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北师大版2019-2020学年九年级上学期期中考试英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Which would you like, coffee or juice? . I only need some water.ANeitherBEitherCBothDAll2 . _ are you going to learn English well?Im going to listen to the tape every day.AWhatBHowCWhoDWhen3 . Its said that two years_ since the old man _.Ahas passed, has deadBhas passed, diedChave passed, diedDhave passed, has died4 . I waited for him all the morning _ he came back from work.AuntilBifCas soon asDwhile5 . Could you tell us _? We want to give her a call.Awhat is her phone numberBwhat her phone number isCher phone number is whatDwhat phone number is her6 . Although they were all good students,_ had a score above 60.AallBbothCneitherDnone7 . Tom misses his brother very much and he is looking forward _ him.Ato hear fromBhearing fromCto hearing fromDheard from8 . Why are you going in a hurry? Because Im about late for school.Aworry, beBworried, beingCworrying, beDworry, being9 . He buys _ books, but he doesnt read them at all.Ahundred ofBhundreds ofCtwo hundredsDtwo hundreds of10 . -Li Hong went to the farm to plant trees last Saturday.- _.AI did so.BSo I did.CSo did I.DSo I do.二、补全对话7选5阅读下列对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。A. Only 10 minutes walk from here.B. What a wonderful novel!C. In the Rose Bookshop.D. Hes a great English writer.E. How many times have you read it?F. What are you doing here?G. In 1974, the book came out and it became very popular.A: Hi, Bill. I notice you are reading the novel again. 11 . B: Three times. Every time I read it, I can learn something new. A: Really? Who wrote it? B: Richard Adams.12 . I like writers who have special opinions.A: Me, too. Could you please tell me more?B: OK. Richard wrote a book for his daughters in the early time.13 . A: Sounds interesting. Where did you buy this book?B:14 . A: Is it far from here?B: No.15 . Just next to the Peoples Cinema.A: Oh, I see. Thank you!三、完型填空(题文)完型填空阅读下面短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,使短文完整、通顺。As we all know, the earth is our home. Everyone should do something to protect the earth. Then, what can we do to help save our earth? Let me tell you something about what my family do.First, my family try to save_We never leave the lights on when leaving the rooms. We turn off the TV when_is watching it. Mom only uses cold water for the washing machine.Second, we also pay attention to recycling. We_to write on both sides of the paper, not just on one side. We also_our rubbish into different bags for bottles, cans, paper and food. Mom keeps the plastic shopping bags from the supermarket to use them again as rubbish bags. These are great_to help protect our environment.Third, my family also save water. We never take long baths and have short showers_We wash the toilet with used water. My sister and I dont_the tap (水龙头) running when we brushour teeth.At last, mom and dad decide to save gas from now on. Mom_to drive us to school, but now my sister and I start riding our bikes to school. Its hard work_good exercise! This week dad and his workmates also start to go to work together in one_and share the cost. This also help reduce greenhouse gases.I think these are great ways to help save our earth. Lets take action right now together!16 . (小题1)AoilBfoodCwaterDelectricity17 . (小题2)AeverybodyBsomebodyCanybodyDnobody18 . (小题3)AtryBkeepCrefuseDwant19 . (小题4)AbuyBcheckCdivideDchange20 . (小题5)AwaysBnewsCinformationDadvice21 . (小题6)AalreadyBinsteadCagainDtoo22 . (小题7)AleaveBleavesCleavingDleft23 . (小题8)AbeganBhopedCneededDused24 . (小题9)AorBforCbutDand25 . (小题10)AbusBcarCsubwayDtrain四、阅读单选In the eyes of many Westerners, Chinese are the best hosts (主人) but the worst guests in the world. This is probably because the guest-host relationship in China is much different from that in some Western countries.In China, guests are almost like gods. Whenever I enter a Chinese persons home, there is always fruit on the table for me, and someone is quick to bring me a cup of tea or water. In the West, things are different. Acting according to the hosts way of doing things is usual behavior for a guest.And there are lots of things Westerners find difficult to adapt to. For example, my mother-in-law doesnt smoke. So when I see some of her guests smoking in her house. As a non-smoker, I feel unhappy. Usually I want to stop them directly. But I must realize that, to be a good host in China, she mustnt do that. However, in most North American homes, you should not smoke in the same case. You could ask, “Is it OK if I smoke?” But dont be surprised if you get a “no”. In our culture, its not considered rude at all.In China, you probably wont need to change the guest-host relationship very much because you will probably only be the host, and Chinese are naturally very good hosts. But if western hosts invite you to their house, try not to be too surprised if their style of treating you is not what you have expected.26 . Many Westerners think Chinese are the worst guests because _.AChinese act like gods in their homeBthey dont expect gifts from ChineseCthere are cultural differencesDChinese are heavy smokers27 . When a Western guest visits a Chinese family, he often _ .Abuys some fruitBfeels like a godCwants some giftsDtakes a cup of tea28 . If the writers guests want to smoke in his house, he will probably say “_”AIts OK. Go ahead.BWould you like a cigarette (香烟)?CSmoking is a bad habit.DSorry, please dont smoke here.29 . In the passage, the underlined phrase “adapt to” probably means “_”.Athink back toBget used toClook forward toDkeep close to30 . When it comes to the guest-host relationship, the writer thinks _.Aforeigners should learn from ChineseBhosts must do things in the guests wayCWestern hosts are always nice to guestsDpeople should understand cultural differencesHi!Im Lucy. I am a student in Class 5,Grade 7.I have a big schoolbag. It is blue and red. The price is ¥88.1.have a nice pencil box in it. It is ¥10.Its color is white. I bought(买) it in a store. There are four pencils and one pen. Each pencil is ¥1 and the pen is ¥12.My eraser is yellow. The price is ¥2.My ruler is orange and very long. I like them very much. I study very hard.31 . I am in Grade_.AOneBSevenCThree DFive32 . My schoolbag is _.AbigBsmallClostDblack33 . What color is my pencil box?Its _.AredBblueCwhiteDblue and red34 . How much are my pencils?A¥One.B¥Two.C¥Four.D¥Ten.35 . The color of my eraser is _.AorangeBblackCyellowDblueMr. Guo is a teacher from Xian. He asked his students to hand in their homework through a QR code(二维码). “We spent an hour or two in class learning how to generate(使产生) the codes, and in the end everything gets easier,”said Guo.