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Unit 8How do you make a banana milk shake?单元教材分析类别课程标准要求掌握的项目单元话题1.Describe a process;2Follow instructions.单元语法1.可数名词与不可数名词;2由how many和how much构成的特殊疑问句的用法;3表示顺序的副词的用法。语言技能听指导学生听懂“做香蕉奶昔”所需的材料,了解做香蕉奶昔的步骤和方法。说教会学生运用本单元所学的知识讨论如何做一份“俄罗斯罗宋汤”。读指导学生读懂关于“感恩节”的文章,并正确回答文章下面的问题。写指导学生利用课堂上所获取的知识来仿写一篇短文,介绍自己所喜欢的一种食品的做法。学习策略培养学生主动用表示顺序的副词描述活动的过程,培养学生表达要点化的习惯和意识。情感态度指导学生利用节假日积极参加各种家务劳动或社会公益活动,养成热爱劳动的良好习惯。文化意识了解西方的“感恩节”及其代表性的食品火鸡。课时教学设计第一课时Section A (1a2d)1通过看图说话、师生问答、听录音和角色扮演等形式,让学生掌握本课时的单词shake,blender,peel,pour,yogurt,honey,watermelon,spoon,pot,add,finally,salt以及短语milk shake,turn on,并学会询问和描述一种食物的制作过程。2通过师生问答、角色扮演、调查采访、做游戏等形式,让学生学会“How do you make a banana milk shake?”“FirstThenNextAfter thatFinally”等句子结构,并能描述做一件事情的过程。重点使学生掌握描述制作某一食物流程的相关的词汇、短语和句型“How do you make?”“FirstThenNextAfter thatFinally”,能够根据指示说明制作某一种食物。难点学会询问和描述一种食物的制作过程。Step 1情景导入通过师生自由交流进行热身。For example:T:What kind of fruit do you like?S1:I like bananas.S2:I like apples.S3:T:We can use them to make a banana milk shake.(设计意图:通过师生自由交流导入新课描述一种食物的制作过程。)Step 2完成教材1a1c的任务1教师用简笔画呈现本课时的词汇milk shake,blender,peel,pour,yogurt,honey,watermelon,spoon,pot,salt等,这样更直观,更简洁,能充分调动学生的学习积极性,寓教于乐。2学生领读1a中的单词和词组,学生识记并且互相提问这些单词和词组。3认真观察图片,将这些单词和词组填在图片中的横线上,集体核对答案。4大声地朗读图片中的句子,为听力做好铺垫。5听录音,按听到的顺序给句子排序,师生共同核对答案。6熟读制作奶昔的过程,并用三分钟背诵下来。7两人一组练习对话,向大家介绍奶昔的制作过程,然后邀请几组学生表演对话。A:How do you make a banana milk shake?B:First,peel the bananas8小结训练。(1)Turn(turn) on the blender before you use it.(2)I spent two minutes cutting(cut) up the bananas.(3)Dont_drink(not drink) the orange milk shake too much.(4)He put(put) on his coat and went out.(5)Dont turn_on(打开) the radio,the baby is sleeping.(6)Please pour_the_milk_into_the_blender(把牛奶倒进果汁机中)(7)If you want to make fruit salad,please cut_up(切碎) the fruit first.(8)How do you make a banana milk_shake(奶昔)?(9)Put the bananas and icecream in(把放进) the blender.Step 3完成教材2a2c的任务1大声朗读2a图片中的单词并两人一组互相背诵单词。2认真听录音,按要求填写2a表格,小组内核对答案并且讨论how many和how much的用法区别。3再听一遍录音,在每种数量的下面写出所需要的材料,集体核对答案,完成2b。4再听一遍录音,并跟读以整体感知对话内容。 5根据2b中的听力信息,两人一组练习对话怎样制作水果沙拉,邀请几组学生展示对话内容。A:Lets make fruit salad.B:OK,good idea.How much yogurt do we need?A:One cup.B:How many apples do we need?A:Let me thinkWe need two apples.B:OK,and how much6小结训练。用how many,how much填空。(1)How_much yogurt do we need?(2)How_many apples do we need?(3)How_much water does he need?(4)How_much salt does she want?(5)How_many watermelons do they have?对画线部分提问。(6)We need two spoons of honey.How_many spoons of honey do you need?