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【优化指导】(课标全国)高考英语总复习 课时作业5 北师大版 一、单项填空1(2020皖南八校联考)Dont be so discouraged.If you _such feeling,you will do better next time.Acarry onBget backCbreak down Dput away2(2020云南诊断)The stolen work is believed _ by Vincent Van Gogh in 1887,three years before his death.Apainted Bhave paintedCto be painted Dto have been painted3In the past,he rarely spoke unless others were speaking about something that _to him.Atended BaddictedCappealed Dapplied4Leaders should be careful not to act beyond their _ and do things against the law.Astrength BforceCenergy Dpower5We send them abroad to study today because we hope that they will come back to _ their country.Apray BserveCcontribute Ddevote6The ancient church was almost _ before the firefighters managed to control the big fire.Aburned down Bburned outCburned off Dburning up7When we design a building,we should provide an entrance suitable for wheelchairs on the passage,_ lifts and toilets.Abut Bas wellCas well as Dexcept for8Do you take up exercise to keep fit regularly?No.You know,Im busy,so I just run in the morning _.Aon occasion Bon dutyCon time Don the whole9I usually _ a subject and decide later what medium will suit the subject best.Alink with Bdepend onCconnect to Ddecide on10We wouldnt go abroad for our vacation _ we could afford it.Aas if Beven ifCnow that Dso that11At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River _,one of the ten largest cities in China.Alies Chongqing BChongqing liesCdoes lie Chongqing Ddoes Chongqing lie12(2020淮北模拟)My father gives me five hundred yuan a month which I think can _ all my expenses.Ameet BcontainCinclude Dcover13(2020江西联考)The students are busy making preparations for the lecture because they will _ the competition.Aattend BjoinCtake part in Dattend to14There is a strong _ between smoking and lung disease.Ainfluence BeffectClink Dcause15The opening of the new factory _ an important stage in the companys development.Acelebrated BcongratulatedCmarked Dremembered二、完形填空The silence on the other end of the phone said it all.Finally,my father began to speak.“George,I dont think this is a very _1_ idea,”he said.He thought I should not have adopted the Golden puppy who was,at the time,asleep across my feet.“An eighteenyearold college student who has just entered college should not let anything _2_ his mind.Its not wise,and its not _3_ to the dog.Because you dont have enough time to take care of it,”he continued.His logic,as always,was right.But this time,something was _4_.He ended up being wrong.Something changed in me when Jasper _5_ my life.I wont lie and say I suddenly woke up with a(n)_6_ of responsibility.Nothing comes that easily.I had _7_ up in two middleclass homes where I was showered with love but,because of my parents divorce,had almost no sense of _8_.No one expected me to do much more than take care of _9_.I was not needed by anyone.Jasper whimpered(啜泣)through that first night.For the first few hours,I _10_ whether I had made a mistake.Was my father right?Sometime before the sun rose,I _11_ something.This little ball of fur _12_ me.I told myself,“George,you two should be _13_.”Feeding,exercise and training.These were my chores(家务杂事),and those were his needs I had to fulfill.There was more.When my field tour was over,I had to make sure that Jasper was _14_,and would never be ignored.And while he didnt _15_ much,he took part in every conversation about our future life together.As Jasper aged,my _16_ became stronger.I wondered if a potential home had too many stairs for him to climb.Was there a(n)_17_ in the apartment?And so on.I must say it really is something to be needed.And as Jasper taught me this life _18_,I learned a lot about myself.I liked to help others because I gained a special _19_ from helping those who couldnt _20_ themselves.1A.wrong BfoolishCgood Dnew2A.take off Btake overCtake in Dtake on3A.common BeasyCfair Dusual4A.excellent BwonderfulCdifficult Ddifferent5A.came into Bcame acrossCcame down Dcame back6A.sense BfeelingCthought Dopinion7A.fed BgrownCgiven Dtaken8A.significance BsettlementCexperience Dresponsibility9A.yourself BmyselfCthemselves Dourselves10A.concluded BknewCwondered Dexpected11A.absorbed BrealizedCsuspected Dforesaw12A.needed BhatedCliked Dmissed13A.away BoffCtogether Don14A.active BhandsomeCkind Dwelcome15A.hear BsayCsee Dthink16A.pressure BscareCconcern Dattraction17A.space BelevatorCbicycle Droom18A.lesson BmethodCmatter Dpace19A.satisfaction BconstructionCfrustration Dcontribution20A.make BdoChelp Dlive三、阅读理解Not all awards are as noble as the Nobel Prize.Even though most countries have a system for recognizing,honoring and rewarding people who have done something good in their countries,there are now hundreds of awards and awards ceremonies for all kinds of things.The Oscars are