“When students finish the homework, they keep it on WeChat(微信). Then, each student makes his own QR code and gives it to me. So I can check their work everywhere using my computer or telephone. ”The QR codes can be sent to Mr. Guo by email, QQ and WeChat. When Guo scans(扫描) his students QR codes, their homework appears on his phone. He finds that their homework becomes more creative, with many pictures, music and even videos.Guos students like the new way and think it is interesting. “We are living in the information age. Many students like to work with computers, which makes learning more fun.”said Tingting, a student of Guos.“The paper is not easy to keep, but the code is easy to keep and share,”Guo said.“It is worth trying to use new technology in education. Education itself is a kind of creation. I dont want my students to fall behind the times.”However, some parents are worried. They are afraid that their children will spend too much time on computers and less time communicating with teachers. But in fact, its unnecessary. Students still need to look up information in books and write it down when they do their homework. They only use the code when they hand in their work, which doesnt take them too much time. Also for teachers, it allows them to check the students work at any time. And its also an easy way to share homework with other students.36 . Guos students think the new way is _.AImportantBinterestingCstrangeDboring37 . Some parents are worried, because they think their children will _.Atalk with their teacher face to faceBfind the QR codes too difficult to useChate the new way of handing in homeworkDspend too much time on computers or phones38 . Whats the main idea of the passage?ASome parents are worried about their children.BTeachers dont need to check homework any more.CUsing QR codes makes checking homework easier.DStudents dont need to hand in homework any more.Fruit is good for people. Many people eat some fruit every day. Mr. and Mrs. Green like fruit very much and every Monday Mrs. Green goes to buy some fruit in the shop near her house. The man in the shop knows her well and helps a lot. She can buy all kinds of fruit there, apples, pears, oranges and bananas. In different time of the year, the price of each kind of fruit is not the same, sometimes high, sometimes low. Mrs. Green wants to buy cheap fruit. But Mr. Green likes bananas only. She buys bananas for him every week. She only buys cheap fruit for herself.39 . When does Mrs. Green go to buy some fruit?ASaturdayBMonday.CThursday.DEvery day.40 . Where does Mrs. Green buy fruit?AIn the town. BIn the shop near her house.CNear the shop.DIn different shops.41 . Mrs. Green buys _ for Mr. Green.ApearsBapplesCbananasDoranges42 . Which of following is NOT right?AFruit is good for people.BMr. and Mrs. Green like fruit a lot.CMrs. Green can buy all kinds of fruit.DMrs. Green only buys apples for herself.43 . In different time of the year, the price of each kind of fruit is_.Athe sameBcheapChighDnot the sameOne day, a boy found an eagles(鹰) egg. He didnt know what to do, so he put it in the nest of chickens. When the eagle was born, he _. He grew up doing what chickens do, such as scratching at the dirt for food and flying short and low with his wings. It was a boring life. Day after day, the eagle grew older. One day, he and his chicken friends saw a beautiful bird soaring in the sky, high above the mountains. “Oh, I wish I could fly like that!” said the eagle. The chickens answered, “Dont_give_it_another_thought. Thats the strong eagle, and its the king of all birds. You could never be like him because you are a chicken!” Then the eagle never thought about that again. He went on living like a chicken, digging the holes and feeling unhappy about the life. Even when he died, he thought he was a chicken. My friends, you too were born an eagle. The God wanted you to be a real eagle, so dont listen to the chickens! Just keep your dream in the mind and try your best to fly in the sky.44 . Which of the following should we put in the _ in Paragraph 1?Acould even fly like an eagleBwanted to have a different lifeCthought he was a chickenDbecame very different from other chickens45 . What does the underlined word “soaring” mean in English?ArunningBflyingCdancingDliving46 . The underlined sentence “Dont give it another thought.” means _.Ayou can have a tryBeverything may happenCstop thinking like thatDyou should know what to do47 . The eagle couldnt fly above the mountains because _.Ahe wasnt an eagle at allBhe believed chickens wordsChe wasnt strong enoughDhe didnt like flying high48 . What can you learn from the passage?AWe should always listen to others ideas.BThere is something that we can never do.CIts important for us to choose good friends.DDont let others words affect(影响) your life.五、句型转换按要求完成句子49 . I like pandas because_they_are_very_cute(对画线部分提问)_do you like pandas?50 . The zoo is behind_the_school(对画线部分提问)_is the zoo?51 . He likes elephants(对画线部分提问)_ does he like?52 . Dolphins are smart so they can help people.(改为同义句)Dolphins can help people,_ they are smart.53 . She likes playing basketball because_its_interesting(对画线部分提问)_she like playing basketball?54 . I dont like math because its a little difficult for me.(改为同义句)Math is _difficult for me,_ I dont like it.六、单词填空A baker lives in a small town. Every day he m_bread at his bakery. His bread has a wonderful smell. Every morning Sandy sits in f_of the bakery and smells it. But Sandy is a p_ man. He doesnt have enough money to buy any bread, but he loves the smell. One winter day the baker saw Sandy smelling the bre


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