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Hong Kong Airlines Limited香港航空有限公司03110-01Hong Kong Airlines MEDHong Kong Airlines LimitedWO NO/工作指令号SEQ NO/序列号WOHA331945_351_150ETOPS 培训方式1945150通用类/GenericTitleGeneral Visual Inspection of Fairing and PanelsMcd&Rev/厂家工卡&修订日期标题整体目视检查整流罩和盖板AMM 722241-200-8032013-07-01A/C/飞机号Subtask No/工卡号JC Rev/工卡版本号Workarea/工作区域Skill/工种Man Hour/工时BLNYAT-722241-200-803HR000001动力/PowerplantAIRP02:00MP Item/MP号Baseline/依据MP REV/ MP版本号Station/维修站Threshold/首检Interval/重复检HA33-722200-R1-1MPD 722200-R1-1,MRB 72.03.00/01-RRIssue 2 Revision 5PVG10000 FH10000 FHAccess Panels/接近盖板Zones/区域Written/编写Approved/批准415AL 416AR 417AL 418AR 425AL 426AR 427AL 428AR413 4232013-08-222013-09-09TOOLS/工具TOOLS NECESSARY/必须工具ITEM项目P/N件号DESCRIPTION名称EQTP类型QTY数量APP适用性Conditions note互换信息及备注198A24403000000CABLE HOLDING STRAPTO1ALL(必需/Necessary)2HU80955IMMOBILISERTO1ALL或HU44525-13HU55148PUMP - HAND, HYDRAULIC TRUTO1ALL(必需/Necessary)TOOLS IF NECESSARY/视情工具ITEM项目P/N件号DESCRIPTION名称EQTP类型QTY数量APP适用性Conditions note互换信息及备注1FK24273COVER - COMMON NOZZLE ASSEMBLYTO1ALL(视情/As Necessary)PARTS AND MATERIAL/航材NOTE:OPERATOR MUST GET AND INSTALL THE PARTS THAT CORRESPOND TO THE RELATIVE WORKORDER NO.注释:请工作者严格按照工作指令号领取预定的航材装机PARTS AND MATERIAL NECESSARY/必须航材ITEM项目P/N件号DESCRIPTION名称EQTP类型QTY数量APP适用性Conditions note互换信息及备注PARTS AND MATERIALIF NECESSARY/视情航材ITEM项目P/N件号DESCRIPTION名称EQTP类型QTY数量APP适用性Conditions note互换信息及备注PARTS INFORMATION/部件信息:NOTE: The component in PN,SN form is need to do periodic maintenance. For the return repair or retrofit,the form is PN,SN of the removed component. And the PN-IN,SN-IN would be written according to new parts after finish. For the non- returns(such as weight, test),the form is PN,SN of the on-wing maintenance component. And fill the PN-IN,SN-IN with bias after finish.注释:件号、序号栏指需要定期执行维修工作的部件。对于要求更换拆下返厂工作的部件,该栏指拆下件、序号信息。完成工作后装上件号和序号栏请填写相关装机件信息;对于在位执行工作的(如称重、测试等),该栏指在位工作部件件、序号信息,完成工作后装上件号和序号请用斜线画去。PN/件号SN/序号ATA/章节ZONE/区域FIN/代码LOCATION/装机位置TRENT772B-60/164176372420A3300003RH ENGINEPN-IN装上件号SN-IN装上序号REMOVAL REASON AND COMPONENT TASK REQUEST拆件原因及其部件工作要求TASK NOTE工作注释IMPORTANT NOTE:In the event of any discrepancies between the Chinese instruction and the English instruction, the English procedure should prevail.Record Additional Work/Findings(If Applivable) Reference No. Certificate of Release to Service (* Tick as appropriate # Different crews should perform the work on each of the systems)Certifies that the work specified, except as otherwise specified, was carried out in accordance with HKAR-145and in respect to that work, The aircraft / aircraft components are considered ready for Release to Service. HKA Approval No: AI / 135 / 706 * HNAT Approval No.: JMM 076, D3039 * HNAT Approval No.: JMM 047, D101115* HNAT Approval No.: JMM 049, D500023 * CASL Approval No: