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1、 9.15 Maxwell v15Basic Exercises PM Assignment Hallbach Array This exercise will discuss how to set up a Hallbach array consisting of 5 magnets. This procedure is applicable for Magnetostatic and Transient Solvers. Problem definition We are interested to solve the magnetic field around a Hallbach ar

2、ray consisting of 5 magnets. The magnetization direction of each magnet is shown below. The dimensions of each magnet are 5, 10, and 20 mm, respectively. The permanent magnet material is N27 (Br = 1.03T; Hc = 796 kA/m). Create Design To Create Design Select the menu item Project Insert Maxwell 3D De

3、sign, or click on the icon Set Solution Type To set the Solution Type: Select the menu item Maxwell 3D Solution Type Solution Type Window: 1. Choose Magnetic Magnetostatic 2. Click the OK button 9.15-#ANSYS Maxwell 3D Field Simulator v15 Users Guide 9.15 Maxwell v15Basic Exercises PM Assignment Crea

4、te Geometry Draw Box Select the menu item Draw Box 1. Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the box position X: 0, Y: 0, Z: 0, Press the Enter key 2. Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the opposite corner dX: 10, dY: 20, dZ: 5, Press the Enter key Change the name of the resulting object to

5、Magnet1 Duplicate Box Select the object Magnet1 from the history tree Select the menu item Edit Duplicate Along Line 1. Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the first point of duplicate vector X: 0, Y: 0, Z: 0, Press the Enter key 2. Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the second point dX:

6、10, dY: 0, dZ: 0, Press the Enter key 3. Total Number: 5 Change the name of the resulting object to Magnet2 through Magnet5 in positive Y direction 9.15-#ANSYS Maxwell 3D Field Simulator v15 Users Guide 9.15 Maxwell v15Basic Exercises PM Assignment Check Orientation of Objects Each object in Maxwell

7、 is associated with certain coordinate system. This is called Orientation and it is specified under attributes for each object. The Orientation of a newly created (or imported) object is Global. To Check Orientation of Magnet1 Select the object Magnet1 from the history tree, right click and select P

8、roperties A Properties window will pop up where Orientation of the object is listed Here Magnet1 is orientated with respect to Global coordinate system By left clicking on Global, we can change the orientation of the object to any other existing coordinate system Another way to Check Orientation Sel

9、ect the menu item Tools Options Modeler Options In Modeler Options window, 1. Display tab Show orientation of selected objects: Checked 2. Press OK This will enable display of coordinate system in small for each select object. The displayed coordinate system will the one to which object is oriented

10、9.15-#ANSYS Maxwell 3D Field Simulator v15 Users Guide 9.15 Maxwell v15Basic Exercises PM Assignment Define Permanent Magnet The magnet material is N27, which does not exist in the library. We have to create a new material with the properties of N27. For permanent magnets with the linear characteris

11、tic in the second quadrant (such as N27), the demagnetization curve is approximated with a line. This line is uniquely defined by specifying Remanence Br (1.03) and Coercive Field Hc (796 kA/m). To Define Magnet Material Press Ctrl and select the objects Magnet1 through to Magnet5 Right click and se

12、lect Assign Material In Select Definition window, 1. Type NdFe35 in the Search by Name field 2. Select Clone Material button In View/Edit Material window, Material Name: N27 Select the tab Calculate Properties for Permanent Magnet In Properties for Permanent Magnet window, Mu: Unchecked Hc: Checked

13、Specify value of -796000 Br/Mp: Checked Br: 1.03 Press OK Note that the Relative Permeability (slope of the line) is automatically determined from the equation of the line defined by Br and Hc. Press OK to create material N27 Maxwell 3D Field Simulator v15 Users Guide 9.15 Maxw

14、ell v15Basic Exercises PM Assignment The direction of magnetization is specified by a unit vector relative to the Coordinate System (CS) associated with the given object, that is relative to the Orientation of the object. If the Orientation of the object is Global, the unit vector will be specified

15、relative to the Global CS. Maxwell also allows to specify the type of the Coordinate System (upper right corner ). Thus Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical CS type can be defined. This means that if the Orientation of the object is Global and CS type Cartesian, the unit vector will be specified as

16、X, Y, and Z relative to the Cartesian Global CS. Hence, the right direction of magnetization is specified by the appropriate combination of objects Orientation, CS type and Unit Vector. For this particular magnet definition, the unit vector is 1,0,0. This means that if the magnet remains oriented in

17、 the Global CS, the magnet will be magnetized in the Global X direction. In order to change this direction, we either change the unit vector or define a new coordinate system and associate the magnet with it. The X-axis of the new CS will have point in the direction of magnetization as the original

18、(default) unit vector 1,0,0 in this case remains unchanged. The most advantageous is creation of FACE coordinate systems, which is discussed in the following. 9.15-#ANSYS Maxwell 3D Field Simulator v15 Users Guide 9.15 Maxwell v15Basic Exercises PM Assignment Create Orientation CS In this step, face

19、 coordinate systems are created in order to specify orientation of each magnet with respect to them. While creating FaceCS, it is ensured that X direction of the resulting CS is pointing in the direction of magnetization of corresponding object. To Create FaceCS for Magnet1 Select the menu item Edit

20、 Select Faces Select the face of Magnet1 as shown in below image Select the menu item Modeler Coordinate System Create FaceCS For the origin of the new face CS, snap to the face center (cursor becomes circle) and click For the X-axis (note that this should be oriented downwards in order to be aligne

21、d with the magnetization direction of magnet1) snap to the center of bottom edge (cursor becomes triangle) and click. X-axis of the newly created face CS is now aligned with the direction of magnetization of Magnet1 9.15-#ANSYS Maxwell 3D Field Simulator v15 Users Guide 9.15 Maxwell v15Basic Exercis

22、es PM Assignment Expand the history tree for Coordinate Systems and select FaceCS1 Goto the properties window and change the name of the coordinate system as Magnet1_N Note also that small red W next to CS name signifies current working CS. Clicking on Global, Global CS again becomes current CS. The

23、 above procedure for face CS creation has to be repeated for each magnet. At the end we have 5 face CS: 9.15-#ANSYS Maxwell 3D Field Simulator v15 Users Guide 9.15 Maxwell v15Basic Exercises PM Assignment Set Orientation CS for Objects Select the object Magnet1 from the history tree Right click and

24、select Properties Change the Orientation from Global to Magnet1_N In similar way, set the orientation of each object with respect to their FaceCS 9.15-#ANSYS Maxwell 3D Field Simulator v15 Users Guide 9.15 Maxwell v15Basic Exercises PM Assignment Define Region Create Simulation Region Select the men

25、u item Draw Region In Region window, 1. Pad all directions similarly: Checked 2. Padding Type: Absolute Offset 3. Value: 50mm 4. Press OK Analysis Setup To create an analysis setup: Select the menu item Maxwell 3D Analysis Setup Add Solution Setup Solution Setup Window: 1. General Tab Maximum Number of Passes: 20 2. Click the OK button Analyze To start


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