(7)We need two_spoons_of honey.How_much honey do you need?Step 4完成教材2d的任务1播放2d的对话录音,让学生跟读,模仿并理解大意。2大声朗读2d对话,读熟后与同伴结对练习,分角色表演对话。3邀请三组学生来表演对话。Step 5布置作业完成探究在线高效课堂本课时练习。第二课时Section A (Grammar Focus3c)1通过看图说话、师生问答、听录音、角色扮演等形式,使学生掌握本课时词汇sugar,cheese,popcorn,corn,machine,dig,hole;掌握可数名词与不可数名词的区别。2通过看图说话、师生问答、听录音、角色扮演等形式,使学生掌握本课时的“How many bananas do we need?”“How much sugar do we need?”等句型,并能用英语描述制作一种食物的过程。重点掌握句型“How many bananas do we need?”“How much sugar do we need?”学会区分可数名词与不可数名词。难点可数名词与不可数名词的区别;How many/How much引导的特殊疑问句。Step 1情景导入通过师生问答谈论如何做香蕉奶昔,进行自由交流,并复习上节课所学过的内容。For example:T:How do you make a banana milk shake?S:First,peel three bananas. Second,cut up the bananas and put the bananas and icecream into the blender. Third,pour the milk into the blender.Fourth,turn on the blender. Finally,drink the milk shake.Step 2完成教材Grammar Focus的任务1学生阅读Grammar Focus中的句子,然后做填空练习。(1)你怎样做香蕉奶昔? do you _ _ banana milk shake?(2)首先,将香蕉剥皮。 ,_the bananas.(3)接下来,将香蕉放入果汁机中。 ,_ the bananas in the blender.(4)然后,将牛奶倒进果汁机中。 ,_ the milk _the blender.(5)最后,打开果汁机。 , _ _the blender.(6)我们需要多少香蕉? _ _bananas do we need? (7)我们需要三根香蕉。 We _ three _. (8)我们需要多少酸奶? _ _ yogurt do we need? (9)我们需要一杯酸奶。 We need _ _ _ yogurt.2学生们根据记忆,看大屏幕来完成填空练习。3学生们完成填空试题后,可以打开课本检查答案,对错误的句子,单独进行强化记忆。4如何问答名词的数量:(1)询问不可数名词的数量: _不可数名词 ? (2)回答不可数名词的数量: _不可数名词 一杯_; 一碗 _(3)询问可数名词的数量: _可数名词 ? 5练一练:句型转换 (1)We need three_cups_of sugar.(提问)How much sugar do we need? (2)They need ten tomatoes for the soup.(提问)How many tomatoes do they need? (3)The Tshirt is twenty_dollars(提问)How much is the Tshirt? (4)We have six bottles of juice.(提问)How many bottles of juice do you have?Step 3完成教材3a3c的任务1Work on 3a:(1)认真阅读3a中的句子,然后圈出每个问题中正确的单词,完成后小组内互相交流答案。方法指导:应根据括号后面的名词是可数名词还是不可数名词来确定。 比如,第一句中bananas是可数名词的复数形式,故用how many。其他类似。(2)熟读3a的句子,然后两人一组互相提问how many和how much的用法。2Work on 3b:(1)教师出示图片,让学生通过图片了解制作爆米花的步骤,然后回答下列问题:Do you like popcorn?How do you make popcorn?Look at the pictures and complete the questions.How do you make popcorn?How_much corn do we need?How do we do next?How_much salt do we need?Now can we eat it?(2)教师通过多媒体课件呈现3b部分内容,让学生根据图画内容补全句子之后,再把3b中的ae五个句子与上面的句子进行匹配。_b_How do you make popcorn?_a_How_much corn do we need?_d_How do we do next?_e_How_much salt do we need?_c_Now can we eat it?a.Half a cup.b.First,put the corn into the popcorn machine.c.Yes,we can!d.Next,turn on the machine.Then,_add the salt.e.Just one spoon.(3)教师让学生根据图画内容和补全后的句子,把制作爆米花的过程写下来,然后复述制作爆米花的过程。(设计意图:通过一系列的任务训练,让学生了解制作爆米花的过程,并且通过进一步练习之后,能够复述出整个过程。)3Work on 3c:(1)让学生们看表格中的四个活动项目,由他们根据自己的生活阅历来选择一个较为熟悉的话题,并与自己的小组成员进行讨论如何做此事。(2)将做这个事情的过程列一个较为清晰的单子,并用英语描述一下。