1、TRAINING the TRAINERAn Infopeople Workshop,Cheryl Gould Spring 2003,Agenda,Purpose of Training Qualities of a good trainer Needs Assessment and Objectives Designing ) Consider limitations due to facilities length of training delivery method how quickly the training needs to happ
2、en,Options for Sequencing Materials,Storyboard Outline Powerpoint Index cards Sticky notes,Organizing the Presentation,Set the stage introductions (you & them) agenda, breaks, bathrooms get “buy-in” by telling them what and why Content logically organize the main points (in chunks) add sub-points to
3、 each chunk include Visual Aids, Exercises, Handouts End summary questions other learning opportunities,For Every Chunk,Tell them what you are going to teach and why they care big picture/overview how it fits into their work life with examples Teach them show them how do an exercise ask/receive ques
4、tions Get them to personalize, by having them: say how they will use it consider pros, cons and barriers,How Much Detail is Needed?,It depends! Does the audience need to: have an idea of how to do it? be able to do it? be able to think about it independently? come up with creative solutions?,Methods
5、 of Delivering Training,Instructor-led One-on-one Group Lecture Self-paced Distance-Ed Web tutorial CD-ROM,When to CreateVisual Aids,Complex point to be made To show process or steps To show change over time Make something stand out,Types of Visual Aids,Videos/Audios/Slides Cheat sheets/Handouts Cha
6、rts, graphs, diagrams Flip charts Posters/Illustrations Models,Design Guidelines for Visual Aids,Easy to see Easy to navigate Quick to scan Accurate Relevant Clear Complete (in relation to task),Its Ok to Have Fun!,Humor Games training tool Icebreakers introductions questions Music,Rehearsing & Revi
7、sing,Two purposes of rehearsing logical order & transitions timing Revise learn from the rehearsal make modifications in: chunks & logical order transition statements timing opportunities for interaction,Delivery Tips,Make no assumptions jargon ask dont tell Ask questions you really want an answer t
8、o count to 7 Vocal variety Non-verbals affect communication tone appearance appropriate for audience,Managing Fear,Be prepared know your presentation rehearse Calm yourself isometrics deep breathing Turn your nervousness into energy,You dont have to know everything. Adults like to share what they know,“Its always helpful to learn from your mistakes because then your mistakes are worthwhile” Garry Marsh
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