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第一章 八年级知识点复习1. 系动词表示不完全谓语关系的动词,本身有含义,但是不能单独做谓语,后面必须跟表语一起构成谓语,称为系表结构。形容词,名词及动词不定式(to do)都可以做表语。系动词有三类:A. be 动词:am is are was were B. 表示感官类的动词:look smell sound feel taste C. 表示变化类的词:go(变得) get become grow turn keep stay e.g. I feel terrible. The food went bad. The weather becomes warmer and warmer. The leaves turn green.2. 使役动词 make /let 的用法make 的常用句型:a. make + 宾语 + n:使成为 They made him captain. b. make +宾语 +adj.:使处于某种状态:Eating too much made him ill. c. make + 宾语 +v:使人做某事: Doing exercise makes us keep fit.Let 的常用句型:a. let + 宾语 +v: 让某人做某事:He doesnt let her drink wine. b. let +宾语 +adv:Let him out. c. let +宾语 + conj:Who let him into the room? 3. 动词不定式:to +动词原形(to 有时可省)l 不定式的否定形式是在to 的前面直接加not. E.g. Mom told me not to smoke.l 不定式可以和疑问词what, how, where, which, when, who连用。(why不用)e.g. Can you tell me how to get to the bank?I cant decide which to buy?在复合句与简单句之间的转换,也可用这种句型:e.g. I dont know what I should do next time. = I dont know what to do next time.l 不定式在句子中除了谓语之外,可充当任何句子成分。e.g. To learn English well is very important. (做主语)His job is to save people in danger.(作表语)I want to take part in the meeting. (作宾语)l It 做形式主语的句型A. It + adj + for sb. + to do sthB. It + adj. + that 从句C. It takes sb. + 时间 + to do sth.e.g. It is necessary for us to eat healthily.It is necessary that we should eat healthily. It took me three hours to finish my work yesterday.l It 做宾语和形式宾语u 可以接带to的动词不定式作宾语的动词主要有:要求、选择、同意(ask, choose, agree),期望、决定、学习(expect, hope, decide, learn),宁可、假装、知道(prefer, pretend, know),希望、想要、愿意(wish, want, would like / love)。如:1)We decided to talk to some students about why they go there.2)He prefers to eat white bread and rice.u 动词feel, find, make, think等后面,可以用it作形式宾语代替真正的宾语动词不定式,句子结构是.feel / find / make / . it+adj. / n.+to do.。如:I find it difficult to remember everything. 1. “What are you going to do this weekend?” “Id like my parents.” A. to visit B. visit C. visiting2. Whats your plan for the summer holidays? Ive no idea, but Ive decided at home.A. stay B. to stay C. stayed D. staying3. Last week our geography teacher told us more information about how to protect the environment. A. get B. got C. to get D. getting4. Our headmaster asked us a report on how to protect wild animals. A. write B. writing C. to write D. wrote5. How do you feel when you watch the national flag go up?It makes me very proud.A. felt B. to feel C. feeling D. feel6. It took her half an hour the Water Park by bus last Sunday. A. gets to B. get to C. to get to D. getting to7. Its dangerous for you that tall tree.A. climb B. to climb C. climbing D. climbed8. My brother is ill in hospital.Im sorry that. A. hear B. hearing C. heard D. to hear9. more information about the trip, you can go to .A. Find B. Finding C. To find D. Found10. Some children are arguing about what TV programs . A. watching B. for watching C. to watch D. will watch11. Its wrong _ not _ her a letter.A. of you; to write B. for you; writing C. of you; writing D. for you; write12. Im sorry, I _ my exercise book at home. Dont forget _ it to school tomorrow, please. A. forget; to takeB. left; to bring C. forget; to bringD. left; to take13. Before you go abroad, you need _ about table manners in that country.A. knew B. known C. to know D. knowing14. I need some paper _.A. to write B. to write on C. to write in D. write in15. I have no pens _. Could you please lend me one? Sure. Here you are.A. to write B. to write down C. to write with D. to write in16. Do you think our football team will win the match? Yes, we have better players. So I _ them to win. A. hope B. ask C. help D. expect17. I am allowed _ until 12:00 on the evening of the Spring Festival.A. stay up B. to stay up C. staying up D. to staying up18. Cars cause most of Beijings air pollution. So the “No Car Day” campaign(活动)asks Beijing drivers _ their cars at home one day each month.A. leave B. leaving C. to leave D. to be left19. Do you like sports?Sure. Im looking forward to _ the 29th Olympic Games _ in Beijing on TV.A. watch; to hold B. watching; being held C. watch; held D. watching; to be held20. Good manners usually help people to _ each other. A. get on well with B. get started C. be friendly D. get together.4.