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1、楚水实验学校高二英语学科导学案 M7U4:Public transport 时间:2016-3Wordlist 班级 姓名 学号 组别_ Learning aims: 1. The Ss are able to pronounce the new words and expressions properly and freely.2. The Ss are able to master the usages of some important new words and expressions. Learning focuses:Master the pronunciations of som

2、e words and its basic usages. Learning difficulties: How to help the Ss use these language points properly. Learning procedures: 预习检测(检查预习学案的完成情况)(让50%的学生通过自学掌握50%的问题)I. 利用词典自己探究以下重点词汇的词性、词义、词形转换、用法及经典例句。 1. postpone词性 vt. 词义 延迟,延期 常用搭配 postpone sth. till/ until 一直推迟到 postpone (doing) sth. 推迟(做)某事 同

3、义词或短语 put off / delay 经典例句 1) Well have to postpone the meeting until next week. 我们将不得不将会议推迟到下周举行。 2) It was an unpopular decision to postpone building the new hospital. 延迟兴建新医院的决定是不得人心的。 2. authority词性 n. 词义 权力,权威;官方,当权者;批准,授权 常用搭配 have authority over 有权管理be in authority 掌权have the authority to do

4、sth. 有权做某事under the authority of 经的批准with authority 凭威信by the authority of 得到.许可, 根据.所授的权力, 经.许可经典例句1) She now has authority over the people who used to be her bosses. 她现在管辖着过去是她上司的那些人。 2) Nothing will be done because no one in authority takes the matter seriously. 什么也办不了,因为掌权的谁也不认真对待这个问题。 3) Only t

5、he manager has the authority to sign cheques. 只有经理才有权签支票。 4) We acted under the authority of the UN. 我们是经联合国授权行动的。 5) He spoke with authority on the topic. 他就这个课题发表权威意见。 3. reservation词性 n. 词义 预订,预约;保留意见 派生词 reserve vt. 保存;储备;保留;预约 n. 储备(量);自然保护区;替补队员;金融 储备金 常用搭配 make a reservation (for) (为)提前预订() w

6、ithout reservation 毫无保留地 nature reserve 自然保护区 经典例句 1) Ill call the restaurant and make a reservation. 我要给饭店打个电话,预订座位。 2) They support the measures without reservation. 他们毫无保留地支持这项措施。 3) I have serious reservations about his ability to do the job. 我非常怀疑他有没有能力胜任这项工作。 4. violate词性 vt. 词义 违犯,违反;侵犯 派生词 v

7、iolence n. 暴力;侵犯;激烈;歪曲 violent adj. 暴力的;猛烈的 常用搭配 violate the law / the traffic regulations / the privacy of others 违法/ 违反交通规则 / 侵犯他人隐私 crimes / acts / threats of violence 暴力犯罪 /行为 / 威胁 violent crime 暴力犯罪 domestic violence 家庭暴力 经典例句1) She accused the press photographers of violating her privacy. 她职责新

8、闻摄影记者侵犯了她的隐私。 2) Those who violate the traffic regulations must be punished. 违反交通规则的人都应该受到惩罚。 3) We mustnt violate the privacy of others. 我们不得侵犯他人的隐私。 4) Violence broke out / erupted inside the prison last night. 昨晚监狱里发生了暴力事件。 我思我疑: 问题提交(学生提出预习中碰到的问题) 合作探究Group work: Word Study1. drop off 中途下客或卸货;打盹

9、儿;减少,下降 【拓展】 drop out (of) 退学,退出 drop in on sb. 顺便拜访某人drop a line 写信 drop in at sp. 顺便拜访某地drop behind 落后,落伍【即学即用】Thehandleofthedoorhasdroppedoff. 门把手 脱落了。Theoldmanhasdroppedoffbythefire. 这个老人在炉火旁边睡着了。Drivers can _drop off their passengers in the morning and pick them up in the evening. 司机在早上让乘客下车,在傍

10、晚带乘客回来。2. convey:vt. 搬运, 运送表达, 传达(思想感情)过去式、过去分词: conveyed 现在分词: conveying 第三人称单数: conveys 【常见搭配】 convey sb. sth.= convey sth. to sb. 向某人转达某事convey ones meanings 表达某人的意思【即学即用】1) This ship conveys oil from the Middle East. 这艘船从中东运输石油。 2) Convey my congratulations to your brother. 代我向你弟弟表示祝贺。 3. link u

