英美国家历史与文化 答案_0_第1页
英美国家历史与文化 答案_0_第2页
英美国家历史与文化 答案_0_第3页




1、英美国家历史与文化 答案 chapter 1 land and history 1. choose the most appropriate answer to each question or statement.(5 points for each) 1) the following figures were often considered the founding fathers of the american republic except_c_. a. george washington b. thomas jefferson c. roger williams d. john a

2、dams 2) the following were some of the characteristics of puritanism except_a_. a. manifest destiny b. religious freedom c. intolerant moralism d. separation of state and church 3) the 19xxxx年获得里诺贝尔文学奖。在其早期的作品最蓝的眼睛(1970)中,一个坚强的黑人女孩讲述了一个从有暴力倾向的父亲手里存活下来的帕克拉布里得拉维的故事。帕克拉相信她的黑色眼睛奇迹般的变成蓝色,并且蓝色的眼睛会让她变得讨人喜欢

3、。莫里森说过她是以一个作家的身份通过这本小说来建立自己的身份认知。“大家好, 我是帕克拉克劳迪娅。”她其他的作品包括苏拉(1973),所罗门之歌(1977)和亲爱的(1987)。 chapter 6 land an history 1.choose the most appropriate answer to each question or statement.(5 points for each) 1) great britain includes the following except_. d a. england b. wales c. scotland d. northern ir

4、eland. 2) which of the following is not mentioned in the text about london as a center of _? d a. politics b. commerce c. culture d. industry. 3) the item that doomsday book did not record was_.d a. land and property b. mills and cottages c. duties and landowners d. pet animals 4) the “glorious revo

5、lution” of 1688 put _ on the throne. d a. charles i b. charles ii c. james ii d. william and mary. 5) oliver cromwell ruled england for about _ years in the 17th century. a a. 10 b. xxxx年的八月和九月都会在城堡的游行广场举行为期三周的爱丁堡军乐节(一种年度的军队游行)。这个盛世喜迎了很多的游客,同时,也为爱丁堡节庆增添了色彩。 chapter7 government and politics 1. choose

6、 the most appropriate answers to each question or statement. 1) a bill dealing with finance is introduced _. b a. in the house of lords b. in the house of commons c. by the lord chancellor d. by the home of secretary 2) the prime minister leads in_. a a. the cabinet b. the house of office c. parliam

7、ent d. the judiciary 3) the conservative and labor parties predominant the general election ever since _. b a. 19xxxx年起,英对中的官方政策一推动商贸交易和促进中囯在社会和经济上的改革委中心。除了欧盟的多方会谈外,英国还就人权问题同中国保持对话。事实上,加强中英双方的经济交流是中国融入国际社会的最好方式,同时也是有利于英国商业受益的最好方式。中英两国的双方贸易和经济合作持续推进。在所有欧盟国家中,英国是中国最大的投资国和第二大贸易伙伴。 chapter 9 social life

8、 1. choose the most appropriate answers to each question or statement. 1) british way of life has often been described as being_.a a. peaceful and quiet b. underdevelopment c. poor and miserable d. materialized 2) which of the following changes is not accurate about british food? c a. quality b. cha

9、racter c. taste d. chefs 3) in a british pub one can do the following except_. b a. order a drink at the bar b. order food at a table c. talk to strangers freely d. talk to others noisily. 4) the sport that is being criticized in the uk is_. a a. fox hunting b. football c. open camping d. horse raci

10、ng 5) which of the following is a quality paper? a a. daily telegraph b. daily mirror c. daily mail d. daily express 2. judge whether each of the following statement is true(t) or false(f). 1)_t_ there are rapid growth in the post-war prosperity of british society. 2)_t_ british people enjoy food fr

11、om foreign restaurants in the uk. 3)_f_ most of the british holidays now are spent by people traveling abroad. 4)_f_ the low price offered by out-of-town malls can be upset by the cost of petrol used for driving there. 5)_f_ most of the owner-occupied dwellings have been acquired with the aid from t

12、he government. 3. translate the following english passage into chinese. newspapers in the uk speak for class-based groups. the two tabloids have a predominantly working-class readership, the “qualities” a more middle-class and well-educated one. advertisements foe teachers and social workers usually

13、 appear in the the guardian because teachers ans social workers are apt to read the guardian, which support the interests of public sector employees. in contrast, the times speaks for what used to be called the establishment. the daily express and daily mail are more up-market tabloids and have a so

14、cially more representative readership. 在英国,针对不同的阶级有不同的报纸。通俗小报拥有很多工薪阶层的读者,而“品质”报则拥有中产阶级和受过良好教育的读者。在卫报上常常刊登教师和社工的招聘广告,因为教师和社工倾向于看维护公共雇员利益的卫报。相反,时代周刊则为所谓国家利益机构代言。每日快报和每日邮报是较上层的小报并且拥有较有社会代表性的读者。 chapter 11 a nation from sea to sea 1. judge whether each of statement is true(f) or false(f). 1)_f_ in area,

15、 canada is the largest country i the world. 2)_f_ canada has always been ranked in first place as “ the most livable country in the world.” 3)_t_ the westernmost province of british columbia is in the pacific region. 4)_t_ the majority of population in toronto is of neither british nor french descent. 5)_t_ the newly set up of the italian navigator


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