble / problemBe out of order,3) 感冒,流感have /cat

6、ch a cold /flu /pneumonia /bronchitisbe ill with flucatch ones death,4) 病情很重be in a grave / critical / serious conditionbe critically / seriously illsuffer from a devastating /fatal /deadly disease,5) 病情加剧D has been aggravated /deteriorated /worsened /exacerbated /accentuated has got worse has taken

7、 a turn for the worse,(4) 病情好转及恢复的表达法1) 病情在好转 one condition has improved /taken a turn for the batter /favorable turn sb has taken a turn for the better sb has been coming along /getting on nicely be getting /feeling a bit better,2)健康在恢复be beginning to look oneself againbe convalescing / recuperatin

8、g 3)恢复健康regain ones healthpull / come throughbe back to normal,4) 术后恢复get over the operation quite wellsucceed in getting over the operation5) 苏醒过来come to / round (oneself)bring to / round,4英文标题的大写规则1) 标题的第一个词和最后一个词的第一个字母一律大写无论是否为定惯词或介词)Is the Doctor In ?,2)标题中间的(the),(a /an) (and,but,or,nor,for,yet

9、,so) 和少于五个字母的介词(in,but) 不大写, 其他词的第一个字母一律大写Manual of Medical TherapeuticsGeneral Care of the PatientDisease Among the IndiansIn the Medical Ward,5常见症状的陈述common symptoms(1) 发热及体温稽留热 continued fever 弛张热 remittent fever间歇热 intermittent fever 回归热 recurrent fever波浪热 undulant fever 不规则热 irregular fever pyr

10、ogen: exogenous endogenous / leukocytic,发热 get / have / develop / run a ( T / fever) be /become feverish have pyrexia发高热 have /develop / run a high (T / fever) hyperpyrexia发低热 have /run slight /a low (low-grade) fever不发热 have no T / fever be afebrile / apyretic,高热恶寒 have high T associated with chill

11、s together with shaking chills高热寒战 have high T associated with shivering have high fever and chills at the same time,体温升高 T. rose /went up /become high /was elevated have a rise /an increase in T.体温高达 T rose /went up /soared /climbed /was elevated to x T was as high as x with the peak of the body T

12、as high as x,持续发热 a persistent fever体温降低 T dropped /fell /subsided /went down /abated /declined T become lower A drop / fall /decrease in T体温降低达 T dropped /fell /abated /declined went down to x T was as low as x体温降至正常 T went down /returned to normal T was normal after an elevation 骤降 crisis 渐降 lysis

13、,(2)呼吸 气喘 breathless 罗音rale呼吸急促 tachypnea 湿罗音moist呼吸徐缓 bradypnea 干罗音dry呼吸困难 dyspnea 摩擦音friction sound端坐呼吸 orthopnea张口呼吸 mouth breathing胸式呼吸 chest respiration 腹式呼吸 abdominal respiration 浅表呼吸 shallow breathing潮式呼吸 Cheyne-Stokes breathing间歇性呼吸 interrupted respiration 阵发性夜间呼吸困难paroxysmal nocturnal dyspn

14、ea发绀 cyanosis ; 咳痰 expectoration 心悸 palpitation,.Mucocutaneous hemorrhage 瘀斑 ecchymosis 瘀点 petechia ( petechiae ) 紫癫 purpura 蜘蛛痣 spider angioma 皮疹 skin eruption .edema / anasarca (anasarcous) cardiac / renal / hepatic / nutritional myxedema (nonpitting ) idiopathic/ pharmaco /angioneurotic,(2)pain胀痛

15、 bursting 绞 痛 colicky / crampy 剧痛 severe / sharp / violent 钝/隐痛 dull 敕痛 stabbing / prickling 刀割样痛 knife like /lancinating / piercing 顽固性痛 obstinate 烧灼痛 burning 酸痛 aching 齿咬样痛gnawing 咬痛 biting锥痛 boring (terebrant / terebrating)跳痛 throbbing / beating,分娩痛 labor 夜间痛night 饥饿痛 hunger 食后痛 postprandial 牵拉痛

16、dragging 牵涉痛 referred 游走痛 wandering 放射痛 radiating 原位痛localized 持续性痛 persistent /constant 间歇性痛 intermittent 阵发性痛 sporadic 瞬间痛 fleeting,神经根痛 root 搏动性痛 throbbing 持续性痛 persistent 阵发性痛 episodic /intermittent 持续性痛伴阵发性加剧 persistent pain with intermittent increasing弥漫性痛 generalized /extensive / diffuse 固定性痛

17、 pain stayed in one place fixed pain,疼痛放射到某部位 radiates /travels/extends/spreads /goes up to疼痛转移至部位 pain migrates to 疼痛向下放射到某部位 pain goes down to疼痛局限于 be confined/ limited/ located/ restricted to,(3)消化不良 dyspepsia无食欲 loss /lack of appetite had no appetite食欲不振 anorexia a poor/feeble/delicate appetite饱

18、胀 bloated 腹胀 abdominal distention 呃逆 hiccup /hiccough/ sigultus 便秘 constipation 腹泻 diarrhea嗳气 eructation 嗳酸 oxyrygmia,(4)恶心和呕吐 nausea & vomiting vomitus vomit vomiturition puke,(5)大便 和小便 defecation & urination 稀便 loose/soft stool 水样便 watery stool 泡沫样便 frothy stool 粘液样便 mucous stool 血样便 bloody stool 柏油样便 tarry stool 便血 hematochezia 呕血 hematemesis 黑便 malena 咯血 hemoptysis,大便不正常 irregular bowel movement大便失禁 incontinence of feces大便困难 have a difficulty in b


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