AI / 101 / 798 * TAECO Approval No.: DAI / 89 / 1295 * HAECO Approval No: DAI / 1 / 853 * SIAEC Approval No: AWI / 01 * STARCO Approval No.: JMM 039, D.200078 * SMECO Approval No: JMM 081, D.400009 * AMECO Approval No.: JMM001,D.101131* Other: * Signature:_ Authorization No.:_ Date:_AT-722241-200-803 HR000001 W/O:1945 AC:BLNY页码,2 / 20工卡Job card:HA33-722200-R1-1TITLEGeneral Visual Inspection of Fairing and PanelsPerfInsp标题整体目视检查整流罩和盖板工作者检查者*接近/Access切片开始*General Visual Inspection of Fairing and Panels整体目视检查整流罩和盖板WARNING : YOU MUST BE CAREFUL WHEN YOU DO WORK ON THE ENGINE PARTS AFTER THE ENGINE IS SHUTDOWN. THE ENGINE PARTS CAN STAY HOT FOR ALMOST 1 HOUR.警 告:在发动机区域工作要小心,在发动机关车后,发动机部件会持续1小时左右的热状态。WARNING : YOU MUST NOT TOUCH HOT PARTS WITHOUT APPLICABLE GLOVES. HOT PARTS CAN CAUSE AN INJURY. IF YOU GET AN INJURY PUT IT IN COLD WATER FOR 10 MINUTES AND GET MEDICAL AID.警 告:没有合适手套不要接触热部件。热部件会导致受伤。若烫伤,将手放冷水里10分钟然后就医。1. Job Set-up/工作准备A. Energize the ground service network(Ref. TASK 24-42-00-861-801-A). M 接通地面电源(参考TASK 24-42-00-861-801-A)B. Safety Precautions/安全防范 M (1) Make sure that the engine 1(2) shutdown occurred not less than five minutes before you do this procedure. 开始工作前确保左(右)发动机关闭不少于5分钟。C. Get Access to the Avionics Compartment/接近电子舱 M (1) Put the ACCESS PLATFORM 3M (10 FT)- ADJUSTABLE in position at access door 811. 将合适的梯子放在接近门811下。(2) Open access door 811. 打开接近门811.(3) Open the protective door of the AC/DC emergency power-center 740VU. 打开AC/DC应急电源中心740VU的保护门。D. Open, safety and tag this(these) circuit breaker(s): M 拔出下列跳开关,上保险并挂上警告牌:PANELDESIGNATIONFINLOCATIONFOR 4030EM1742VUFADEC A ENG 112KS1Q73722VUFADEC B ENG 113KS1D44FOR 4030EM2742VUFADEC A ENG 212KS2Q74722VUFADEC B ENG 213KS2K49E. Get Access/接近 M WARNING : YOU MUST NOT OPEN THE FAN COWL DOORS WHEN THE WIND SPEED IS 60MPH (96 KPH) OR MORE. AN INJURY AND/OR DAMAGE CAN OCCUR IF THEWIND MOVES THE FAN COWL DOORS.警 告:当风速大于等于60MPH (96 KPH)的时候不要打开风扇整流罩门。风移动风扇整流罩会造成人员受伤或设备损毁。WARNING : YOU MUST BE CAREFUL IF YOU OPEN THE FAN COWL DOORS WHEN THEWIND SPEED IS BETWEEN 30 MPH (48 KPH) OR MORE. ANINJURY AND/OR DAMAGE CAN OCCUR IF THE WIND MOVES THE FAN COWLDOORS.警 告:风速大于30 MPH (48 KPH)小于60 MPH (96 KPH)时不要打开风扇整流罩门,风移动风扇整流罩会造成人员受伤或设备损毁。(1) Open the fan cowl doors(Ref. TASK 71-13-00-010-805-A): 打开风扇整流罩(参考TASK 71-13-00-010-805-A)(a) FOR 4030EM1/对于4030EM1415AL, 416AR(b) FOR 4030EM2/对于4030EM2425AL, 426ARF. Deactivation of the Thrust Reverser/使反推失效 M WARNING : YOU MUST DEACTIVATE THE THRUST REVERSER BEFORE YOU DO WORK ON OR AROUND IT.IF YOU DO NOT, THE THRUST REVERSER CAN OPERATE ACCIDENTALLY AND CAUSE INJURY AND/OR DAMAGE.警 告:开始工作前使反推失效。若不失使反推失效,反推会突然作动并造成人员受伤或设备损坏。(1) Make the thrust reverser unserviceable(Ref. TASK 78-31-00-040-805-A). 