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朝阳区北京市朝阳区20182018年初高中英语模拟考试问题2018。5英语模拟考试问题2018.5使用知识(共1414分),单个填空(共6分,每个小问题0.5分),我将从以下问题给定的a、b、c、d四个选项中选择填空的最佳选项。1.Look!that old man is crossing the road . let s go and help _ _ _ _ _ . a . meb . himc . herd . them 2。in order to keep cool,Many people go swimming _ _ _ _ _ _ summer . a . inb . ATC . ond . to 3。hurry up,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you ll be late for school . a . andb . butc . SOD . or 4。I think skiing is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ than running . a . exceting b . more exceing c . most exceing d . the mos Texceting 5 . jack _ _ _every year many foreigners _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to c Hina to learn Chinese . eb . camec . have comed . will come 7 .-wheres bob?-he _ _ _ _ _ _ in the library now . a . reasb . read sb . is reading d . will read 8 .I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a picnic with my brother last Sunday . it was great . a . have . ha DC . will haved . am having 9 . I _ _ _ _ _ _ itare givenc。加弗德。were given 12。-exceme,could you tell me _ _ _ _ _?-Sorry,sir . I wason t there at that time yesterday . a . how the accident happenssb。how the accident happened c . how does the accident hapend .how did the acci Dent happen ii,cloze(共8分,每1分)阅读以下短文,了解其效果,然后从短文后给出的a、b、c和d四个选项中选择最合适的选项。saving Jesse s arm at about 8 p . m . on July 6 th,Eight-year-old Jesse was playing in the sea in a national park near pensaola。it was the end of a perfect day at the beach with his uncle And aunt . s Uddenly,a two-meter-long shark(鲨鱼)appeared 13,And itby the the time his uncle and aunt pulled Jesse out of the water,He was unconscious and had already lost a lot of 14 .源学connet1 while Jesse s aunt was giving the boy the kits of life,His uncle ran back into the sea and 15 the shark .amazingly,he managed to catch the shark and pull it out of the water onto the beach,Although this might soundimpossible . at that moment two peachthen held open the shark s 16 while the other worker reached down its stomach and puled out Jesse s arm .a few minutes later,A helicopter took the boy and his arm to the nearest hospital,Where dr . Ian Rogers and his team managed to 11the operation lasted eleven hours。when the doctors saw Jesse s fingers g O pink,they knew the operation had been a 18。after such a terrible accident nobody believes that good things will happen,But the medical team are hopeful that Jesse will be able to 19 his arm arm“although Jesse s story is terrifying,It would be not correct to think that sharks are always so dangerous .sharks are usually harmless to human。”“Ian Rogers said博士”howwever,We should be 20 for safety and should only swim on beaches where there are life guards。 13 . a . quick lyb . slowlyc . loudlyd . happiley 14 . a . waterb . weigh TC . bloodd . sight 15 . a . help db . killedc . bitd . found 16 . a(共26分,每个小标题2分)a special festivals special festivals ST . Anthony s day January 17 th is ST . Anthony s day in Mexico(墨西哥)。it s a day when people ask for protection for their animals by bringing them to church .but before The animals go into The church,The people usually dress them up in flowers and ribbons。the festival of rakhithe festival of rak hi long agao in India,A young lady who need help sent her silk bracelet(手镯to a king)。although He did not arrive in time to help her,He kept the bracelet as a sign between them。today in India,during the festival of rak hi,Sisters of all ages tie bracelets around wrsts of their brothers to show their care and love . 2 SPsfamilies get togettogether and watch special programs on TV with the family on t He lunnar new year s eve . People can see a lot of traditional programsthis is known as setsubun。family members throw dried beans around their homes,shoutiling, good luck in!21.people celebrate the festival of rak hi in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . a . Mexico . b . China . c . India . d . Japan . 22 . whichA. setsubun。B. the festival of rakshi .C. spring festival。d . ST . Anthony s day . 23 . what do people do on the LUNs new year s eve?a . bring their animals to church . b . watch special programs on TV . c . give a bracelet to their family . d . throw beans around their homes . b theresno one can explain the Harry Potter phennomon(现象)not even j . k . Rowling,His creator . 3j . k . Rowling was in England in 1965。from a young age,she knew she wanted to be a writer。when she was 6,She wrote her first storyabout a rabbit that gets sick . at school,sheused to make up stories to t


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