1、Corporate IdentityQuick ReferenceGThe FedExbrandismorethana famous name. Its a set of values, attributes and artwork that reflects thespiritofourcompany.Usingit consistently will reinforce our position as one of the worlds premier businesses.This book is a short overview of our gui
2、delines, illustrating how to apply the visual components of our brand. It includes directions on how to use our signatures, colors and typefaces. As its name suggests, this book is a brief summary of the full FedEx Corporate Identity guidelines which can be found at .Each page in this
3、guide includes a reference to the relevant section of the Web site. Visit the site for complete information about any topic presented here.Forfurtherinformationortoobtainartwork,pleasecontactFedEx Global Brand Management.22 North Front StreetSuite 300Memphis,TN38103Telephone: (888) 39
4、9-5999Fax: (888) 257-0085Email: Web site: Go to MainContentsBrand AttributesSignature ElementsSizing the Registration Mark Signature Configurations Signature Clear Space Operating Company Signatures Signature Color Variations Identity TypefaceIdentity
5、 Colors01020304050607080901Brand AttributesOur brand attributes are at the core of our brand. They summarize our promise to our customers, showing people not only what we do, but how we do it. Everything that bears the FedEx name should live up to these attributes.SimplifyingItseasytoworkwith FedEx.
6、 We dont waste anyonestime. Ourprocedures are straightforward, and our communications are clear.OptimizingEvery FedEx customer has different needs. We find the right solution and the right price for each customers business.InventiveGlobal business constantly changes. So does FedEx. As we invent news
7、olutions, we lead the way in operations, technology and e-commerce.ConnectingFedEx makes connections. Our networks link people, packages andinformation around theclock and around theworld.CertainOur customers dont have time for “almost.” They demand certainty.FedEx delivers.PersonalFedEx customers a
8、re people, not transactions. We get to know eachcustomer and offer them the tools they need to achieve their goals.Go to Main Brand Philosophy Our Attributes02Signature ElementsOursignaturesarethemostprominentexpressionoftheFedExbrand. Thats whyitsvitallyimportanttousethemcorrectly an
9、dconsistently. Each signature is a piece of custom-designed artwork. For every signature, use only approved artwork downloaded from .Operating Company SignaturesEach FedEx operating company has its own signature, consisting of two elements: the FedEx wordmark and the operating company
10、descriptor.Collective SignatureThis signature consists of the wordmark without a descriptor (see page 07).SignatureGo to FedEx Company Basic Elements Signature/Logos ElementsWordmarkDescriptor03Sizing the Registration MarkThe registered service mark symbol () is attached to each FedEx
11、 signature. The symbol should never be smaller than its preferred size, which is 5 points in diameter. It is positioned on the baseline ofthe FedEx wordmark at a distance equal to its radius. BaselineGo to FedEx Company Basic Elements Signature/Logos Registration Mark2.5pt5pt04Signatu
12、re ConfigurationsEach of our operating companies has a preferred signature configuration; use it whenever possible. However, our signatures must also accommodate awiderange of uses, from business cardstoaircraft. To meet all business needs, and special-use (horizontal) configuration is also availabl
13、e. Download approved artwork from .Preferred(Large) Two-ColorSpecial Use (Horizontal) Two-ColorGo to FedEx Company Basic Elements Signature/Logos Configurations05Signature Clear SpaceOur company stands out from the crowd, and so does our signature. To create maximum impa
14、ct, keep the space around the FedEx signature free from other text and graphics. The clear space on each side of the signatureshouldalwaysbeequaltoorgreaterthanthex-height ofthe FedEx wordmark.Preferred(Large) Two-ColorSpecial Use (Horizontal) Two-ColorGFedExCompanyBasicElementsSign
15、ature/LogosClearSpace06Operating CompanySignaturesWhenever possible, use these preferred signature configurations. Artwork for all of our signatures canbe downloaded from .Collective SignatureGo to Main07Signature ColorVariationsThe colors specified for each operating co
16、mpany can be used as backgrounds for one-color, black and reversesignatures. Only approved artwork should be used; download it from .Two-Color PositiveOne-Color FedEx PurpleTwo-Color ReverseOne-Color BlackOne-Color (Company Color)One-Color ReverseGo to FedEx Company Basi
17、c Elements Signature/Logos Configurations08Identity TypefaceAs the FedEx brand has evolved, so has our use of type. Univers, our primary typeface, sets a confident, contemporary tone for FedEx communications. It also supports awiderange of applications.Use Univers Condensed 47, 57 and 67 for all pri
18、nted communications.For more information visit .Primary TypefaceUnivers Condensed 47 Light (and Oblique)ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890Univers Condensed 57 Regular (and Oblique)ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890Univers Conden
19、sed 67 BoldABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890Go to FedEx Company Basic Elements Typography09Identity ColorsColor shows our spirit and promotes brand recognition. Our powerful corporate colors, FedEx Purple and FedEx Light Platinum, reinforce the statureofo
20、urcompany.Specificcolorsfromourpaletteareusedin the signatures of our operating companies, as shown below.The preferred custom-engineered inks for FedEx match colors are available from authorized vendors. Contact INX International Ink Co. at (510) 791-2016 or Monarch Ink at (901) 458-1700.PANTONE EQ
21、UIVALENTFEDEX MATCH COLORCMYKRGBWEB-SAFE HEXFedEx PurplePANTONE 2685C90 M100 Y0 K0R102G0 B15366 0099FedEx Light Platinum*PANTONE 877C0 M0 Y0 K37R153 G153 B15399 9999FedEx Light Platinum Reverse*R204 G204 B204*CCCC CC*FedEx Light GrayPANTONECoolGray6C0 M0 Y0 K37R153 G153 B153999999FedEx Light Gray Re
22、verse*R204 G204 B204*CC CCCC*FedEx OrangePANTONE 021C0 M65 Y100 K0R255G102 B0FF 66 00FedEx GreenPANTONE 361C75 M0 Y100 K0R0 G204 B000 CC 00FedEx BluePANTONE Process BlueC100M3Y0K0R0G153 B20400 99 CCFedEx RedPANTONE 186C0 M100 Y80 K0R255 G0 B51FF 00 33FedEx YellowPANTONE 1235C0 M30 Y100 K0R255G204 B0FFCC00FedEx Yellow UncoatedPANTONE 116UFedEx GrayPANTONE 404C0M6Y18K50R153 G153 B15399 9999WhiteC0 M0 Y0 K0R255 G255 B255FF FF FFBlackC0M0Y0K100R0G0B000 0000Inlieuofthecolorslisted onthispage, youmay use the PANTONE colors
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