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1、他汀的指南与循证 临床应用的再思考,冠心病的分型,急性冠脉综合症(ACS) 不稳定型心绞痛(UA) 非ST段抬高性心肌梗死(NSTEMI) ST段抬高性心肌梗死(STEMI) 冠心病猝死 慢性冠心病 稳定型心绞痛 冠脉正常的心绞痛(如X-综合征) 无症状性心肌缺血 缺血性心力衰竭(缺血性心肌病),各型冠心病指南的危险分层与他汀/血脂治疗原则,慢性稳定性心绞痛诊断和治疗指南,心绞痛严重度分级(参照加拿大心血管学会(CCS)心绞痛严重度分级) 危险分层可根据临床评估,对负荷试验的反应,左心室功能及冠状动脉造影显示的病变情况综合判断,中华心血管病杂志2007年3月第35卷第3期,慢性稳定性心绞痛诊断

2、和治疗指南 他汀/血脂治疗原则,改善预后的药物治疗建议(一) I类 所有冠心病稳定性心绞痛患者接受他汀类药物治疗,LDL-C的目标值2.60mmol/L(100mg/dl)(证据水平A) IIa类 有明确冠状动脉疾病的极高危患者(年心血管死亡率2%)接受强化他汀类药物治疗,LDL-C的目标值2.07mmol/L(80mg/dl) (证据水平A) IIb类 糖尿病或代谢综合症合并低HDL-C和高甘油三酯血症的患者接受贝特类或烟酸类药物治疗(证据水平B),中华心血管病杂志2007年3月第35卷第3期,血脂不高的稳定型心绞痛患者还需要服用他汀吗?,LDL-C保持在100mg/dL以下,胆固醇不易流入

3、斑块,粥样病变体积百分比 (PAV) 的变化(),病变进展,-,1,-,0.5,0,0.5,1,1.5,2,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,A,-,Plus2,安慰剂,ACTIVATE1,安慰剂,CAMELOT4,安慰剂,REVERSAL5,普伐他汀,REVERSAL5,阿托伐他汀,病变减退,PERISCOPE=吡格列酮,JAMA. 2008;299(13):1561-73,LDL-C75mg/dL提示无斑块进展,P108(22):2757-62,不稳定性心绞痛和非ST段抬高心肌梗死危险性分层,中华心血管病杂志2007年4月第35卷第4期,全球急性冠脉动脉事件注册(GRA

4、CE)危险评分系统,GRACE危险评分系统 低危患者(0-99分) 高危患者(100),中华心血管病杂志2007年4月第35卷第4期,不稳定性心绞痛和非ST段抬高心肌梗死诊断与治疗指南 他汀/血脂治疗原则,他汀类药物在ACS中的应用 目前已有较多的证据(PROVE IT、A to Z、MIRACL等)显示,在ACS早期给予他汀类药物,可以改善预后,降低终点事件,这可能和他汀类药物抗炎症及稳定斑块作用有关。因此ACS患者应在24 h内检查血脂,在出院前尽早给予较大剂量他汀类药物。 出院后的药物治疗 改善预后:如阿司匹林、B受体阻滞剂、调脂药物(特别是他汀类药物)、ACEI(特别对LVEF040的

5、患者)、糖尿病等 ACS患者包括血管重建治疗的患者,出院后应坚持口服他汀类降脂药物和控制饮食,LDL-C目标值259 mmolL(100 mgm),高危患者可将LDL-C降至207 mmolL(80 mgdn)以下 (证据水平A)。,中华心血管病杂志2007年4月第35卷第4期,?,2007 ACC AHA for UA and NSEMI,There is a wealth of evidence that cholesterol-lowering therapy for patients with CAD and hypercholesterolemia or with mild chol

6、esterol elevation (mean 209 to 218 mg per dL) after MI and UA reduces vascular events and death. Moreover, recent trials have provided mounting evidence that statin therapy is beneficial regardless of whether the baseline LDL-C level is elevated. More aggressive therapy has resulted in suppression o

