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圣母大学申请条件 建立于1842年且位于美国印第安纳州的圣母大学是一所私立天主教大学,为综合性私立大学。该大学为美国精英大学中的贵族典范,本科教育稳居全美20所顶尖学府之列。想要申请圣母大学需要具备什么条件呢?以下是出guo为大家的圣母大学申请条件,本文提供本科生、研究生、转学生专业条件,供大家参考! 要求: TOEFL:最低100; SAT平均分:1360-1500; 圣母大学提供EA与RA录取方式;EA申请截止日期是11月1日,录取通知日期是12月中旬;RA申请截止日期是1月1日,录取通知日期是4月初;学生回复截止日期是5月1日;候补学员录取通知截止日期是6月中旬。 圣母大学重在申请者的班级排名而不是GPA。 ACT平均分要求:32-34;SAT/ACT送分截止日期3月1日 材料: Common Application 补充写作材料:Writing Supplement 高中成绩及表现:Academic Performance in High School 标准化考试成绩:SAT/ACT 课外活动:Extracurricular Activities 2封教师推荐信:A letter of evaluation from a teacher, headmaster, or counselor ESSAY 面试:圣母大学不要求校内面试,若想可以安排电话面试等 资金证明:A pleted International Student Certification of Finances 高中正式成绩单:An official transcript or record of academic achievement in secondary school 语言成绩:TOEFL/IELTS 标准化考试要求:SAT最晚考试时间是1月25日,ACT无需递交写作成绩,最晚考试时间2月8日;建议学生可以考2次,学校会取最高分数。圣母大学接受SAT Subject以及AP/IB分数; 高中课程要求 想要申请圣母大学文理学院或商学院(文理学院的医学预科、牙医预科以及艺术与工程专业除外)其他专业要求最少16个课程学分: 4 units of English 3 units of Algebra, Advanced Algebra, and Geometry 2 units of Foreign Language 2 units of Science 2 units of Social Sciences (History, Social Studies, Economics, Sociology, Anthropology, etc.) 3 units of Additional History, Science, Foreign Language, Mathematics, and English courses. 想要申请理学院、工程学院、建筑学院、文理学院医学预科或牙医预科或艺术与工程专业的学生,需要的课程学分有: 4 units of English 3 units of Algebra, Advanced Algebra, and Geometry 1 unit of Advanced Mathematics (e.g. Trigonometry, Pre-calculus, Calculus) 2 units of Foreign Language 2 units of Social Sciences (History, Social Studies, Economics, Sociology, Anthropology, etc.) 1 unit of Chemistry 1 unit of Physics 2 units of Additional History, Science, Foreign Language, Mathematics, and English courses 要求: 平均GPA:3.7 最低转学分:27 SAT:阅读600以上 ACT:英语26以上 由于招生人数有限,圣母大学商学院不接受外部和内部转学生。除外,转入理学院的学生不能申请力学-商科与化学-商科专业或数学商科管理专业以及精算专业。国际转学生几乎无奖学金申请机会 材料: 申请表:Common Application 大学正式成绩单(包括最终学年的成绩单):An official college transcript sent to the Admissions Office directly from each college attended. (A final Grade Report for the current term be forwarded.) 大学课程描述:Course Syllabi for all courses you have taken. Scan each course syllabus into a pdf, saving each with semester/year, course number and full title, e.g. SP14 - MA 121 - Calculus I or FA13 - SOC 2231 - Introduction to Sociology. 大学在读证明:A Registrar Report pleted by the students Academic Advisor, Dean or Registrar from each college attended. 高中最终成绩单:An official final high school transcript. (If you applied to Notre Dame as a freshman, you still must send a final transcript.) 标准化考试成绩:Official SAT or ACT score report(s). We will aept scores listed on an official high school transcript. AP成绩:Official Advanced Placement examination results must be submitted to be considered for transfer credit. A copy of an AP student report form will suffice. 语言成绩:The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL, which must be taken if the students native language is not English. The TOEFL is not required if a student has an SAT Critical Reading score of 600 or higher or an ACT English subscore of 26 or higher. 申请费:A $75 nonrefundable application fee. 1封教师推荐信:We strongly remend that you submit one letter of remendation from a professor or teaching assistant at your current institution. 各个学院具体转学要求说明 理学院 客观讲,理学院接受大二、三年级的转学生,但更倾向于大二学生。因为大三学生相对在圣母大学时间较短且没有足够的时间补充理科背景知识。申请理学院,需要一份详细的课程列表及具体说明。 申请专业研究领域,如:生物学、化学、生物化学专业的学生需具备1学期的有机化学课程及实验室经历。建议学生在夏季学期参加有机化学培训课程。其他学科有数学、物理。 Grades less than B are not indicative of academic suess for the College of Science at Notre Dame. Transfer Admissions Committee Office of Undergraduate Admissions University of Notre Dame 220 Main Building Notre Dame IN 46556-5602 Other Contact Information: Email: Phone: (574) 631-7505 Fax: (574) 631-3181 要求: 平均3.0以上 IELTS:最低7.0 TOEFL:最低80 申请研究生阶段若已经获得Ph.D., J.D., M.D. 或其他博士学位则无需GRE成绩。GRE/TOEFL考试编号是1841。 TOEFL成绩要求:总分不低于80,口语最低要求23分 申请材料: 申请者需具备4年制本科学位文凭; 申请表:通过Apply Yourself在线填写递交; 个人陈述:PS在线递交; CV:Submit a curriculum vitae or rsum through the online application; 3封推荐信:Arrange for three letters of remendation to be submitted through the online remendation system associated with the online application; 申请费: Submit the application fee by credit card, check, or money order using the payment system associated with the online application; 大学所有非正式成绩单:Submit unoffic


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