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1、Mobile Marketing TrendsEmojis Make theGo RoundMethodologyWe set out to discover how deep the worlds obsessionwith emojis runs. We love sending themin texts to friends, using them in work Slacks, adding a littlepizazztooursocialmedia posts,and on andon. Butcan addingsomeemoji flair to your mobile pus

2、h notifications makea difference inuserengagement?Readon for themostcomprehensive emoji data gathered to-date.Between Jan. 1st and Dec. 31st, 2016, Leanplum and App Annie analyzed close to 5,000 push notification campaigns, encompassing more than 2.6 billion individual push notifications across both

3、 iOS and Androidusers. Our analysis focused ontheimpact of both usage and engagement.Winning App Love (& Revenue) With Emojis2What Are Emojis?“Emoji” comes from the Japanese words for picture () and character ( ). It was invented in 1998 by Shigetaka Kurita, who dreamed up the original set of 176 em

4、ojis to convey emotions and thoughts in a visualmanner.The original set looked like this:Today, there are a total of 1,851 emojis used around the world. Emojis have become so popular that theres even a World Emoji Day, celebrated on July each year.Winning App Love (& Revenue) With Emojis3The Riseof

5、Emoji Usage1,467push campaigns with emojis in 2015Fast-forwardto(almost)present-day.Wetrackedthe year-over-year increase of emoji usage in push notifica- tions. From 2015 to 2016, usage rose 163 percent.Ontopofthat, the library ofemojis thatmarketers tapped into also increased, by 108 percent.Thisma

6、kessense,considering hundredsof newemojis were added last year. The list of new emojis includes some of our all-time favorites, like the rainbow flag, a David Bowie tribute, and new options for genders, races, and diverse family representation. 3,864push campaignswith emojis in 2016Winning App Love

7、(& Revenue) With Emojis4The Most Popular Emojis in Push NotificationsWe studied the most popular emojis used by different app verticals, such as retail, dating, and games. Not surprisingly, gaming apps more heavily feature emojis in push notifications than other verticals do. After all, when your ap

8、p is created for entertainment, mobile teams should have fun with their marketing push notifications.Retail appsDating appsMobile games. tend to use emojis that showcase themoney shoppers save on sales. veer towards representations of activities, like karaoke, drinking, and eating. use emojis to foc

9、us on holiday themes, likeHalloween and Christmas.Winning App Love (& Revenue) With Emojis5So Do Emojis Increase Push NotificationEngagement?When we analyzed the open rates of push notifications that contained emojis, versus push notificationsthatdidnotcontainemojis,there was a definite increase.Pus

10、h notifications without emojis saw a 2.44 percent open rate. Push notifications with emojis saw a 4.51 percent open rate.4.543.5Open Rate (%)32.521.51.50Push Notifications Without EmojisPush Notifications With EmojisWinning App Love (& Revenue) With Emojis6Thats an 85 percent increasein open rates,

11、indicating that emojis are a powerful tool for app engagement.Winning App Love (& Revenue) With Emojis 77The Psychology Behind EmojisWhydoemojisincreaseopenratessodrastically? For one,emojis are greatforconveyingtones,facial ex- pressions, and emotions. When you have a conversa- tion with a friend I

12、RL, its easy to express sarcasm. But on the internet, its a little harder.Accordingtoscientists,when a person sees anemoji in a message, their brain lights up the same way as when they see ahumanface. The brain recognizes emojis asnonverbalinformation, and are therefore processed as emotions. Emojis

13、 have the power to change the mood of the reader.If an app sends, , or in a push notification, it will spark the warm-and-fuzzies in whoever reads it. Naturally, more people will want to click on something that makes them feelgood.Winning App Love (& Revenue) With Emojis 88The Emoji Difference on iO

14、Svs.AndroidWith EmojisWithout Emojis98Tounderstand thedifferencesbetween platforms, we analyzed the open rates of push notifications that contained emojis on both iOS and Android. iOS push notifications with emojis are opened at a rate 50 percent higher. Android push notifications with emojis are op

15、ened at a rate 135 percent higher.Both platforms see an increase in engagement due to emojis. But Android which generally has a higher openratethaniOSregardlessbenefits evenmore. Ourtheory:because Androidpushnotificationsstick around in the notification tray longer, users have more time to see the e

16、moji and open.Push Open Rate (%)76543210iOS Push NotificationsAndroid Push NotificationsWinning App Love (& Revenue) With Emojis9More Emojis, More?Nowthat we knowthat using even one emoji in your push notifications can increase opens, lets examine whether emojis havea direct impact on a call-to-acti

17、on within an app.Mobilityware is a mobile gaming company that develops addictive card and casino hits. It ran a push notification A/B test to understand the impactofemojis initsmessaging campaigns.The push notification offered players the chance to collectbonus chips as a re-engagement strategy. The