probably the most famous,a time for the(mostly)American film industry to tell itself how good it is,an annual opportunity for lots of big stars to give each other awards and make tearful speeches.But its not only filmsnow there are also Grammies,Brits,the Mercury Prize and the MTV and Q awards for music.In Britain,a writer who wins the Booker prize can expect to see their difficult,literary novel hit the bestseller lists and compete with the“Da Vinci Code”for popularity.The Turner Prize is an award for a British contemporary artisteach year it causes controversy(争论)by apparently giving lots of money to artists who do things like display their beds,put animals in glass cases orthis yearbuild a garden shed.Shakespeare never won a prize,nor did Leonardo da Vinci or Adam Smith or Charles Dickens.It would be possible to say,however,that in the past,scientists and artists could win“patronage”from rich peoplea king or a lord would give the artist or scientist money to have them paint their palaces or help them develop new ways of making money.With the change in social systems across the world,this no longer happens.A lot of scientific research is now either funded by the state or by private companies.Perhaps awards ceremonies are just the most recent face of this process.However,there is more to it than that.When a film wins an Oscar,many more people will go and see it,or buy the DVD.When a writer wins the Nobel Prize,many more people buy their books.When a group wins the MTV awards,the ceremony is seen by hundreds of thousands of people across the world.The group sells lots more records.Most awards ceremonies are now sponsored by big organizations or companies.This means that it is not only the person who wins the award who benefitsbut also the sponsors.The MTV awards,for example,are great for publicizing not only music,but also MTV itself!On the surface,it seems to be a“winwin”situation,with everyone being happy,but let me ask you a questionhow far do you think that publicity and marketing are winning here,and how much sincere recognition of achievement is taking place?1Which of the following awards often confuses the public by giving a prize to people who do unusual things?AThe Turner Prize. BThe Booker Prize.CThe Mercury Prize. DThe Oscars.2From the context of the paragraph we can infer that“patronage”was perhaps_.Aan official position in the governmentBthe works of ancient scientists and artistsCthe professional qualification for a postDan oldfashioned form of prizegiving3At the end of the text,the writer shows concern about whether_.Apeople are really being given credit for what they have doneBpeople are happy to do something good for their countriesCit is worthwhile to launch so many awardsDso many awards will continue to be given around the world4Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the text?AThe Oscars are given to(usually)American film stars and directors.BThe Booker Prize can help someone who is not usually successful become successful.CWhen people win awards,they usually become richer and more famous.DThe MTV awards publicize the people who win them more than the people who are giving them.参考答案与解析课时作业(五)Unit 3A卷一、单项填空1解析:句意:别这么灰心,如果你把这种感觉收起来,你下次会做得更好些。put away“把收起来”,符合句意。答案:D2解析:be believed to do意为“据认为,人们相信”。因为这副作品是1887年凡高画的,所以应用不定式的完成式。答案:D6解析:指建筑物被烧毁应用burn down;burn out“烧得精光”;burn off“烧掉”;burn up“烧起来,旺起来”。答案:A7解析:根据句意此处表示在提供wheelchairs的基础上还要提供lifts and toilets,故用as well as表示“也”。注意:as well后不可跟其他成分,否则用as well as。答案:C8解析:由Im busy可知答话人并非经常锻炼,而只是偶尔在早上跑跑步。on occasion“偶尔”。答案:A9解析:句意:我通常是先决定要做的主题,然后再决定适合这个主题的素材。decide on意为“决定”,符合句意。link with“联系”;depend on“依靠”;connect to“连接”。答案:D10解析:句意:即使承担得起费用,我们也不会去国外度假。as if“似乎,好像”;even if“即使”;now that“既然”;so that“结果,为了”。答案:B11解析:考查倒装。表示方位的介词短语At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River位于句首,故此处应该用全部倒装。答案:A12解析:句意:我父亲每月给我五百元 ,我想够支付我所有开销了。cover有“负担,支付;够付(费用)”的意思。答案:D13解析:句意:学生们正忙着为演讲作准备,因为他们要参加比赛。take part in指参加会议或群众性活动等,着重说明句子主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用。答案:C14解析:句意:吸烟和肺部疾病之间有很大的关联。link表示“联系,关联”,符合句意。答案:C15解析:句意:这家新工厂的开业标志着这家公司发展的一个重要阶段。mark“标志”,符合句意。celebrate“庆祝”;congratulate“祝贺”;remember“纪念”。答案:C二、完形填空解题导语:乔治在他大一的时候收留了一只小狗,这只小狗教会了他如何承担责任,如何帮助别人。1解析:由后文的He thought I should not have adopted the Golden puppy who was,at the time,asleep across my feet.可知他爸爸认为本不应该收养这只小狗,因此说收养小狗不是个好主意。答案:C2解析:take off ones mind分散某人的注意力。由上一句An eighteenyearold college student who has just entered college可知他爸爸不想让刚进入大学的儿子分散注意力。答案:A3解析:根据后文because you dont have enough time to take care of it可知刚上大学的儿子没有太多的时间和精力,故收留小狗对它来说也是一种不公平。答案:C4解析:前文说爸爸的逻辑一般来说是对的,而But this time表示转折,说明这次的情况不同了。答案:D5解析:由前后文意思可知,当Jasper突然出现在“我”的生活中,“我”内心的某些东西发生了变化。答案:A6解析:a sense of responsibility责任感。答案:A7解析:由后文的意思可知,作者成长在两个中产阶级家庭。答案:B8解析:根据but,because of my parents divorc


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