11、p: 将.结合,连接; 会合,碰头。 be linked to/with 与相联系【常见搭配】be connected with与相联系连接 be connected to与连接 be related to 与有关系 link A to B 把A和B连接起来【即学即用】1) Engineers can link up distant countries by radio or telephone. 工程师们能用无线电或电话把遥远的乡村连接起来。2) We linked up with China Daily to help run the campaign. 我们和中国日报联手帮助开展该活动。

12、3) Where shall we link up?我们在哪里 集会 ?4. interval n. 间隔,间隙 【常见搭配】 at intervals 每隔距离,每隔时间at regular intervals 每隔一定时间,每隔一段距离at weekly intervals 每周 【即学即用】1) The trains run at half-hourly intervals. 火车每半小时开出一班。2) He comes to see us at regular intervals. 他每隔一段时间就来看看我们。3) Between the two parts of the concer

13、t is an interval, _ the audience can buy ice-creams.A. when B. where C. that D. which 5. choke : vt./vi. 噎塞;阻塞,堵塞,塞满【常见搭配】be choked to deathchoke back / hold back +( ones tears / anger) 忍住,抑制choke with anger 气得说不出话 choke off + ( debate ) 中断;阻塞(交通) choke up 塞满,堵塞 ; 哽咽地说不出话 be choked (up) with sth. 被塞

14、满【即学即用】1) I managed to choke back my tears as he de scribed what had happened. 当他描述发生的事情时,我设法忍住了眼泪。2) The road is almost choked (up) with traffic. 马路几乎被交通堵住了。3)The smoke almost choked me.4)The pipe is choked up with paper.6. undertake: vt. 着手,进行; 承担(工作,责任等),承办; 保证,担保过去式_undertook_ 过去分词_undertaken【常见

15、搭配】undertake the responsibility for this work/the task the arrangements / the construction of the buildingundertake a task/ a project/ a research/ an experiment 承担一项任务、项目、研究、实验 undertaketo dosth. 同意、答应或着手做某事undertake /ensure / make sure+ that-clause 保证,确保【即学即用】1) We will undertake the responsibility

16、 for white pollution. 我们会为白色污染负起责任。2) He undertook to finish the work by Monday. / He undertook that he would finish the work by Monday. 他答应在星期一以前完成工作。3) The new laboratories will be constructed this year,and local firms have been asked to _ the work. Aassign Bmanufacture Cprovide Dundertake 7. put

17、through 给某人接通电话;使经历;完成 【拓展】 put off 推迟 put out熄灭;关熄;扑灭火 put across解释;表达put aside节省(钱、时间);储蓄;储存备用 put down写下;记下put forward提出(意见、建议) put up with忍受;忍耐;受苦【即学即用】1)The call has been put through. 电话打通了。2)At last we successfully put through the business deal. 最终我们成功地完成了这桩交易。 3)They put all the students thro

18、ugh the replacement examination. 他们让所有的学生参加分班考试。 4) Is that you, Mr. Brown? Please put me _ to your manager. A. up B. up with C. through D. over 5) I cant put _ with your remarks again. A. up B. into C. off D. down 8. enquiry n. 询问;调查,探究 ,也可拼写成 inquiry v. inquire/ enquire 打听; 询问; 提问问题; 查问【常见搭配】 enqu

19、ire about 询问,打听enquire into sth. 调查,查究,查问【即学即用】1) I called the station to enquire about train times.我打电话到车站询问火车时刻。2) A committee was appointed to enquire into the allegations(指控 ). 一个委员会已受命调查这些指控。3)I called the station to make an enquiry about/ enquire about train times. 我打电话到车站询问火车时刻。9. handful n.

20、少量的人或物;一把 【常见搭配】 a handful of 少数的,少量的 (修饰可数或不可数名词)【即学即用】1) Only a handful of people showed up. 只有少数人出现。2) I drew a handful of coins from my pockets. 我从口袋里摸出一把硬币。【拓展】a spoonful of milk 一勺牛奶Having a mouthful of breakfast, she hurried out. 她吃了一口早饭,就匆匆出去了。10. arise vi. (过去式 arose, 过去分词,arisen)出现,产生 , ar

21、ise 后接from 或out of ,【常见搭配】 arise from:起因于;由引起, 相当于 result from【即学即用】1)All the errors arose from/arose out of /resulted from your carelessness. 所有的错误是由你的马虎引起的。【辨析】arise vi. (arose, arisen) 困难、问题等“出现,产生”;“起床,起身”(较正式)当difficulty, problem, crisis, conflict 等作主语时,常用arise.rise vi. (rose, risen) “升起,增高”(说明