18、 A/B test was simple: the variant included an emoji and the controldid not. The test went out to 100 percent of theirusers.The results? In the variant the push notification thatcontained an emoji Mobilitywareexperienced a nine percent increase in users who clicked to claimtheirprize.The testindicate

19、dtoMobilityware that emojis directly lead to an increasein conversions. Winning App Love (& Revenue) With Emojis10“More Emojis, More?Our usersengage with push notifications on a much higher level when they contain emoji. Not only do usersopenmessageswithemojimore often, but theyre more likely to exe

20、cute the call-to-action which, for us, provided a lift inengagement metrics like DAU and DAU/MAU. With Leanplum, sending emojiin push is quickAlex Tarrand, Mobilitywareand painless.Winning App Love (& Revenue) With Emojis11Reaching UsersWith ContentTheyEmoji engagementextends beyond push notificatio

21、ns, to other forms of messaging. Canva is adrag-and-drop design app that helps anyone make beautifulgraphics.Itranamessaging A/Btestthat pitted emojis against images. Half its audience receivedanin-app message with text and anemoji; the other half with text and an image.The results? The emoji varian

22、t outperformed the image version by nine percent.ImagesEmojisWinning App Love (& Revenue) With Emojis12”Reaching UsersWith Content“TheyUnderstanding how users respond to content is an important part of building a healthyrelationship with them. In a recent A/B test, we learned that including emojis w

23、ith plain text in our in-app messaging lifts engagement more than including illustrative images. Thanks to Leanplums easy-to-use messaging solution and automated insights, we can effectively engage more users, with content that resonates.Shipra Mahindra, CanvaWinning App Love (& Revenue) With Emojis

24、13Retaining Users With EmojisAnother app, a popular mobile marketplace for second-hand items, ran an experiment with emoji push notifications. For US users on Android smartphones, the day two retention rate increased from 25 percent to 32 percent.Emojis increase retention 28%Not only do emoji-powere

25、d push notifications increase engagement and conversions, but they also encourage users to stick around after downloading. In this case, the app found that emojis led to a 28 percent boostin day twouserretention. Thisisahuge win during a critical point in the user cycle to ensure continued app adopt

26、ion.Winning App Love (& Revenue) With Emojis14Find Your Target AudienceNow that we understand the effect of emojis on engagement, we set out toexamine who is impacted the most. As it turns out, millennials engage more often with emojis.The average 1324 yearold spent 20 percent more time in apps than

27、 the average 2544 year old, and 70 percent more time in apps than the average user over45. If your target customer is a millennial, adding emojis to your push notifications may help bring them back to your app.Android phoneWinning App Love (& Revenue) With Emojis15The Emoji Effect on Revenue & Time

28、In-AppAppstorerevenue has increased 80 percent.As global app store revenue has increased over the years, and theres more at stake, mobile marketers are becoming smarter about sending messages that respond to user preferences. From personalization to emojis, sending content that resonates onan emotio

29、nal level can help you drive more ROI in your apps.In the past two years.Time spent in apps has increased 95 percent.$40BRevenue (Billions USD)$30B$20B$10B$0BWorldwide App Store Revenue40%201420152016Google Play iOS App StoreWinning App Love (& Revenue) With Emojis16Your Emoji Cheat Sheet to Increas

30、ing EngagementNow you understand the positive impact of emojis on your open rates and revenue but which emojisshouldyouuse? Wehavecompiledthe25 emojis that have an above-average open rate.These high-performing emojis can boost your push notification engagement and conversion rates.Winning App Love (

31、& Revenue) With Emojis17Lift Your Engagement Even MoreOfcourse, itsnotonly about emojis. Nowthat you have all this juicy emoji data at hand, here are three moreeasy steps youcan taketoensure your push notification open rates are sky-high. Personalize Your ContentIncluding personalization in the push

32、 notification, like a users firstname, can boost opens by 4x. Other ideas include translat- ing the language to each users country,mentioninganaction item (like aforgottenshopping cart item), and targeting by location.Recognize User BehaviorMessages with a purpose perform better than messages thatju

33、st say hello. Byrecognizing user behavior for instance, thatauser listens to Frank Ocean and sending a push notification that alerts them to his latest release,youcanincreaseopens an astounding 9x.Personalize Your Delivery TimeSome platforms provide an algorithm that analyzes individual app engageme

34、nt and automatically sends messages when users are most likely to open. Leanplumoffers app teams a way toharness this power in an easy-to-use checkbox.Winning App Love (& Revenue) With Emojis18Want More? App Annie Has It.App Annie delivers the most trusted app data and insightsfor your business to succeed in theglobal app economy. Over 700,000 registered members rely on AppAnnieto better understandthe appmarket, their businesses and the opportunities arou


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