(3)与一位同学一起用英语讨论一下,如何做这个活动。(4)听一听其他同学们擅长的项目,并表达自己的想法或问题。 (最后,可以经学生们评议来推举谁是最会做事情的同学)4小结训练。(C)(1)There are some bananas here.Let me help you _.Acut up them Bto cut them outCcut them up Dcutting them up(C)(2)I want to make a banana milk shake.Please tell me, _ milk do I need,and _ bananas do I need?Ahow much,how muchBhow many,how manyChow much,how manyDhow many,how much(A)(3)I want to watch the weather report on TV.Please _ the TV for me!Aturn on Bturn offCturn up Dturn down(D)(4)Please bring me _Atwo cup of coffee Btwo cup of coffeesCtwo cups of coffees Dtwo cups of coffee(B)(5)_ late.Its your first day to work.ADont to be BDont beCNot be DBe notStep 4布置作业完成探究在线高效课堂本课时练习。第三课时Section B (1a1e)1通过看图说话、师生问答、调查报告、听录音、角色扮演等形式,使学生掌握本课时的单词sandwich,butter,turkey,lettuce,piece;学会制作三明治。2通过师生问答、角色扮演、调查采访、做游戏等形式,使学生学会“Do you like lettuce in a sandwich?”“Yes,I do.”“First,put some butter on a piece of bread.”等句型,并能用英语询问和描述一种食物的制作过程。重点本课时所学词汇、短语和句型。难点学会询问和描述一种食物的制作过程。Step 1情景导入Free talkT:Do you like popcorn?Ss:Yes,we do.T:How do you make popcorn?S1:First,put the corn into the popcorn machine.Next,turn on the machine. Then,add the sugar.Finally,eat it.T:Good job.How do you make a banana milk shake?S2:First,peel three bananas.Second,cut up the bananas and put the bananas and icecream into the blender. Third,pour the milk into the blender. Fourth,turn on the blender.Finally, drink the milk shake.Step 2完成教材1a1b的任务1教师通过图片向学生呈现词汇。以图片的形式呈现词汇,更直观,便于学生记忆。 12sandwich butter 3 4 turkey lettuceFor example:T:Look at picture 1.Do you like sandwiches?S1:Yes,I do.T:Do you like lettuce in your sandwiches?S1:No,I dont.T:Do you like butter in your sandwiches?Ss:Yes, I do.(设计意图:教师可以采用此方式呈现本课时的词汇。此环节充分利用图片信息,让学生大胆实践,发表自己的看法,激发学生的求知欲。)2学习1a中的单词,学生识记并且两人一组互相提问。3列一个清单,写出三明治中你喜欢的食物,完成后小组内互相交流。4两人一组仿照1b的形式练习对话,弄清楚对方喜欢的三明治里的食物,然后邀请几组学生展示对话。A:Do you like lettuce in a sandwich?B:Yes,I do.A:Do you like tomatoes?B:No,I dont.5小结训练。(1)I often have some bread (面包)(2)Many children like sandwiches (三明治)(3)How much butter (黄油) do you need?(4)My father likes to have tomato (西红柿) soup.Step 3完成教材1c1e的任务1听录音,在1a图片中圈出所听到的单词,集体核对答案,完成1c。2再认真听一遍录音,按你听到的顺序写出制作三明治的原料,完成1d对话填空,教师核对答案。3认真听第三遍录音,然后跟读复述三明治的制作方法。4仿照1d听力形式,两人一组来练习对话,告诉搭档你最喜欢的三明治的制作过程。A:First,put some butter on a piece of bread.B:How much butter?A:About one spoon.5小结训练。(B)(1) _ there any lettuce in the bowl?Yes,there is.AWere BIs CAre DHave(D)(2)Put some butter _ a piece of bread.Aover Bat Cin Don(C)(3)Would you like some butter?Yes,but _Afew Blittle Ca little Da few(D)(4)Do you like lettuce _ hamburgers?Ato Bwith Cat Din(D)(5)How much _ do you want?Abutter Bsugar Conion DA and BStep 4布置作业完成探究在线高效课堂本课时练习。