状语从句 状语从句的时态:“主过从过,主将从现”,另外,主句如果用一般现在时,从句也用现在时 1) 时间状语从句:用句子来表达一个事情或一个行为发生的时间,这个句子就叫时间状语从句。a. 引导词when/ while: 当时,有时可互换使用,when 既可以接延续性动词,也可接短暂性动词。而while 只可接延续性动词e.g. The students were talking when the teacher came in.While the students were talking, the teacher came in.I am watching TV while he is cooking. b. 引导词until: 直到为止 I will stay here until the rain stops,notuntil: 直到才: I will not leave here until the rain stops.as soon as: 一就 As soon as the bell rings, the students will go into the classroom.C 引导词before,after, since(自从) It is ten years since I studied English. 2) 条件状语从句:引导词 if (如果), as long as(只要)e.g. I wont go if he doesnt go. If people obey the traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents. If you study hard, you can catch up with others.3) 原因状语从句:引导词because, since (既然), as (由于)I did that because he told me to. 如果表述的原因是人们已知的事实,就用since Since you cant answer the question, you can ask someone for help.4) 目的状语从句:引导词so that, in order that (为了),主句谓语常含 有情态动词。I must get up early so that I can catch the train on time.当主句主语与从句主语一致时,可用so as to, in order to 改写同义句。He worked day and night in order that he can succeed.= He worked day and night in order to succeed.5) 结果状语从句 : 引导词 sothat, suchthat, so that(所以)So + adj. + that / so + n. + thate.g. He is so kind that he always helps people in trouble. He is such a kind person that he always helps people in trouble. Its a hot day so that we both want to swim in the sea.6) 让步状语从句:引导词though, although,even though、even if, wh-ever类(无论)e.g. Although/ though she works very hard, she makes slow progress. I have a bit headache, its nothing much, though . Even though/even if you say so, I dont believe it. Whenever Im unhappy, my friends cheer me on.( ) 1 .The meeting didnt start_ everyone was there.A. because B. until C. why D. if( ) 2. The boy _ to bed _ his mother came in.A. went not; until B. didnt go; after C. went; until D. didnt go; until( ) 3. I wont believe you_ I have seen it with my own eyes.A. before B. until C. after D. when( ) 4. He _ home _ she was satisfied _ his answer yesterday.A. didnt go; until; with B. wasnt go; after; toC. doesnt go; before; with D. didnt go; until; to( ) 5. He _ back until the work _ done.A. isnt; will be B. isnt; is C. wont be; will be D. wont be; is( ) 6 .They didnt start the work _ their teacher came back.A. until B. while C. as soon as D. if( ) 7. Tom will call me as soon as he _ Shanghai.A. arrives B. will reach C. arrives in D. get to( )8. Im sure hell come to see me before he _ Beijing.A. will leave B. is leaving C. leave D. leaves( ) 9. I will tell him the news as soon as he_ back.A. come B. comes C. will come D. came( ) 10. The boy told his father what he _ in the street.A. saw B. have seen C. had seen D. see( )11. We _ TV when the telephone _.A. watched; was ringing B. were watching; rangC. watch; rings D. are watching; rang12. The volleyball match will be put off if it _.A. will rain B. rains C. rained D. is raining13. Remember to send me a photo of your son next time you _to me.A. write B. will write C. are writing D. would write14. If city noises _from increasing, people _shout to be heard even at the dinner table in 20 years from now.A. are not kept; will have to B. are not kept; have toC. do not deep; will have to D. do not deep; have15. I often visited Tianan Men Square _I was staying in Beijing.A. until B. during C. while D. throughout6. 