7、r reversal of coronary atherosclerosis progression and lower cardiovascular event rates, although the impact on total mortality remains to be clearly established. These data are discussed more fully elsewhere.,ACC/AHA 2007 Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Unstable Angina/NonST-Elevatio

8、n Myocardial Infarction。Journal of the American College of Cardiology Vol. 50, No. 7, 2007。,急性ST段抬高型心肌梗死诊断和治疗指南,中华心血管病杂志2010年8月第38卷第8期,冠状动脉及其他动脉硬化性血管病二级预防指南-2006 AHA/ACC Guidelines for Secondary Prevention for Patients With Coronary and Other Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease,Furthermore, if it is no

9、t possible to attain LDL-C 70 mg/dL because of a high baseline LDL-C, it generally is possible to achieve LDL-C reductions of 50% with either statins or LDL-C lowering drug combinations. - LDL-C70mg/dl 或降幅50% Moreover, this guideline for patients with atherosclerotic disease does not modify the reco

10、mmendations of the 2004 ATP III update for patients without atherosclerotic disease who have diabetes or multiple risk factors and a 10-year risk level for CHD 20%. In the latter 2 types of high-risk patients, the recommended LDL-C goal of 100mg/dL has not changed.,2006 AHA/ACC Guidelines for Second

11、ary Prevention for Patients With Coronary and Other Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease,NCEP Report. Circulation. 2004:110;227-39,2004 ATP III Update危险分层以及治疗性生活方式改变和药物治疗的目标值和切点,LDL-C水平与冠心病事件密切相关 Lower is Better,Exp Opin Emerg Drugs 2004;9(2):269-79 N Engl J Med 2005;352:1425-35,中国成人血脂异常防治指南强调:严格分层治疗,降低

12、心血管事件,中华心血管病杂志 2007;35(5):390-413,冠心病等危症包括缺血性脑卒中、周围动脉疾病、症状性颈动脉病、糖尿病等,慢性稳定性心绞痛诊断和治疗指南 他汀/血脂治疗原则,改善预后的药物治疗建议(一) I类 所有冠心病稳定性心绞痛患者接受他汀类药物治疗,LDL-C的目标值2.60mmol/L(100mg/dl)(证据水平A) IIa类 有明确冠状动脉疾病的极高危患者(年心血管死亡率2%)接受强化他汀类药物治疗,LDL-C的目标值2.07mmol/L(80mg/dl) (证据水平A) IIb类 糖尿病或代谢综合症合并低HDL-C和高甘油三酯血症的患者接受贝特类或烟酸类药物治疗(

13、证据水平B),中华心血管病杂志2007年3月第35卷第3期,ACC/ADA共同指出:血脂控制力度还需加大,对有心血管代谢危险因素和血脂异常的患者,推荐的治疗目标值:,其它主要CVD危险因素(血脂异常以外),包括:吸烟、高血压、CAD早发的家族史,2009加拿大成人血脂异常及心血管疾病防治指南,高危患者的血脂管理不设起始值 胆固醇管理更积极:新增了LDL-C的降低幅度应50%,2004 ATP III Update危险分层以及治疗性生活方式改变和药物治疗的目标值和切点,血脂指南仍阻碍了他汀的正确应用?,定期查血,发现血脂异常 首选生活方式干预,改善血脂 血脂化验单哪项异常,就选针对哪项异常的药物

14、 血脂正常或达标后就减量或停药 基线血脂水平正常就不需要调脂药物 基线血脂水平偏低,就不能用降脂药物,血脂治疗现场直击:,LDL-C目标值?,2008年ACC/ADA共识:为防治动脉粥样硬化,理论上所有人应控制LDL-C在50mg/dL,JACC 2008;51(15):1512-1524,动物和人体的饮食和药物干预试验显示,LDL-C降低的幅度与动脉粥样硬化病变的稳定和逆转有关,这进一步支持了LDL-C“低一点,好一些”的观点,特别是在已经明确CVD的患者中。 理论上,所有人都应该将LDL-C维持在50mg/dL的“新生儿”水平,以预防动脉粥样硬化,CVD患者也应该控制在类似低的水平。,期待