第四课时Section B (2a2e)1重点单词:traditional,autumn,traveler,England,celebrate,mix,pepper,fill,plate,cover,serve,temperature2重点句式:In most countries,people usually eat traditional food on special holidays.It is a time to give thanks for food in the autumn.At this time,people also remember the first travelers from England who came to live in America about 400 years ago.These travelers had a long,hard winter,and many of them died.In the next autumn,they gave thanks for life and food in their new home.These days,most Americans still celebrate this idea of giving thanks by having a big meal at home with their family.The main dish of this meal is almost always turkey.Fill the turkey with this bread mix.Place the turkey on a large plate and cover it with gravy.Cut the turkey into thin pieces and eat the meat with vegetables like carrots and potatoes.重点1重点词汇和句型。2了解感恩节的历史及火鸡的做法。难点重点词汇和句型。Step 1情景导入教师播放一段有关感恩节的视频,激发学生的学习兴趣。通过观看感恩节视频,让学生了解有关感恩节方面的内容,以及感恩节的标志性食物火鸡的制作方法,为下一步学习做好铺垫。Step 2完成教材2a2c的任务1小组内互相交流中国的传统节日及这些传统节日的饮食。2快速阅读2b短文,了解短文大意,根据烤火鸡的制作步骤,将图片排序,集体核对答案。3认真阅读短文,回答2c中的五个问题,完成后请学生说出答案,教师点拨答案。 4再次细心阅读短文,理解每一句话的意思,小组合作解决遇到的疑难问题。5教师点拨短文中出现的重点和难点。6熟读短文,识记背诵知识要点。7小结训练。(C)(1)It a good time _ in summer.Aswim BswimmingCto swim Dswims(C)(2)The bottle is empty,please fill it _ water.Aon Bfor Cwith Dto(C)(3)Its snowing heavily,the land is covered _ white snow.Aon Bfor Cwith Dto(A)(4)Here is an apple.Please cut it _ two halves.Ain Bwith Cof Dinto(A)(5)Its very difficult to cook the food,please cook it _ a very high temperature for a long time.Aat Bin Cto DonStep 3完成教材2d2e的任务1认真阅读短文有关火鸡烹饪方法的段落,然后结合2d的提示要求,用First,Next,Then和Finally完成填空,集体核对答案,并大声朗读短文。2两人一组互相提问2e中的问题,然后根据问题的答案将其整理成一篇介绍中国传统节日及饮食的小短文,完成后小组内互相交流短文。Step 4布置作业完成探究在线高效课堂本课时练习。第五课时Section B (3aSelf Check)1重点短语:rice noodles,one by one2重点句式:Cut the chicken into pieces.Its time to enjoy the rice noodles!重点1复习巩固所学过的重点单词、短语和句型。2会叙述食物的制作过程。难点会用学过的知识点来介绍食物的制作过程。Step 1情景导入Teacher:Hello,everyone.We all know that there are many kinds of delicious food in China.Rice noodles are very popular in Yunnan. Many people like to eat them.Im sure most of us have eaten them.But do you know how to make rice noodles?Do you want to make them for your family and yourself?Today we will learn a short passage about how to make rice noodles.I hope you can make some rice noodles for yourself.Step 2完成教材3a4的任务1认真阅读3a中关于米线的烹饪方法的短文,选用


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