已阅读5页,还剩6页未读 继续免费阅读




1、SUBJECT 1: Online Purchase 主题 1:网络采购Purpose 目的To establish a standard on online purchase process and management建立此标准以规范网络采购流程以及管理To take full advantage of net work platform, eliminate the intermediate agencies of supply and cut the cost.充分利用网络平台的优势,减少供应的中间环节,高效地比较物品参数和获取价格To indicate items possible

2、for online purchase为可实行网络采购的产品提供指导意见Procedure 程序除非特殊说明,否则下文中提及的采购均指网络采购;供应商均指网络供应商。Unless otherwise stated, “Purchase (purchasing)” hereinafter refers to as “online purchase”; “vendors” refers to as “online vendors”1. 以东商城和宝(含猫)为主要的网络采购询价渠道,亦可根据实际情况增加如逊、巴巴等其他正规的购物网站作为辅助。To use JD and XXbao (includes

3、 Tmall) as main online purchase platforms, as well as other reliable e-shopping websites where necessary and practical, like: XXXzon, XXbaba, etc. 2. 适用于网络采购的项目主要有:Items suitable for online purchase:2.1 办公用品及耗材。如:U盘、鼠标、键盘等电脑配件;纸张、墨盒、硒鼓等耗材;计算器、电池、垃圾桶等办公备品。Office Supplies and computer consumables: USB

4、, mouse, keyboard, paper, cartridge, calculator, battery, rubbish bin, etc.2.2 固定资产:如电脑、打印机、热水壶等。Fixed assets: computer, printer, kettle, etc.2.3 工程、劳保用品。如:螺丝刀、扳手、口罩、手套等。Engineering tools and labor protection appliances: screwdriver, wrench, mask, gloves, etc.2.4 其他杂项。有具体品牌或型号、可以在网上以更优惠的价格采购的其他各类杂项物

5、品。如通用配件、塑料制品、包装用品、软件类等。Others: items with a brand or model which could be bought online with a favorable price, like: general parts, plastics, wrappers, software, etc.3. 账号管理Account Management3.1采购部在网络平台上以酒店全称申请一个企业采购账号,由专人负责管理,并报财务部进行登记备案。Purchasing department to apply a corporate account under the

6、 Hotel name, a designated person to be in charge of this account and report to Finance Department for a register. 3.2 各平台的采购账号根据使用频率,应存入一定的备用金,用以进行网络采购的款项支付。A certain amount of money should be deposited into each account for e-purchasing payment. 3.3 每天下班前,采购专人应对当天账号下的备用金支出情况进行登记并提交到财务。At the end of

7、 each day, designated person will make a record of all the payments happen of the day and submit to Finance Department.3.4 每个星期五,采购专人应对本周收集到的网络采购产生的发票进行汇总、附上收货单按流程进行报销、冲账,用以补足备用金。Each Friday, designated person should collect all the invoices received by this week via e-purchase, attached with the re

8、ceiving form to clear the account.3.5 在财务部对发票进行核验真伪无误且使用部门对所采购物品没有其他疑问后,采购专人方可进行网上确认收货。Only after the invoice checked and correct and user department accepts the items, can the designated person confirm items receipt online.4. 网络供应商的选择The Selection of Online Supplier4.1 尽量选择综合评分高、信誉好、便于当面联系以及有过采购历史的

9、网络供应商;Better to select the supplier convenient to contact with high rating, good reputation and a purchasing history; 4.2 需要采购的物品量大、并且是常见商品时,应优先选择直接生产厂商;Manufacturer will take priority for the common items to purchase with a great amount; 4.3 采购物品需要安装售后服务时,应选择全国联保的旗舰店、正规代理商、企业店铺、工厂店;Flagship stores,

10、 agencies, corporate shop and factory shop will take priority for items to purchase which need installation and after-sales service;4.4 对已经有过采购历史的供应商,应做好网络供应商记录,下一次同款物品采购,在价格不变的情况下,优先选择记录中的供应商。An online suppliers list should be made after a transaction done. For same items to purchase next time, pre