15、2011 AHA,in Nov. at Orlando, USA!,不论基线血脂水平如何,他汀治疗均显著改善预后(Jupiter 亚组分析),多个试验纳入标准没有要求血脂异常,Asteroid研究:不设基线血脂水平,基线LDL-C130.4mg/dl;以20%管腔狭窄50%入排; Care研究:4159名,基线LDL-C139mg/dl,普伐他汀40mg治疗5年,冠心病+平均血脂水平,心血管事件显著减少; LIPID研究:冠心病血脂基本正常者长期使用他汀显著减少严重不良心血管事件 。,他汀不仅仅是治疗高脂血症的降脂药! 他汀抗动脉粥样硬化作用 多效性;稳定/逆转斑块,而目前所有指南仍然强调10

16、0/70(80)。,在控制危险因素的基础上控制动脉粥样硬化,控制危险因素达标(遵循指南) 管理AS,More Intensive Therapy Beginning in 2001, when we began to understand the implications of our findings published in 2002, we implemented in our clinic a change to treating arteries rather than simply treating risk factor levels. By 2003, this change

17、in approach had been fully implemented; the time required to implement the change was determined by the schedule of follow-up visits. Our approach to intensive therapy for accelerated atherosclerosis has previously been described. At baseline, therapy was intensified for those with a high plaque bur

18、den. During follow-up, therapy was intensified in patients in whom plaque was progressing despite treatment aimed at consensus targets for risk factors such as blood pressure and LDL cholesterol. This included using plaque measurements to motivate patients and to inform physicians about choices of m

19、edications,In patients with plaque progression, we increased the dose of statin to the maximum tolerated dose, regardless of LDL levels (eg, atorvastatin 80 mg or rosuvastatin 40 mg). In patients already at their maximum tolerated dose of statin, we added ezetimibe 10 mg daily. In those already usin

20、g the maximum dose of statin and ezetimibe, we added niacin for patients who were not diabetic or adding fibrates for diabetic patients or those unable to use niacin or slow-release niacin because of flushing.,J. David Spence, et. al. Stroke. 2010;41:00-00.),160mg/dl,54mg/dl,83mg/dl,55mg/dl,By excee

21、ding guideline-advocated treatment targets based on serial carotid plaque area measurement, we were able to reduce the proportion of patients with progression of plaque by half. This also reduced cardiovascular events. Among our patients with asymptomatic carotid stenosis, thecombined outcome of str

22、oke, death, myocardial infarction, or carotid endarterectomy (because of new cerebral symptoms on the side of the stenosis) declined from 17.6% before 2003 to 5.2% (P0.0001) since then. Carotid plaque burden assessed as TPA strongly predicted cardiovascular risk after adjusting for coronary risk fac

23、tors, and that plaque progression despite treatment according to guidelines further predicted cardiovascular risk.,J. David Spence, et. al. Stroke. 2010;41:00-00.),他汀的三级跨越 治疗高脂血症的降脂药 兼顾LDL-C/HDL-C/TG的调脂药 抗动脉粥样硬化/防治心血管事件 的药物 (抗AS领域的“青霉素”),CVD高危患者中富含甘油三酯脂蛋白和HDL-C:管理的证据与指导,2011年4月29日,ESC发布的最新指南,强调对于LDL

24、-C达标的CVD高危患者,应强调富含甘油三酯脂蛋白(TRL)及HDL-C的管理的重要性;只有综合调脂,才能进一步降低事件风险。,Chapman MJ, et al. European Heart Journal. doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehr112,背 景,心血管疾病 CVD,降低LDL-C 降压 预防血栓,生活方式干预 加药物,当前CVD的最佳治疗,即使LDL-C达标后,CVD高危患者的CVD事件风险依然很高,TRL水平高和HDL-C水平低亦是CVD危险因素,Chapman MJ, et al. European Heart Journal. doi:10.1093/e