宾语从句当一个完整的句子在主从复合句中充当宾语,位于及物动词,介词之后就叫做宾语从句。引导词:a. 由that 引导的宾语从句,that可省b. 由if /whether 引导的宾语从句译为“是否”,不可省,通常两者可互换,但后有or not时,只能用whether.e.g. Do you know if he will win the game? Tell me whether the man is kind. I dont know whether he will come or not.c. 由连接词wh-词引导的宾语从句:what, where, why, how, who e.g. Do you know who broke the glass? Tell me which one you want. I dont know why he was unhappy.d. 宾语从句的时态: 主过从过:主句是过去时,从句也用过去的某种时态 She said she bought many story books. 主句为一般时或将来时,从句可按需要使用任何时态。 e.g. She says she will call me tomorrow. I know that I was wrong. 特殊用法:当从句叙述的是客观真理,事实时,从句时态不受主句影响,只用一般现在时。 e.g. She said her brother is two years younger than her. The teacher said light travels faster than sound.e. 宾语从句的语序:必须是陈述语序,即主语+谓语的语序 e.g. Her mother wants to know whether she likes the food. Do you know why he didnt come to school.1The girls asked if they _ some food and drink with them. A. took B. take C. takes D. will take2. Catherine said that she _ to Guangzhou. A. has never gone B. had never gone C. has never been D. had never been3. The students want to know whether they_ dictionary today. A. had B. has C. will have D. are4. She asked Linda if_ go and get some. A. could she B. she could C. she can D. she may5. Linda said the moon_ round the earth. A. travelled B. has travelled C. travels D. had travelled6. Can you tell me_ you were born, Betty? A. who B. what C. when D. that7. I dont know _ they have passed the exam. A. what B. if C. when D. where8. I hardly understand. _ he has told me. A. that B. what C. which D. who9. She didnt know_ back soon. A. whether he would be B. if would he be C. he will be10. I dont know _ he still lives here after so many years. A. whether B where C. what D. when11. Do you know _ they listened to yesterday evening? A. what B when C why D how12. He asked me _told me the accident. A whom B which C who D whose13. Do you know _ ? Im going to see him. Sorry, I dont know. A. where does Mr. Li live B. where did Mr. Li live C. where Mr. Li lives D. where Mr. Li lived第二章 九年级语法一 现在完成时(一) 现在完成时表示过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,也可表示已经开始,一直延续到现在的动作或状态。学习现在完成时,先从结构和句式开始: 构成:主语 + have / has + 过去分词 + 其他(当主语是第三人称单数时用has,其余人称用have。过去分词:规则动词的过去分词构成与动词过去式相同;不规则动词需要特殊记忆。) 否定式:主语 + havent / hasnt + 过去分词 + 其他 疑问式:Have /Has + 主语 + 过去分词 + 其他?简略答语:Yes, 主语 + have / has.(肯定)No, 主语 + havent / hasnt.(否定)(二)现在完成时的含义之一是过去完成的动作对现在仍有影响,用以下四大标志词可以表达这种含义:l 以already, just和yet为标志already, just和yet表示到现在为止动作或状态已经、刚刚或还没有发生。He has already got her help.他已得到她的帮助。He has just seen the film.他刚刚看过这场电影。He hasnt come back yet.他还没有回来。 l 以ever和never为标志ever和never表示到现在为止动作或状态曾经或从来没有发生过。This is the best film I have ever seen.这是我曾经看过的最好的一部电影。He has never been to Beijing.他从没有到过北京。l 以动作发生的次数为标志若某一动作到现在为止已经发生了若干次,则要使用现在完成时。He says he has been to the USA three times. 他说他已经去过美国三次了。l 以so far为标志so far往往表示到目前为止动作或状态已经发生。He has got to Beijing so far.到目前为止他已到了北京。She has passed the exam so far.到目前为止她已经通过了考试。(三)过去已经开始的动作一直延续到现在,甚至有可能继续延续下去,我们可以从动作“延续”的特性和“时间”点段的区分入手,进一步学习现在完成时。 “终止”、“延续”要转换英语中的动词从词义上可以分为延续性和非延续性两种。在现在完成时态中一定要注意动词这一特性,应将这类非延续性动词转换为延续性动词。如: “Cats” has been on for half an hour.猫已经开演半个小时了。 How long have you had this dictionary?这本字典你买了多久了?初中阶段常见的有:comebe, go outbe out, leavebe away (from), beginbe on, buyhave, borrowkeep, joinbe a member / 介词短语, diebe dead, becomebe, open (v.)be open (adj.) 等。 时间“点”、“段”须分清过去开始的动作可以延续到某一点结束,也可能继续延续,这时就要根据时间“点”、“段”选择相应的介词for或since。如:He has been away for two years.他已走了两年。(for +时间段)He has been an English teacher since 1992.自从1992年以来他一直当英语教师。 (since +过去某一时刻)课堂小练习A)选用have, has填空:1.I _ told him the news.2.She _ come back from school.3.You _ won the game.B)按要求改写下列各句:4.They have bought a computer. (改成否定句)_5.He has lost his book. (先改成一般疑问句,再作肯定与否定回答) _ _二怎样区别现在完成时和一般过去时 1. 