使反推失效(参考TASK 78-31-00-040-805-A).G. Get Access/接近 M (1) Open the thrust reverser cowl doors(Ref. TASK 78-30-00-010-803-A): 打开反推整流罩(参考TASK 78-30-00-010-803-A)(a) FOR 4030EM1/对于4030EM1417AL, 418AR(b) FOR 4030EM2/对于4030EM2427AL, 428AR(2) Put the ACCESS PLATFORM 1M(3 FT) in position. 将接近平台放置在位。*检查/Inspect切片开始*2. Procedure/步骤A. General/概述(1) It is not necessary to remove the fairings to do this inspection. Use an LIGHT SOURCE INSPECTION and an MIRROR - INSPECTION where necessary.不需要拆下整流罩来执行检查。视情使用手电和反光镜。(2) You must correctly identify the specified part conditions and/or types of damage(Ref. TASK 70-01-02-910-802-A). This will prevent errors which can occur when a part condition or type of damage has two different names.必须要正确辨别特定部件区域条件和/或损坏类型(参考TASK 70-01-02-910-802-A)。这样可以避免在一个部件条件或损坏类型有两个不同名称时发生错误。(3) Refer to Rolls-Royce if you find a defect that is not specified in this procedure. 如果在此步骤中找到了个未规定的缺陷,咨询Rolls-Royce。B. Do an Inspection of the Upper Left (1), Center Left (2) and Lower Left(3) Gas Generator Fairings: (Ref. Fig. 601/TASK 72-22-41-991-009-A)对左上(1),左中(2)和左下(3)气体发生器整流罩进行检查。(参考Fig. 601/TASK 72-22-41-991-009-A)(1) Examine the outer skin of the fairings (1), (2) and (3) for these conditions(Ref. TASK 70-01-02-910-802-A):检查整流罩(1)(2)和(3)的外部蒙皮,确认有无下列情况:(参考TASK 70-01-02-910-802-A):- Cracked/裂纹- Delaminated/分层- Unbond/粘合不牢- Impact damage/冲击损伤- Deterioration of the surface protection/表面保护劣化(a) Cracked/裂纹1 If there are cracks up to 12.70 mm (0.50 in.) long that do not go to the edge, accept them. T 可接受最长12.70 mm (0.50 in.)未及边缘的裂纹。2 If there are cracks other than above, reject the fairing. T 若裂纹超过上述长度,报废整流罩。(b) Delaminated/分层1 If the outer skin is delaminated, reject the fairing. T 若外部蒙皮分层,报废整流罩。(c) Unbond/粘合不牢1 Use a COIN to lightly hit each fairing all along its surface.It is especially important to do a T check of the area adjacent to the edges of the fairing. A hollow sound can show there isan unbond of the fairing.使用硬币沿着飞机表面轻轻敲击每个整流罩,尤其要注意检查整流罩边缘临近区域。出现空心声就表示整流罩是粘合不牢。2 If there are signs of unbond, reject the fairing. T 如果出现粘合不牢的迹象,报废整流罩。(d) Impact damage/冲击损伤 1 If an object has pierced the outer skin, reject the fairing.Make sure there is no related T damage in the area of the bypass duct.若有物体穿透外部蒙皮,报废整流罩。确保旁通管道的区域内没有相关损伤。(e) Deterioration of the surface protection 表面保护劣化1 If the paint layer has peeled or is missing, replace the fairing. T 若漆层剥落或消失,更换整流罩。(2) Examine the fire seals (4) on each edge of the three fairings for damage and wear. 检查三个整流罩额每个边缘的防火封严(4)损伤和磨损情况。(a) Examine the fire seals for security of attachment. 检查防火封严连接密封情况1 If the fire seals are loose or not there, reject the fairing. T 如果防火封严松动或丢失,报废整流罩。(b) Examine the general condition of the fire seals. 检查防火封严的大致状况1 If the fire seals are damaged, reject the fairing. T 若防火封严损坏,报废整流罩。(3) Examine the cooling air inlet (5) and the cooling air outlet (6) for damage to the honeycomb filler and torn fibers.