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人教版英语九年级Unit6-Unit8阶段过关月考试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Please tell them _ here. Its dangerous.Ato parkBdont parkCnot parkDnot to park2 . Whats that? _English book.AIts aBThats anCIts anDThats a3 . -Are these_ books?-No, those books are _.Ayours; herByour; hersCyour; herDyours; hers4 . I saw some children _ in the garden when I looked out of the window.AplayBto playCplayingDplayed5 . -Do you know if Mr. Wu _ to our school tomorrow?-Ive no idea. If he _, everyone _ very happy.Awill come; comes; will beBwill come; will come; isCcomes; will come; will beDcomes; comes; will be6 . My father likes _ books in the evening. He doesnt often _ TV.Areading, watchBwatches, seeCto read, watchesDlooking at, see7 . Mr Smith _ is smoking is looking for _ he lost yesterday.Awhom; whichBwho; whatCthat; whoDwhich; where8 . Why didnt you show _at the meeting yesterday? We kept waiting for a long time.AupBaroundCoffDon9 . Thebooks_inEnglishPleaseshowthemtomeAwerewrittenBwrittenCwroteDwaswritten10 . Our teacher told us waste bottles should be_ good use.AputBput toCto putDputting to11 . - Hi, Alan. Happy birthday! - _ . Bill.AThank youBYou are welcome CThe same to youDThats for sure.12 . If we have a lot of _,we will know more about our world.AknowledgeBbrainCideas13 . Many cities in China, Beijing, have been deeply affected by dirty air.AincludingBbehindCwithoutDbetween14 . I would like to buy _ drinks,but I dont have _ money.Asome;someBsome;anyCany;someDany;any15 . Whats this in English?Its an _.AquiltBeraserCmapDruler二、完型填空Roy was a rich and clever boy, but nothing could make him happy. One day, his parents bought him a very old mirror from a mysterious old man. Roy looked into the mirror and saw a_ reflection(映像). He tried smiling, but his reflection remained sad-looking.Surprised, Roy went off to buy some sweets, toys and a pair of sports shoes. He then came home as _ as he could be, and looked into the mirror again, but he still looked sad in it. Roy got _ and said to himself, “What a terrible mirror! It doesnt work at all! ” Then, he dropped it in a corner.Later that _, he decided to go to the park. On his way, he saw a little girl _ so hard. Roy went over to see what happened. The little girl told him that she had _ her parents. Roy felt sorry for her and bought her some candies to make her happy. Then, the two children set off to _ the girls parents. After much walking, they finally found her parents, who were so grateful to Roy.Roy said goodbye to the little girl and her parents and went towards _. But seeing it was getting dark, he decided to turn around and go home instead. When he got home, he_ a shining light in the corner where he had dropped the mirror. He went over to the mirror and found that the light was coming from his own body, so radiant( 光芒四射的) with happiness. Suddenly, Roy understood the secret of that mirror: it could only reflect the true happiness of its owner. He also realized that his true happiness was making _ happy.16 . AsadBhappyCanxiousDstrange17 . AsatisfiedBcheerfulCconfidentDdisappointed18 . AnervousBashamedCconfusedDannoyed19 . AmorningBnoonCafternoonDevening20 . AcryingBcomplainingCbeggingDshouting21 . AleftBlostChurtDforgot22 . Alook atBlook outClook afterDlook for23 . Ahis homeBher homeCthe parkDthe shop24 . AprovedBnoticedCreceivedDmet25 . Athe girlBhimselfCothersDthe mirror三、阅读单选Safety tips for taking the busWait for the bus Always arrive at your bus stop early. If the bus is late, please stay at the bus stop. Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before you get on. Make sure that you have your bus card or money ready before you get on the bus. Get on the bus If you are on a bus with seat belts, make sure to wear yours. Make sure you know where the emergency exits are when there is an emergency. Do not run or jump on the bus. Respect other people.1) Do not kick the seat in front of you.2) Do not leave trash behind on the bus.3) Treat the bus driver with respect.Get off the bus Take off your headphones before you get off the bus, as you may not notice the danger around you. Get off the bus in a right way. Do not push, or run. Never cross the road in front of a bus. Cross the road after the bus has moved on and you can see clearly in all directions Please tell the bus driver if there is an emergency.26 . If the bus is late, its better to _.Acatch the last busBwait at the bus stopCleave the bus stopDcall the bus company27 . Which of the following actions is dangerous?a. Getting on the bus while its still moving.b Respecting other passengers.c Wearing headphones while getting off the bus.d. Crossing the road in front of the bus.Aa b cBa b dCa c dDb c d28 . Where might you find these safety tips?AAt a train stationBAt a bus stop.CIn a newspaper.DIn a fashion magazine.阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。29 . Who breaks records for the largest surface area 3D painting at present?AJoe Hill.BQi Xinghua.CTeotronico.DMatteo Suzzi.30 . How big was the last world record for the largest street 3D painting?A3,000 square meters.B1,120 square meters.C892.15 square meters.D1,940 square meters.31 . What cant the cool invention the special robot do?AHe can play the piano faster than any human.BHe can also sing.CHe can accompany himself on the violin.DHe can see those around him with video cameras set in his eyes.