一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的事、存在的状态或经常发生的动作。说话的侧重点只在于陈述一件过去的事情,不强调对“现在”产生的影响。如: He visited Guilin in 1998.他1998年参观过桂林。(只说明去桂林的时间) 2. 现在完成时表示动作发生在过去,对现在造成了影响或产生了结果。不与确定的过去时间状语连用。如: Jill has had a new computer.吉尔买了一台新电脑。(着重点是现在有了一台新电脑) I have seen the film. 我已经看过这部电影。(已经知道电影内容)3. 两种时态的区分 一般过去时通常与表示过去的时间状语连用。如:yesterday, last week, two years ago, just now, in 2002等;而现在完成时则常与just, already, ever, never等副词和these days, this week, since., for.表示一段时间的状语连用。1、 Both his parents look sad .Maybe they _whats happened to him. A. knew B. have known C. must know D. will know 2、He has _ been to Shanghai, has he ? A.already B. never C. ever D. still 3、Have you met Mr. Li _? A.just B.ago C. before D. a moment ago 4、The famous writer _ one new book in the past two year. A. is writing B. was writing C. wrote D. has written 5、Our country _ a lot so far. Yes. I hope it will be even _. A. has changed ; well B. changed ; good C. has changed ; better D. changed ; better 6、Zhao Lan _already _in this school for two years. A. was ; studying B. will ; study C. has ; studied D. are ; studying 7、We _ Xiao Li since she was a little girl. A. know B. had known C. have known D. knew 8、Harry Potter is a very nice film .I_ it twice. A. will see B. have seen C. saw D.see 9、These farmers have been to the United States. Really ? When _ there ? A. will they go B. did they go C. do they go D. have they gone 10、_ you _ your homework yet? Yes . I _ it a moment ago. A. Did; do; finished B. Have; done; finished C. Have; done; have finished D. will; do; finish11、 His father _ the Party since 1978. A. joined B. has joined C. was in D. has been in 12、Do you know him well ? Sure. We _ friends since ten years ago. A. were B. have been C. have become D. have made 13、How long have you _ here? About two months. A. been B. gone C. come D. arrived 14、Hurry up! They play _ for ten minutes. A. has begun B. had begun C. has been on D. began 15、 It _ ten years since he left the army. A. is B. has C. will D. was 16、 Miss Green isnt in the office . she_ to the library. A. has gone B. went C. will go D. has been 17、My parents _ Shandong for ten years. A. have been in B. have been to C. have gone to D. have been 18、The students have cleaned the classroom,_? A. so they B. dont they C. have they D. havent they 19、_has Mr. White been a member of Greener China since he _ to China? A. How soon, comes B. How often, got C. How long, came D. How far, arrived 20、 His uncle _ for more than 9 years. A. has come here B. has started to work C. has lived there D. has left the university第三章 句法基础一. 了解句子成分与词类之间的关系。 句子由句子成分组成,而句子成分又由某些特定的词语担当。句子成分分为:主语, 谓语, 宾语, 表语,补语,定语和状语。(1) 主语 ( S)主语是一个句子叙述的主体,说明句子讲的是谁或者什么情况。名词,代词,数词,不定式,动词ING等都可做主语。从句也可作主语。Mary is a good student.He enjoys going fishing.Playing football is my favorite sport.What we cant get seems better than what we have.(2) 谓语 ( V)谓语一般放在主语之后,用来说明主语的动作,特征,行为或者处于什么状态。谓语通常由动词或短语来充当,有时态,语气,语态和人称和数的变化,前面还可以加上助动词或者情态动词等。The room can hold twenty people. (情态动词+ 动词原形)She teaches us English. (第三人称单数)My mother bought me a new sweater. (动词过去式)(3) 表语 ( P )用来表述主语的特征,状态,身份等,一般跟在连系动词之后,一起构成系表结构。可以作表语的有名词,代词, 数词,形容词,副词,介词短语,不定式和动词ING等等。 He is a lucky dog. Her work is to look after the baby. Keep quiet, please. The weather becomes warmer and warmer in spring.(4) 宾语 ( O )宾语在句子中充当动作的承受者表明行为动作的支配对象。可以做宾语的有名词,代词,数词,不定式,动词ING等等。介词之后也叫宾语。 Walls have ears. I remember to give back his bike.I send a postcard to my friend yesterday.l 有些动词,如bring,buy,do, give, lend, pass, tell, show, teach, 等,可以带两个宾语,一个指人,叫间接宾语( ID)的方向或目标。另一个指物,称为直接宾语( DO ),表示动作的对象或结果,常由名词,代词,数词,不定式等充当。当间接宾语前置时,不需要任何介词。而当直接宾语放在间接宾语之前时,常常需要搭配介词to/for使用,常用的搭配有:taketo, passto, showto, giveto,b


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