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教材内容Unit2 Being happy all year round课次1课型新授课Key points教学重点 单词及短语:festival n.节日 labour n.劳动力,人工 vacation n.假期 national adj.国家的,民族的 Easter n.复活节 Christmas n.圣诞节 usually adv.经常,通常 interesting adj.有趣的 join 加入,参加 horrible adj.可怕的,极讨厌的New Years Day 新年 Spring Festival 春节 Tree-planting Day 植树节 Labor Day 劳动节 Mid-Autumn Day 中秋节 Summer Vacation 暑假Teachers Day 教师节 National Day 国庆节 Thanksgiving Day 感恩节 be going to 将要,打算(一般将来时的标志) all year round 全年 look for寻找 merry-go-round 旋转木马 be angry with 对某人发脾气 be afraid to do sth 害怕、不敢做某事diamond菱形 宝石 raise举起 drop落下Childrens Day六一儿童节 have a singsong 唱支歌 afraid恐怕 害怕 angry 生气 camel骆驼 horrible可怕的 nearby附近的 enough 足够的 appear 出现 shy 害羞的 follow 跟随 at the top of his voice用他最大的声音 until直到 since自从 decide to决定 决心 echo回声2.重点句子(口语):Which holiday do you like? 你喜欢哪一个节日?I like Childrens Day. 我喜欢儿童节。When is that? 那是在什么时候?Its on June 1st. 在六月一号。 / Its in June. 在六月。 (意介词的区分)What do you usually do on Childrens Day? 在六一儿童节你通常都做什么?I do lots of things:singing、dancing and talking. 我做很多事情:唱歌、跳舞和聊天。Difficult points教学难点1. 月份单词的默写2. 各节日的说法和内容上的简单交流3. 一般现在时和将来时两个时态的掌握Teaching aims教学目标1.学生能进一步用英语学会说和掌握月份的单词。2.能略用简单的英语谈论一年中十二个月份的活动。3.能基本掌握和理解英语动词时态的概念。Teaching materials教学用具教学挂图和节日的图片Teaching procedure教学过程1.Greetings(问候):Good afternoon boys and girls, hows everything ? did you have a good time last week? 1. Review and dictation:句型复习T: ok, firstly, let us revise what we have learned in the last lesson. We know that there are four seasons in a year, and who can tell me what are they?S: spring, summer, autumn and winterT: Whats your favourite season? S: I like summer. / My favourite season is summer. (重复问几人)T:Why do you like summer? S:Because I like swimming. I can swim a lot.(引导学生表达)短语提问:smell the flowers 闻花儿 have a picnic 野餐 have a swim 游泳 pick up leaves 捡树叶 play with snowballs 玩雪球 make a snowman 堆雪人儿 ride on a sledge 滑雪橇 wear a fur coat 穿件皮毛大衣单词:(1)spring n.春季 summer n.夏季 autumn n.秋季 winter n.冬季 picnic n.野餐 enjoy v. 喜爱,享受 sunshine n.阳光 forest n.森林 sledge n.雪橇(2)swallow n燕子 wing n.翅膀 wire n. 电线,电报 swan n.天鹅(找学生带读,纠正发音,然后听写)2. 教学导入presentation: T: Who knows what was the date yesterday?S: Womens Day,三八妇女节T: That s right, International Womens Day, its on June 1st.In a few days, we are going to have a special day, and lots of people are going to plant trees. Do you know what day it is? S:植树节 T: Yes, youre right. Its Tree-planting Day. Do you know which day it is? S: 3.12, its on March 12th (引导学生用英文说)Did you find the rule in the sentences?总结T:today we will learn something about holiday!操练practice:输出production:Chinese:1.Spring Festival 春节It is a popular holiday in China.When:in January or FebruaryWhat to do: eat a lot of delicious food,visit their relatives and friends,play with fireworks(烟花), get some red packets, 2. Lantern Festival 元宵节It is a popular holiday in China.When:on the 15th of the first lunar month What to do: play with lanterns,eat rice balls,3.Tomb-sweeping Day/ The QingMing Festival (清明节)It is the occasion for visiting ancestral graves.When: on the 4th of April3. Dragon Boat Festival 端午节When: in May or JuneWhat to do: usually have the dragon boatraces(龙舟赛) and watch them,eat rice dumplings (粽子),5. Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节When:in September or OctoberWhat to do: usually watch the moon in the evening,eat moon cakes,children like to play with lanterns,6. Teachers Day 教师节When:on the 10th of SeptemberWhat to do: students usually give cards or flowers to teachers,7. National Day 国庆节It is the birthday for our motherland.When:on the 1st of OctoberWhat to do: usually have a long holiday,meet friends and relatives,go to parks and beaches, 8. Summer Vacation 暑假Western1. Valentines Day 情人节It is a holiday for the lovers.When:on the 14th of FebruaryWhat to do: Lovers give the candy, the flowers or other gifts to each other,2. April Fools Day愚人节It is a day to play jokes on others.When:on the 1st of AprilWhat to do: play jokes on others,3. Easter复活节When:usually on Sunday of March or April What to do: put on the new clothes,make a lot of eggs and colour them,the parents hide(藏)the eggs and the children look for the