11、vious supplier takes priority; for similar items, supplier in the list takes priority.5. 网络采购流程E-purchase process5.1 采购专人在收到部门提交的采购申请单之后,开展网络采购的筛选、比价工作。The designated person will conduct e-purchase after receiving the purchase request.5.2 其中,有保质期的商品,必须咨询生产日期和保存期限。并对购买的物流方式、快递费用、配送时间、安装售后、发票信息事先进行了解;

12、The production date and expiration date should be checked if necessary.5.3 网络采购物品的选定,应综合考虑物品价格、商品评价、网店评分与信誉等几方面因素,所选取供应商不一定是最低价,但必须合理价格,并且低于本地供应商报价。The selection of the e-purchase items, should take price, online evaluation, e-shop rating and reputation into consideration. The selected supplier may

13、not offer a lowest but reasonable price which is lower than local suppliers.5.4 采购单上所填写的物品单价,必须包含物品本身的价格、分摊的快递费用(如有)、分摊的发票费用(如有)。物品的价格页面连同与客服确认价格的聊天记录必须截图在同一页面打印出来附在采购单后提交审批。The unit price stated in the purchase request should include the price of the item, apportioned delivery fee, extra invoice fe

14、e (if necessary). The price webpage and the price negotiating chat should be captured into one screen, attached with purchase request for approval.5.5 网络采购金额超过3万元(含)必须与供应商签订供货合同,对供货、付款方式、安全技术要求和售后服务等进行约定。A purchasing contract should be signed for any purchasing with an amount more than RMB30000; the

15、 way of delivery, payment, specifications and after sales service should be clarified.5.6 付款方式 (待确认,C方案为推荐方案)Payment A. 如果采购部拥有独立账号并存有备用金:审批流程结束后,采购专人登录帐号,进行网络支付,并将每一笔付款登记在资金日报上。B. 如果采购部管理采购账号、财务部管理支付账号:审批流程结束后,采购专人填写付款申请,由财务部进行网络支付;C. 如果采购部管理子帐号用于采购、财务部管理主帐号:审批流程结束后,采购专人登录帐号提交付款,选择“找人代付”,指定付款人为公司主账

16、号。财务部收到代付申请后,即可登录XX宝进行付款。D. 在网络采购中,除非与供应商签订供货合同,否则所有付款均应经由第三方支付,不直接付款给供应商。E. 使用部门收货确认无误,并且发票验证真伪后才能进行网上确认付款。若发现无发票或假发票应立即询问供应商,要求申请延迟付款或退货并将该网络供应商纳入黑名单中。5.7 所有与供应商沟通的聊天记录必须妥善保存,并在必要时进行截图,以备查证。All the chatting records with suppliers should be well kept, and snapshot on the purpose of verification.6.

17、退换货管理Return and Exchange6.1 如果所采购物品发生退换货,采购专人负责联系供应商说明原因,将需退换货商品立即寄出给供应商;If any item need to return or exchange, the appointed purchaser should contact the supplier and arrangement the delivery for it; 6.2 如因物品质量问题导致退换货,其中产生的运费与供应商协商处理;因使用部门原因要求退换货,运费由酒店支付;If the item need to return or exchange due

18、to suppliers problem, the delivery fee occurred should be discussed with supplier; if the item need to return or exchange due to user department problem, the delivery fee should be burdened by Hotel;6.3 如果需要退货,采购专人须登陆账户,选择该项商品的“申请退款”填写物流信息,收到退款当日,应将该退款登记在资金日报中。If the item needs to return, the appoin

19、ted person should log on the account and do the “Return Application” of this item. Once the refund received, it should be record in the Cash Float Report.7. 售后服务After Sales Service采购物品由本地维保商进行售后服务的,由使用部门负责联系相关服务;采购物品由网购平台或供应商负责售后的,由采购专人负责联系供应商售后。If the online supplier is responsible for the after-sa

20、les service of items purchased, purchaser will be in charge of after sales; local maintenance provider is responsible for the after-sales service, user department will be in charge of after sales. 8. 活动促销Promotions & Events为保证能够以优惠的价格购买到优质的物品,采购专人应不时对各网络平台上各类促销信息(如:双十一、电器节、家装节等)进行关注,并将筛选后的有用信息提前告知相关部门,以便提前下单。To ensure a preferential price to purchase item


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