检查冷却空气进口(5)和冷却空气出口(6)有无蜂窝结构损伤和纤维撕裂。(a) If there is damage to the honeycomb filler, reject the fairing. T 如果蜂窝结构损伤,报废整流罩。(b) If there are torn fibers, reject the fairing. T 如果纤维撕裂,报废整流罩。(4) Examine the cooling air inlet (5) and cooling air outlet (6) for signs of blockage. 检查冷却空气进口(5)和冷却空气出口(6)有无堵塞迹象。(a) If there are signs of blockage to the inlets or outlets, reject the fairing. T 如果进出口有堵塞迹象,报废整流罩。(5) Examine the fairing for correct attachment. 检查整流罩是否正确连接NOTE : Each of the top and lower fairings is attached with four bolts (7) at the front and four at the rear. The center fairings are attached with two bolts at the front and two at the rear. 注 释:每个上下整流罩前后各由4个螺栓(7)连接。中央整流罩前后各由两个螺栓连接。(a) If a bolt is loose, repair or replace as necessary. T 如果螺栓松动,视情修复或更换。(b) If a bolt is missing, replace as necessary. T 如果螺栓丢失,视情更换。(6) Do the procedure again but examine the upper right, center right and lower right T gas generator fairings. 执行步骤检查右上,右中和右下气体发生器整流罩。C. Do a Visual Inspection of the Lower Splitter Fairing for Damage: (Ref.Fig. 602/TASK 72-22-41-991-010-A) 目视检查下分流整流罩的损坏情况: (参考Fig. 602/TASK 72-22-41-991-010-A)(1) Examine the lower splitter fairing outer skin for these conditions(Ref. TASK 70-01-02-910-802-A):检查下分流整流罩外部蒙皮有无以下情况(参考TASK 70-01-02-910-802-A):- Cracked or split/裂纹或分离- Delaminated/分层- Eroded/风蚀- Impact damage/冲击损伤- Torn fibers/纤维撕裂- Scratched or gouged/划伤或凹槽- Deterioration of the surface protection./表面保护劣化(a) Cracked or split/裂纹或分离1 If there are cracks or splits, reject the fairing. T 若存在裂纹或分离,报废整流罩。(b) Delaminated/分层1 If there is delamination, reject the fairing. T 若存在分层,报废整流罩。(c) Eroded/风蚀1 If the erosion is only to the surface protection, accept the fairing. T 可以接受只存在于表面保护层的风蚀。2 If there is erosion greater than above, reject the fairing. T 若风蚀损伤程度更大,报废整流罩。(d) Impact damage/冲击损伤1 If there is impact damage, reject the fairing. T 若存在冲击损伤,报废整流罩。(e) Torn fibers/纤维撕裂1 If there are torn fibers, reject the fairing. T 若存在纤维撕裂,报废整流罩。(f) Scratched or gouged/划伤或凹槽1 If the scratches are less than 0.25 mm (0.01 in.) in depth,repair as per FRS 3254 T (Ref. TASK 70-42-22-300-801-A).若划伤深度小于0.25 mm (0.01 in.),如FRS 3254修复损伤(参考TASK 70-42-22-300-801-A)2 If the scratches or gouges are more than above, reject the fairing. T 如果划痕或凹槽大于上述,报废整流罩。(g) Deterioration of the surface protection 表面保护劣化1 If there is peeled or missing surface protection, accept the fairing. T 可以接受表面保护剥落或丢失。(2) Examine the lower splitter fairing seal faces for these conditions: 检查下分流整流罩封严面有无以下情况:- Cracked or split/裂纹或分离- Delaminated/分层- Torn fibers/纤维撕裂- Distorted/扭曲- Scratched or gouged. /划伤或凹槽(a) Cracked or split/裂纹或分离1 If there are cracks or splits, reject the fairing. T 若存在裂纹或分离,报废整流罩。(b) Delaminated/分层1 If there is delamination, reject the fairing. T 若存在分层,报废整流罩。(c) Torn fibers/纤维撕裂1 If there are torn fibers, reject the fairing. T 若存在纤维撕裂,报废整流罩。