eggs4. April Fools Day愚人节It is a day to play jokes on others.When:on the 1st of AprilWhat to do: play jokes on others,5. Mothers Day母亲节When:on the second Sunday of 五月第二个星期日What to do: give cards, flowers or gifts to mothers,6. Fathers Day 父亲节It is a holiday for fathers.When:on the third Sunday of June六月的第三个星期日What to do: give cards, flowers or gifts to fathers,7. Halloween 万圣节前夕When:on the 31st of OctoberWhat to do: usually dress up in costumes,go to parties,make pumpkin lanterns,(Jack-O-lantern)children play games “Trick or treat”,8.Thanksgiving Day 感恩节When:on the fourth Thursday of NovemberWhat to do: give thanks for the good things, have dinner with the family,cook turkey(火鸡),9.Christmas 圣诞节It is a popular holiday in the west.When:on the 25th of DecemberWhat to do: usually have a big dinner with the family,buy Christmas trees,give presents to each other,International1. New Years Day 新年When:on the 1st of JanuaryWhat to do: have a big lunch,eat a lot of delicious food,go to parties, 2. Womens Day 妇女节When:on the 8th of MarchWhat to do: give the gifts to the women3. May Day/Labour Day 劳动节When:on the 1st of MayWhat to do: usually have a long holiday,meet friends and relatives,go to parks and beaches,4. Childrens Day 儿童节When:on the 1st of JuneWhat to do: Children have parties at school,People usually give gifts to children,4. Consumer Right Day 3.15总结:1.以Festival结尾的:Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival.以Festival结尾多为中国传统节日,前面用介词at2.以Day结尾的:Valentines Day,Womens Day,April Fools Day, May Day更多的节日以Day结尾,前面用介词on3.其他:Easter,Halloween,Christmas.有些节日有专门的名称,前面也用at课文上的练习(书面或口头):总结、复习conclusion and revision:一年、月、日、时刻表示法 年、月、日表示法1)年代 年代前用in。如:(in) 897读作 (in) eight hundred and ninety-seven(in) 1961读作(in) nineteen sixty-one (或in nineteen hundred and sixty-one)2)月份 月份开头第一个字母须大写,表示在某月时,月份前面用介词in。下面月份后附有缩写式。如:(in) January Jan.一月 (in) April Apr.四月(in)February Feb.二月 (in) May五月(in) March Mar.三月 (in) June六月(in) July七月(in) October Oct.十月(in) August Aug.八月 (in)December Dec.十一月(in) September Sept.九月 (in)November Nov.十二月3)日期 用序数词(前面须用the)表示;在某日,前面用介词on。如:(on) the first 一日 (on) the eighteenth 十八日(on) the thirty=first 三十一日4)某年某月某日in September 1954 (读作in September nineteen fifty four)1954年9月On May 17,1960(读作on May (the) seventeenth nineteen Sis-ty ),1960年5月17日On October 1, 1949 (读作On October (the) first,nineteen forty nine)1949年10月7日注 the twenties,the thirties等可用来表示几十年代。如in the nineties of the last century(在上一世纪的九十年代)。时刻表示法1)英语表时刻其前用at。如:We get up at six (或at six oclock).我们六点起床。They begin work at eight.他们八点开始工作。2)如说几点几分,则用下列方法表示:a)表示几点过几分,用介词past,但分数须在半小时以内(包括半小时在内)。如:eleven past seven七点过十一分a quarter past eight 八点一刻half past nine九点半b)表示几点差几分,用介词to,但分数须在半小时以上(不包括半小时在内)。如:two to seven七点差两分a quarter to eight八点一刻eighteen to nine九点差十八分注读时间表如上课时间表和行车时间表时,可以直接照表上数字读。日常生活中讲时刻也可用这样的说法。如:7:15读作seven fifteen 11:30读作eleven thirty9:20读作nine twenty 3:53读作three fifty-three二现在一般时的基本用法l)表示现在存在的习惯,经常发生的动作或存在的状态。常与every day,twice a week(每周二次),often (常,往往),usually(通常),always(总是),seldom(很少),sometimes(有时)等时间状语连用。如:She is our English teacher.她是我们的英语老师。He takes a walk after supper every day.他每天晚饭后散步。The children go to school at seven every morning.孩子们每天早晨七点上学。2)表示主语的特征、性格、能力等。如:He workshard.他工作很努力。(即:他是一个勤劳的人。)Does she like sports?她爱好运动吗?(即:她是个运动爱好者吗?)The children draw well.这些孩子很会绘画。(表示能力)3)表示客观事实或普遍真理。如:The sun rises in the east.太阳从东方升起。Two plus two makes four.二加二等于四。Knowledge is power,知识就是力量。将来一般时的基本概念和形式将来一般时(future indefinite tense)表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态。将来一般时由助动词shall(第一人称)或will(第二、三人称)+动词原形构成。美国英语则不管什么人称,一律用will现将将来一般时在肯定、否定、一般疑问及其简略答语等四种结构中。将来一般时的用法1)表示将来的动作或状态,常与一些表示将来的时间状语连用,如:tomorrow(明天),next week(下周),from now on(从现在开始),in a month(一个月后),in the future(将来)等。如:My daughter will be twelve years old tomorrow.我的女儿明天整十二岁。He will come to see you the day after tomorrow.他后天要来看你。布置作业homework:第一项:下列单词每个写3遍,写中文一遍,下节课听写。 festival n.节日 labour n.劳动力,人工 vacation n.假期 national adj.国家的,民族的 Easter n.复活节 Christmas n.圣诞节 usually adv.经常,通常 interesting adj.有趣的 join 加入,参加 horrible adj.可怕的,极讨厌的 默写12个月份 的单词两遍,下周听写。第二项:复习句型,每个句子写二遍,中文一遍,下节课听写。( 注意介词的区分)


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