22、主语本身移向较高位置,常用于日、月、云雾、烟、水蒸气、河水、温度、物价以及人的职位等,如人起立、起床;地位升高)raise vt. (raised, raised) “举起;提出;抚养;筹集”(具体行为动作。主语发出的动作作用于其他事物,往往有使某物达到其应有的高度。如:提高工资、价格或地位;增加数量或容量)【即学即用】1) New problems arise when the old ones are solved.2) The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.3) The total output rose by 20% compar

23、ed with that last year.4) They raised a national flag on top of the mountain. 5) He was raised from clerk to manager when he was in his thirties.6) He was born and raised in a country town.7) The problems arising from the investigation are not expected by them.8) The higher we rise, the smaller we a

24、ppear to those who do not know how to fly.我们上升得越高,我们在那些不懂飞翔的人眼里就显得越遥远。 11. aggressive:adj. 好攻击的,好寻衅的,好争吵的; 强有力的,干劲很大的aggressively adv. 侵略地;攻击地;有闯劲地 aggressor n. 侵略者;侵略国;挑衅者【即学即用】1) Aggressive nations threaten world peace. 侵略成性的国家威胁世界和平。2) A good salesman must be aggressive if he wants to succeed. 要做

25、好推销员一定要有进取心才能成功。3) He gets aggressive when he is drunk. 他喝醉了就喜欢寻衅滋事。4) “What do you want ?” He demanded aggressively. “你要怎么样?”他挑衅地问道。 12. drunk adj. 喝醉的 n. 醉汉 alcoholic adj. 含酒精的 n. 酒鬼【常见搭配】 be drunk with 陶醉于,沉溺于 get drunk with power 醉心于权利【即学即用】1) He was drunk with his success. 他因成功而陶醉。2) We cant be

26、 drunk with optimism. 我们不能盲目乐观。13. load :n. 负载,负荷;大量,许多 vt. 装载,装入;装上 【常见搭配】a load of / loads of 许多,大量(修饰可数或不可数名词)load (up) sth. with sth. 用某物装某物 load sth. onto/ into sth. 把装到上/ 里be loaded with 装满了 take a load off ones mind 如释重负 a heavy load 重负;包袱bear the load of 负担的重任 reduce the study load 减负【拓展】 un

27、load 卸载,卸货 overload 超载 upload 上传 download下载【即学即用】1) Boxes are being loaded onto the truck. 人们正在把箱子装上卡车。2) Men are loading a truck with timber. 工人们正在将木料装上卡车。3) Carrying more than a light load on your bicycle makes it more difficult to control.用自行车带上重物 会使车子更加难以控制。4) These backpacks are designed to car

28、ry a heavy load. 这些背包是为携带重物设计的。5) Shes got loads of friends. 她有很多朋友。6) Teaching loads have increased in all types of school. 各种学校的教学工作量都增加了。7) We loaded the car in ten minutes. 我们十分钟就装好了车。点拨提炼(老师重点解决同学们提交的问题)反思静悟: 当堂巩固(老师点拨、提炼后当堂巩固)一.完成句子一、根据首字母或中文提示写出单词。1. After the terrible earthquake , the Japane

29、se government conveyed (运送)people to safer places.2.It is unbelievable (难以置信的) that such a famous company should play a trick on its customers.3. The reason why she married him was that she wanted to obtain the ownership of his company.4. During holidays it is necessary to make a reservation in adva

30、nce in a good restaurant.5. The new type of Ipad is user-friendly (方便使用的);thats why its some young peoples favorite.6. Once you have undertaken (承担) it, you should do it.7. Please inform me of your date of departure , and I will see you off at the airport.8. Do you know fifty years is the golden ann

31、iversary ?9. After the interview, the secretary told me she would contact me via e-mail.10. It is dangerous to pedestrians (行人) to drive on the pavement.二.单选 1. Buses have routes. They_ and_ people at different places on the routes. A. take on; get off B. pick up; drop off C. take up; take off D. ac

32、cept; drop out2.During the rush hours the roads are usually _up with traffic. A. choked B. crowded C. blocked D. checked3. Today the Internet makes it possible for people from all over the world to _and communicate conveniently. A. link up B. pick up C. show up D. line up4. The football match has be

33、en_ to the next Saturday afternoon because of the bad weather. A. undertook B. functioned C. advanced D. postponed 5. Id prefer to _ my judgement until I find all the evidence. A show B. reserve C. express D. pass6. She forgot to _ her camera with film. A. burden B. press C. load D. control7. In spite of his unfortunate personal experience, his songs_ a feeling of warmth and hope. A. contain B. convey C. reveal D. indicate8. My brother is quite_ and plans to get an MA degree within one year. A. enthusiastic B. courageous C. considerate D. aggressive9. He was dismissed, becau


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