四、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子32 . 你最好每天练琴半小时。Youd better _ the piano for half an hour every day.33 . 他不敢坐飞机。He _ the plane.34 . 树越多,污染就会越少。_ trees there are, _ pollution there will be.35 . 这名医生对病人很有耐心。The doctor is _ the _.36 . 我们应该学好英语,以便能向世界讲述中国故事。We should learn English well _ we can tell China stories to the world.五、单词填空缺词填空Elizabeth lived with her six children in a small house. One winter, there was a big flood and quite a f37 . houses were washed away, but Elizabeths house was high e38 . to escape it. Elizabeth took in one of the families which had lost everything. She s39 . her home until the family could build a new house. Elizabeths friends could not understand w40 . she wanted to give so much when she already had so many children to support.“Well,” Elizabeth e41 . to her friends, “at the end of World War I, there was a poor woman in a town in Germany. Her husband had been killed in the war and she had a lot of children, just l42 . me now.” “The day before Christmas, this woman said to her children, We wont be able to have much for Christmas. Im going to get just one p43 . for us all. Now Ill go and get it. She came back w44 . a little girl who had no parents. Heres our present, she said to her own children. The children were more than excited to get such a present. They w45 . the little girl warmly, and she g46 . up as their sister. I was that Christmas present.”六、填空Body language sometimes speaks louder than words. Body language can tell you whether someone is interested or not, and whether someone is happy to see you or not. One of the most important things that body language can tell, however, is whether a person is lying or not. Heres how you can determine whether someone is telling you the truth or not, based on body language alone.The eyes are said to be the windows of the soul and one of the things that the little windows will show you is whether someone is honest or not. When you talk to people, you should look at their eyes and judge whether they are turning away from your close watch or not. People are usually subconsciously(潜意识地) uncomfortable when lying to the person that they are talking to. Besides lying, eyes that have a lot of movement usually show that the person is about to lie or that the person has told a lie.People who lie often touch their noses and other parts of their faces. If you notice that your partner or someone talking to you unconsciously touches his nose, this probably means that he is lying. The reason why people touch their faces when they lie is that lying usually leads to an increase in blood circulation, and then an itch(痒) in the small blood vessels(血管)in the nose or in the cheeks will appear.Another common body language suggestion that someone is lying is when a person crosses his arms. If the person crosses the arms, it means that the person is both being defensive and shutting himself off. People who are telling the truth will usually make an open gesture(姿态). They put the arms on the side to show that they are not hiding anything. Subconsciously, however, people will cross their arms when they are lying.If you plan to use body language to determine whether someone is lying or not, make sure that you are focused and that you are looking in the face and the persons body all at the same time.TitleHow to Read Truth in 47 . Language?Theme You can tell whether what someone says is 48 . or not by body language.49 . Eyes When 50 . to people, judge whether they are turning away when you closely watch them.The person perhaps tells lies if he looks away from your eyes or his eyes51 . a lot.52 . If people touch their noses or other parts of the face, they are probably 53 . . This is because lying usually 54 . an itch in the blood vessels.Crossed arms 55 . the arms has two meanings that the person is being defensive and shutting himself off.People who are telling the truth will usually make an open gesture56 . the arms on the side to show that they are not hiding anything七、回答问题Hiking (徒步) in the countryside is one of lifes simple and cheap pleasures. But is it safe? Sport writer Mark Waters considers the dangers.Imagine the following.One day, Tom decided to take up hiking. Before going, he quickly looked at a map and decided that he could easily walk from the bus stop at Pak Tam Chung to the beach at Dai Long Wan.After walking for hours and hours under the hot sun, Tom started to feel sick. He reached for his water but found that the bottle was empty. Then he smelt smoke and saw a fire. He called 999. However, he could not tell them where he was because he did not have a map.Think about it. Put yourself in Toms shoes. How could you stay away from the risks? One way is to learn the following common types of danger well.1. Getting lostBad weather is one of the reasons that some walkers get lost. However, the most common one is not having enough knowledge of the hiking route (路线). Always remember to bring a map and dont be too confident. Always choose a route that is right for you.2. Heat stroke (中暑)The summer in Hong Kong is very hot and wet. Many hikers forget this and walk for too long in the midday heat. They become hot and feel weak. Dont forget it is necessary to drink 100 to


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