



五年级英语重点问题练习解答教学内容:Unit Six How many stars are there on the flag?Unit Seven Whats in the bag?Unit Eight What are they doing?Unit Nine Are they picking pears?Unit Ten I can mend it myself.一、语音。选出下列四个单词中,发音不同的一个,并将序号填在题前的括号中。1.( ) A.with B. three C. this D. that2.( ) A.pardon B. box C. not D. on3.( ) A.sandwich B.China C.peach D.catch4.( ) A.stars B.pears C.bikes D.flags5.( ) A.think B.China C.in D. nice二、选择填空。1.( ) There a bottle of water and two bags of bread in the bag.A. am B. is C. are2.( ) There are animals in the zoo!A. so much B. so C. so many3.( ) Mary can dance. .A. I can so . B. So can I. C. So am I.4.( ) I have three flags. One is yellow , are red.A. the other B. the others C. others5.( ) - Lets English. OK?-OK. I want to talk you that story book.A. speak, to, about B. talk, with, with C. speak, with, about6.( ) Boys, say something about .A. yourself B. your C. yourselves7.( ) Can you the glass?A. broke B.broken C. break8.( ) you the pear?A. Do,get B. Have,got C. Have,get9.( ) Dont worry me. Im OK.A. with B. about C. at10.( ) Dont sing class. You can do it class.A. on, at B. after,in C. in, after三、 改写句子1Where are two stools in the bag.(就划线部分提问)2Where is an egg in the bag.(就划线部分提问)3What girl is very beautiful.(改为感叹句)4 Its a very nice pear.(改为感叹句).5 Mary can see three foreigners on the Great Wall. ( 用there be句型改写)6 Its time to watch TV. (同意句)7 girl,the,book,a,read,the,room,in,now(?)(连词成句)8 The boys are singing and eating.(就划线部分提问)四、阅读理解Mr. Wang: May I come in?Mr. Liu: Oh, its you. Please come in.Mr. Wang: Thanks. How are you this afternoon and hows your brotherr?Mr. Liu: Im fine, thanks. My brother isnt at home now. He goes to see his friends onSunday afternoon. Hes fine, too. Its time to practise (练习) English, isnt it ?Mr. Wang: Yes. What are we going to talk about this time(这次)?Mr. Liu: What about this picture. Look, here it is!Mr. Wang: What a nice picture! I like it!Mr. Liu: So do I. Its a picture of Mr. Smiths family.Mr. Wang: Let me have a look. Ah, therere four members (成员) in the family. One,two,three,four.Mr. Liu: No, five. Therere five.Mr. Wang: But I see only four. Look, Mr. Smith on the right(右边);Mrs. Smith on the left(左边)and two children in front of them.Mr. Liu: Look, here is another(另一个) one, a dog. Its name is Tom.Mr. Wang: Oh, I see. They must be very happy.Mr. Liu: Yes. They ARE very happy.根据以上对话内容,在以下短文的空白处填入适当的词,使短文内容与对话相符,每空一词。1 is 2 afternoon. Mr. Wang is at Mr. Lius 3 . They practise English at this4 5 day.Mr. Wang 6 a picture. 7 is a picture 8 Mr. 9 Family. 10 11 five members. 12 of them is 13 , a 14 .Mr. Smith 15 a happy family. 16 a happy family he 17 !*参考答案及部分题目解析一、语音。选出下列四个单词中,发音不同的一个,并将序号填在题前的括号中。1.B 2. A 3.A 4.C 5.A二、选择填空1.B 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.C(3. “so”引导的句子要进行倒装。 6. “yourself ” 的复数形式为 “yourselves”。)三、改写句子1.Whats in the bag? 2.How many eggs are there in the bag?3. How beautiful that girl is ! 4. What a nice pear it is!5.There are three foreigners on the Great Wall. 6. Its time for TV.7. Is the girl reading in the room now? 8. What are the boys doing?( 3&4. What 引导的感叹句强调名词,How 引导的感叹句强调形容词。5.talk的用法为“talk with sb


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