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1、高三英语动名词专项练习 1.It took the workmen only two hours to finish _ my car. A.repairing B.repair C.to repair D.repaired 2.Its no good _ over split milk. A.to cry B.crying C.cried D.cry 3.Have you forgotten _$1000 from me last month? Will you please remember _ it tomorrow? A.borrowing; to bring B.to borrow;

2、 bring C.borrowed; bringing D.borrowing; bringing 4.The classroom wants _. A.clean B.cleaned C.to clean D.cleaning 5.Jack said that he wouldnt mind _ for us. A.to wait B.wait C.waiting D.waited 6.My brother keeps _ me with my work. A.to help B.help C.helping D.helped 7.We should often practise _ Eng

3、lish with each other. A.to speak B.spoke C.speak D.speaking 8.Keep on _ and you will succeed. A.a try B.try C.triing D.trying 9.His parents insist on _ to college. A.he should go B.he go C.his going D.him to go 10.The story was so funny that we _. A.couldnt help laugh B.cant but laugh C.couldnt help

4、 laughing D.couldnt help but to laugh 11.How much time did you spend _ the text? A.copying B.to copy C.in copy D.on copying 12.I _see you without _ your mother. A.never; thinking of B.never; thinking about C. not; think of D.dont; think about 13.Though it sounds a bit too dear(昂贵),it is worth _. A.b

5、eing bought B.buying C.to buy D.buying it 14.The novel is well _. A.worth to read B.worth being read C.worthy to read D.worthy of being read 15.The farmers were busy _ cotton. A.to pick B.picking C.with picking D.pluck 16.He devoted his life to _ the atomic theory. A.study B.be studied C.studying D.

6、have studied 17.We are both looking forward to _ next week. A.going on vocation(休假) B.go on vocation C.be going on vocation D.have gone on vocation 18.You must pay attention to _ the works of Lu Xun. A.read B.reading C.reader D.be read 19.He was praised for _ thirty years of touching. A.complete B.h

7、e completed C.having completed D.to have been completed 20.You should work tonight instead of _ TV. A.to watch B.you watching C.you watch D.watching 21.Besides _, she is kind and tender. A.beautiful B.being beautiful C.she beautiful D.is beautiful 22.What about _ to the concert with us ? A.we go B.w

8、e going C.going D.to go 23._ clean is a safeguard against disease. A.To be keeping B.Kept C.Keep D.Keeping 24.Seeing is _. A.to believe B.believing C.believed D.being believed 25.The heart keeps _ all the time. A.to beat B.beating C.beaten D.to have been beating 26.The microscope is used for _minute

9、(微小的) objects. A.examining B.being examed C.examined D.examine 27.It is no use _ without thorough _. A.to read; understood B.reading; understanding C.to read; understand D.read; to understand 28.Many people enjoy _ majiang(麻将). A.playing B.playing the C.to play D.to play the 29.I am sorry for _ you

10、so much trouble. A.giving B.given C.having given D.to given 30.Some foods are eaten without _. A.well absorbing B.being well absorbed C.absorbing D.well absorbed 31.Articles(物品) used by patients must be disinfected(消毒) before _ others. A.using B.being used by C.used by D.being using 32.Mike has got

11、used _ up late at night. (stay up) A.to sit B.X C.to sitting D.sitting 33.Once the heart stops _,death follows at once. A.beating B.to beat C.being beaten D.to be beating34.Mr Taylor went on _ in spite of illness. A.to work B.worked C.working D.to be working 35.We are now busy _ for the examination.

12、 A.to prepare B.preparing C.prepared D.being prepared 36.I am looking forward _ from you soon. A.to hear B.of hearing C.hearing D.to hearing 37.I remembered _ this person somewhere before. A.seeing B.having been seen C.seen D.to see 38.I regret _ that to her. A.having said B.to have said C.to say D.

13、X 39.The patient must be separated to avoid(避免) _ others. A.being infected(感染) B.infecting C.to infect D.infected 40.After operation the patients condition, far from _, became worse than before. A.improving B.being improved C.having been improved D.improved 41.The child thanked the passer-by for _ h

14、is life. A.saving B.being saved C.having saved D.having been saved 42.Mme Curie was well-known for _. A.winning B.being won C.being winning D.having won 43.This X-ray machine needs _. A.repairing B.to repair C.repaired D.being repaired 44.Your clothes need _. A.washed B.to be washed C.to wash D.bein

15、g washed 45.This bike is not worthy _. A.to be repaired B.of repairing C.to repair D.repairing 46._ provides us with essential nutrients(营养),while _ provides us with oxygen. A.To eat; breathing B.Eating; to breathe C.Eating; breathing D.Eaten; breathed 47.He attended the party without _. A.invited B

16、.inviting C.having invited D.being invited 48.Bebecca was unhappy for _ the first chance to go abroad. A.not having been given B.not having given C.not giving D.having been given 49.By _, water can be changed into gas. (参考: If _, water can be changed into gas.) A.heating B.being heated C.having heat

17、ed D.heated 50.On land many objects prevent sound _ very far. A.to travel B.travel C.from travelling D.to travelling Proof reading: One Mans Meat Is Another Mans Meat,Too When Mr Woolf left university, he got a good jobin a big company, but after he has been there for a 1._few years, he decided to h

18、ave some change. He put 2._an ad. in several newspapers, said what experience he 3._had had,describing the kind of a job he had at that 4._time, and the kind he would like have. One of the 5._answer he got was from another man who was looking 6._for a job either. This man wrote to him, Dear Sir, 7._

19、when you will get a new job, please be kind enough to 8._give my name and address for your present employer雇主, 9._because I have been trying to find a job as yours for 10._a long time. Point out the only one possible mistake in each of the following sent.:1.The meeting was interesting to some people and to me it was tiring.2.Carl is very ho


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