25、urheartj/ehr112,CV-1106-CR-0013,TRL和HDL-C的病理生理机制,TRL,HDL-C,穿过动脉内膜,与结缔组织基质结合,并被巨噬细胞吞噬,形成泡沫细胞,促进细胞内胆固醇外流、抗炎及抗氧化作用,动脉粥样硬化形成和发展,促,抗,Chapman MJ, et al. European Heart Journal. doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehr112,CVD高危患者的血脂管理路径,LDL-C水平达标、伴TG1.7mmol/L和(或)HDL-C1.0mmol/L的CVD高危患者,强化生活方式干预 评估其他潜在病因 评估患者治疗依从性,治疗效果不佳,患

26、者血脂水平仍为TG1.7mmol/L和(或)HDL-C1.0mmol/L,强化降LDL-C治疗,如在他汀类药物基础上加用依折麦布,考虑联合应用其他类调脂药物,如烟酸类或贝特类药物,Chapman MJ, et al. European Heart Journal. doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehr112,CVD高危患者的血脂控制目标,Chapman MJ, et al. European Heart Journal. doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehr112,Bonus! -其他强调他汀应用的疾病指南,2010 ADA- Standards of Medica

27、l Care in Diabetes Dyslipidemia/lipid management Recommendations Lifestyle modification focusing on the reduction of saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol intake; increase of n-3 fatty acids, viscous fiber, and plant stanols/sterols; weight loss (if indicated); and increased physical activity sh

28、ould be recommended to improve the lipid profile in patients with diabetes.(A) Statin therapy should be added to lifestyle therapy, regardless of baseline lipid levels, for diabetic patients: with overt CVD. (A) without CVD who are over the age of 40 years and have one or more other CVD risk factors

29、. (A) For patients at lower risk than described above (e.g., without overt CVD and under the age of 40 years), statin therapy should be considered in addition to lifestyle therapy if LDL cholesterol remains 100 mg/dl or in those with multiple CVD risk factors. (E),DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 33, SUPPLEMEN

30、T 1, JANUARY 2010,In individuals without overt CVD, the primary goal is an LDL cholesterol100 mg/dl (2.6 mmol/l). (A) In individuals with overt CVD, a lower LDL cholesterol goal of 70 mg/dl (1.8mmol/l), using a high dose of a statin, is an option. (B) If drug-treated patients do not reach the above

31、targets on maximal tolerated statin therapy, a reduction in LDL cholesterol of 3040% from baseline is an alternative therapeutic goal. (A),DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 33, SUPPLEMENT 1, JANUARY 2010,中国缺血性脑卒中和短暂性脑缺血发作二级预防指南2010,3脂代谢异常:胆固醇水平与缺血性脑卒中相关性较大。降低胆固醇水平主要通过行为生活方式改变和使用他汀类药物。包括各种降脂治疗(包括他汀类药物、氯贝特、烟酸、胆汁酸

32、多价螫合剂、饮食)的大型荟萃分析显示,只有他汀类药物可以降低脑卒中的危险,他汀类药物可以预防全身动脉粥样硬化性病变的进展,降低脑卒中复发风险。 强化降低胆固醇预防脑卒中(Stroke Prevention by Aggressive Reduction in Cholesterol Levels,SPARCL)研究发现,强化他汀类药物治疗可显著降低脑卒中和TIA的相对危险。尽管他汀类药物治疗组患者的出血性脑卒中有所增加,但致死性出血性脑卒中则没有明显增加。且作为一级预防的药物,长期的他汀类药物治疗在心脑血管显著获益的同时并不显著增加脑出血的风险。对胆固醇水平升高的缺血性脑卒中和TIA患者,应进行生活方式干预、饮食及药物治疗,使用他汀类药物治疗使LDLC水平达到目标值。对于肝肾功能正常的老年人,调脂药物的剂量一般不需要特别调整,但对老年人的调脂治疗要个体化,起始剂量不宜过大,应予以严密监测.,推荐意见:(1)胆固醇水平升高的缺血性脑卒中和TIA患者,应该进行生活方式的干预及药物治疗。建议使用他汀类药物,目标是使L


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