(d) Distorted/扭曲1 If there is distortion, reject the fairing. T 若存在扭曲,报废整流罩。(e) Scratched or gouged /划伤或凹槽1 If the scratches are less than 0.25 mm (0.01 in.) in depth,repair as per FRS 3253 T (Ref. TASK 70-42-11-300-801-A).若划伤深度小于0.25 mm (0.01 in.),按FRS 3254修复损伤(参考TASK 70-42-22-300-801-A)2 If the scratches or gouges are more than above, reject the fairing. T 如果划痕或凹槽深度大于上述,报废整流罩。(3) Examine the lower splitter fairing for loose or missing rivets. 检查下分流整流罩有无松动或丢失的铆钉。(a) If the fairing has loose or missing rivets, reject the fairing. T 若存在松动或丢失的铆钉,报废整流罩。D. Do a Visual Inspection of the Upper Bifurcation Fairing for Damage: (Ref.Fig. 603/TASK 72-22-41-991-011-A) 目视检查上分叉整流罩的损伤情况:(参考Fig. 603/TASK 72-22-41-991-011-A)(1) Examine the upper bifurcation fairing outer skin for these conditions(Ref. TASK 70-01-02-910-802-A):检查上分叉整流罩外部蒙皮的损伤情况(参考TASK 70-01-02-910-802-A):- Cracked or split/裂纹或分离- Delaminated/分层- Eroded/风蚀- Impact damage/冲击损伤- Torn fibers/纤维撕裂- Scratched or gouged/划伤或凹槽- Deterioration of the surface protection./表面保护劣化(a) Cracked or split/裂纹或分离1 If there are cracks or splits, reject the fairing. T 若存在裂纹或分离,报废整流罩。(b) Delaminated/分层1 If there is delamination, reject the fairing. T 若存在分层,报废整流罩。(c) Eroded/风蚀1 If there is erosion on the surface protection only, accept the fairing. T 可以接受只存在于表面保护层的风蚀。2 If there is erosion of the outer resin only, repair as per FRS3254 T (Ref. TASK 70-42-22-300-801-A). 若只在外部树脂存在风蚀,按FRS3254修复。(参考TASK 70-42-22-300-801-A).3 If there is erosion greater than above, reject the fairing. T 若风蚀损伤程度更大,报废整流罩。(d) Impact damage/冲击损伤1 If there is impact damage, reject the fairing. T 若存在冲击损伤,报废整流罩。(e) Torn fibers/纤维撕裂1 If there are torn fibers, reject the fairing. T 若存在纤维撕裂,报废整流罩。(f) Scratched or gouged/划伤或凹槽1 If the scratches are less than 0.25 mm (0.01 in.) in depth,repair as per FRS 3254 T (Ref. TASK 70-42-22-300-801-A).若划伤深度小于0.25 mm (0.01 in.),按FRS 3254修复损伤(参考TASK 70-42-22-300-801-A)2 If the scratches or gouges are more than above, reject the fairing. T 如果划痕或凹槽深度大于上述,报废整流罩。(g) Deterioration of the surface protection/表面保护劣化1 If there is peeled or missing surface protection, accept the fairing. T 可以接受表面保护剥落或丢失。(2) Examine the upper bifurcation fairing seal faces for these conditions(Ref. TASK 70-01-02-910-802-A):目视检查上分叉整流罩封严面的损伤情况:- Cracked or split/裂纹或分离- Delaminated/分层- Torn fibers/纤维撕裂- Distorted/扭曲- Scratched or gouged. /划伤或凹槽(a) Cracked or split/裂纹或分离1 If there are cracks or splits, reject the fairing. T 若存在裂纹或分离,报废整流罩。(b) Delaminated/分层1 If there is delamination, reject the fairing. T 若存在分层,报废整流罩。(c) Torn fibers/纤维撕裂1 If there are torn fibers, reject the fairing. T 若存在纤维撕裂,报废整流罩。(d) Distorted/扭曲1 If there is distortion, reject the fairing. T 若存在扭曲,报废整流罩。(e) Scratched or gouged/划伤或凹槽1


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