九年级英语下册 Unit 8 Culture Shapes Us Lesson 45 Different Manners教学设计 (新版)冀教版_第1页
九年级英语下册 Unit 8 Culture Shapes Us Lesson 45 Different Manners教学设计 (新版)冀教版_第2页
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Lesson45 Different Manners TitleLesson45 Different Manners Teaching aimsKnowledge To learn about different manners in different countries.To learn to use “though” and “although” in adverbial clause. Ability To know about different country has different manners and try to be polite.To be polite and cultured while going abroad or being with foreigners. Emotion To help the students understand the world better and behave better.Project Content Aims Teaching proceduresStep1: Lead-in and warm upT: Look at these pictures. They describe cultures in different countries. Try to divide them into two parts. Motivate the Ss.Step2: Listening and Reading Listen to the first two paragraphs and answer the questions How long has Wu Zhou lived in Canada? Why doesnt he feel Canadian?First-reading Read the passage and match the behaviors with the correct country. Read the passage, find out the topic sentence and then finish the chart with the group members. Topic sentence: Understanding cultural differences really helps us to understand each other, live together and work together.Students can understand better through listening and reading.Get to know more about the content and key information about the lesson.Make students understand the text better.Step3: Practice Have a memory test about the text! (Team work) Give Ss different parts of the sentences, they should finish the sentences first and then try to make them together to get the whole sentences.(We can give different groups different parts of it, and then let them to share it together and make the whole passage.Or we can give all to each group, but each student only has parts of it, they should finish their parts first and then make the whole passage. We can have a competition among the groups.) Adverbial clause with “though” and “although”.1) Read the sentences again and pay attention to the underline words. Though Wu Zhou has lived in Canada for 23 years, he still doesnt feel Canadian. Although Canadian culture is different from Chinese culture, he has many good friends in Canada. In China if someone praises you, you should be modest, but in Canada you should just say Thanks. “Although/ though” and “but” are used when there is a contrast between two objects. You shouldnt use “but” and “although” together.2) Finish the Exercise Two on Page 119.Deal with the exercises and test the students mastery about the knowledge and the different manners between China and Canada.Summarizethe using of “though” and “although”.Deal with the exercises.Step 4:Extensive reading: T: Do you know any table manners? T: Read the item and list the Dos and DontsTable Manners for ChildrenDosDontsStudents can get more table manners with extensive reading.Step5: Discussion Talk about other manners they know in different countries. First they write down what they know on the paper, then share them with other groups. E.g.:Practice talking about different cultures.From discussion students can know more about different cultures. This will help them to do better with others.Home-workMake a project about different manners


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