(山西专版)2020中考英语复习方案 第一篇 教材考点梳理 课时训练(十九)Units9-10(九全)试题_第1页
(山西专版)2020中考英语复习方案 第一篇 教材考点梳理 课时训练(十九)Units9-10(九全)试题_第2页
(山西专版)2020中考英语复习方案 第一篇 教材考点梳理 课时训练(十九)Units9-10(九全)试题_第3页
(山西专版)2020中考英语复习方案 第一篇 教材考点梳理 课时训练(十九)Units9-10(九全)试题_第4页
(山西专版)2020中考英语复习方案 第一篇 教材考点梳理 课时训练(十九)Units9-10(九全)试题_第5页




课时训练(十九) units910(九全)(限时:30分钟).单项选择1.2019泰州改编my mother has a poor of direction, so she is always afraid to go out alone. a.sceneb.silencec.sense2.everybody hangzhou for its beautiful scenery, so millions of people go and visit it every year. a.hatesb.praisesc.encourages3.the box is . there is nothing in it. a.largeb.fullc.empty 4.last sunday my whole family went to the beach my father. he was away on business. a.exceptb.includingc.with5.with the good care of the nurses, the boy is recovering(康复) from his heart operation. a.quietlyb.actuallyc.gradually6.2019铜仁改编what are you doing?we are talking about the books and writers we like. a.thatb.whichc.who7.mike cant go to the party with us because he has to stay at home and look after his mother., we wont wait for him any more. a.after allb.in that casec.above all8.the number of the people in our town has added up to 60,000 so far. a.in totalb.after allc.at all9. the government is trying to protect the environment now. yeah. it is reported that some factories will be soon. a.put offb.shut offc.taken off 10.excuse me. could you tell me about the local history and culture? of course. you can check it on this computer.a.how can i get the informationb.what information did i getc.where i can get the information.完形填空british people are famous for apologizing(道歉) in almost every situation. 11 we are apologizing for asking a question, for our bad weather or we sneeze before others(打喷嚏), we are probably the number-one nation for apologies. we pride ourselves on our polite 12 in public. as a result, we use the word “sorry” quite a loteven when we dont really 13 it! usually, if you want to ask someone for the time, you would start by saying “sorry to bother you. do you know the time?” if youre five minutes late for an appointment(约会), you would generally greet the person by saying “sorry, im late!” we use the word “sorry” in so many different situations that the meaning of the word has slightly 14 over time. the two main dictionary definitions (定义) of “sorry” are: feeling sad for someone else because of their problems or feeling regret because youve done something wrong. usually, when you want to ask a stranger a question, you 15 with “sorry to disturb you.” in this situation, we arent saying sorry because we feel sad for that person or because we feel regret. so what does “sorry” really mean? well, in the british 16 , saying “sorry” is a way to be polite, especially to people who you dont know very well. its also a very 17 way to get what you want. 18 , an actor asked different people on a rainy day if he could use their mobile phones. when he asked one group of strangers without apologizing first, he was only 9 per cent successful in borrowing their phones. however, when he apologized to another group about the bad weather before asking if he could use their mobile phones, he was 47 per cent successful. so maybe saying “sorry” is not just being polite, but it is a good method to get what you want! ( )11.a.whenb.whetherc.before( )12.a.activities b.conversationsc.manners( )13.a.meanb.enjoyc.accept( )14.a.developedb.appearedc.changed( )15.a.startb.leadc.reply( )16.a.historyb.traditionc.culture( )17.a.safeb.cleverc.brave( )18.a.finallyb.usuallyc.recently.2019常州 阅读填表格 请阅读下面短文,在下面的表格中填入与文章意思最符合的单词。每空一词。one cannot discuss chinese music without mentioning the chinese seven-string zither(七弦琴), also known as the guqin, one of the four artsalong with go, calligraphy and painting. it first appeared over 3,000 years ago and represents chinas solo musical instrument tradition.at first, the guqin had only five strings, representing the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth. later, in the zhou dynasty, king wen of zhou added a sixth string for his son. king wu of zhou, added a seventh string to encourage his army to fight with the shang.ambience(环境气氛) was important in playing the chinese zither. usually, it was practiced in quiet setting and never for public performance.ancient artists enjoyed performing by a stream in the mountains. the sound of the guqin mixed with the echoes(回音) from the mountains, until the musician found himself at one with nature. playing it in snow was also a favorite pastime for ancient artists, who believed the instrument was the purest of its kind in the world. also, a night with moonlight was considered ideal for playing the guqin. wang wei(701761), a highly talented man of the tang dynasty, liked playing it in a bamboo forest on nights with moonlight most.guqin pieces are usually around three to eight minutes long, with the longest being guanglingverse, which is 22 minutes long. other famous pieces include plumblossomsinthreemovements, wildgeeselandingonthesandbank and eighteensongsofanomadflute.nowadays, there are fewer than one thousand well-trained guqin players and perhaps no more than fifty living masters. the original number of several thousand pieces has greatly reduced to only a hundred works by today. the guqin and its music was added to the list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity(人类非物质文化遗产) in 2003.title: the guqin and its musicmain partsdetailed informationintroduction to the guqin as one of the four arts, it has a 19. of 3,000 years and represents chinas solo musical instrument tradition. the stringsat first, there were five strings, which represented five elements.later, kings in the zhou dynasty added 20. more strings to them. the ambiencein quiet setting, not for public performance.1.by a stream in the mountains. the 21. sound of the guqin and its echoes could make musicians find themselves at one with nature. 2.in snow. it was believed to be the purest instrument in the world.3.on a night with moonlight. wang weis 22. was to play the guqin in a bamboo forest on a night full of moonlight. the present 23.not many players, masters and works are alive nowadays.the guqin and its music entered the list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity in 2003.阅读还原短文请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺。选项中有一项为多余项。there are so many expressions in american english that sound pleasant but are not. 24. when someone says they have to “face the music”, it does not mean they are going to a concert. “facing the music” means to accept and deal with the punishment of an action. 25. for example, “i cant face another night of camping! its cold and rainy.” or “in life, you must face your fears.” face used in this way is very common. but now, lets go back to facing the music. imagine a friend asks you to take care of her beautiful red sports car. she gives you the key and says, “thanks so much for watching my car while im away. but please, do not drive it. it is an extremely(极其) fast car.” 26. you want to show off to some friends. so, you drive it around town one night. as bad luck would have it, you lost control of the car and drive it into a stop sign. bang! when your friend returns, you must tell her what you have done and “face the music”. 27. it could be losing your friendship or paying for repairs to her sports car or both. whatever the music is, you must face it. 28. “to take your medicine” means to accept the results from something bad you have done. and if someone says, “you made your bed. now lie in it.” they mean you created a bad


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