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人教版(PEP)2020年湖州中考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、完型填空Manu had to move house because of his fathers work. He was_as he had to leave his friends. Luckily, Manu got a new friend, Tom, soon when his family moved to the new city.One day, Manus mother asked him to buy some things. Tom wanted to go with him. At first, Manu didnt _, because Tom was only six years old. He was too small. But finally, Manu decided to take his little friend with him.After they reached the_, Manu started to search things his mother asked him to buy. Tom was standing close to him while he was talking with the shopkeeper. He told something to Tom and turned to the shopkeeper. But when he tuned again, Tom was not there. “Tom, where are you? Tom” Manu shouted loudly. He _Tom everywhere but couldnt find him.Manu didnt know what to do. He was_to go back home. How would he face Toms parents? He cried.It was getting dark and the children did not _ home. Manus mother was very worried. She went to the shop and found Manu was standing_ near the shop.Manu told his mother he couldnt find Tom. He didnt know where Tom was. His mother called the police at once.Police searched everywhere but didnt find Tom, either. That night passed, Manus _was broken down. He felt sick. He didnt eat, drink or sleep. The next morning, the telephone rang suddenly and Manu almost was flying to take the phone. It was from the police station. They said a driver brought Tom back to the station. Manu was smiling then.1 . AexcitedBhappyCcleverDsad2 . AunderstandBnoticeCagreeDchange3 . AhospitalBshopCrestaurantDbank4 . Aran afterBwoke upCtook care ofDlooked for5 . ApoliteBafraidCtiredDglad6 . AreturnBbuildCleadDprotect7 . AhappilyBsafelyCaloneDabroad8 . AhealthBdreamCjourneyDresearch二、阅读单选There are about fifteen hundred languages in the world. But only a few of them are very important. English is one of them. Many, many people use it, not only in England and the USA, but also in other parts of the world. About 200,000,000 people speak it as their own language. It is difficult to say how many people are learning it as a foreign language. Many millions of people are trying to do so. Is it easy or difficult to learn English? Different people may have different answers. Have you ever noticed ads(广告) of this kind in the newspapers or magazines? “Learn English in six weeks, or give your money back” “Easy and funny” “Our records and tapes help you master English in a month”. Of course, it never happened quite like that. The only language that seems easy to learn is the mother tongue. We should remember that we all learned our own language well when we were children. If we could learn English in the same way, it would not seem so difficult. Think of what a small child does. He listens to what people say. He tries what he hears. So it is hard to say that learning English is easy. We must do a lot of practice. And practice needs great efforts and takes much time. Good teachers, record, tapes, books, and dictionaries will be helpful, but they cannot do the students work for him.9 . How many languages are very important in the world?AA fewBFewCAbout 1500DMany10 . If we want to learn English well, what shall we do?AWe should study it without any help.BWe must do a lot of practice. CWe need to get much money back.DWe must live in England or America.11 . How does the writer like the ads in the newspapers or magazines?AHe thinks the ads very expensive.BHe thinks the ads are true.CIt never happened quite like what the ads said.DHe believes” Learn English in six weeks, or give your money back”.12 . Which language is easy to learn?AEnglishBChineseCJapaneseDThe mother language13 . Which countries use English as the mother tongue?AChina and FranceBJapan and ItalyCEngland the AmericaDGermany and FranceMy name is Li Mei. This afternoon, Uncle Li wants to come to my home. He wants to have dinner with us. Mom and I go shopping.We dont have any meat (肉), but uncle likes. We need to buy some. Its twelve yuan a kilo before (以前). But now a kilo is twenty yuan. I say,“Mom, lets buy some fish.”Mom says,“OK.” Fish is uncle Lis favorite food. We buy two kilos. We buy vegetables and some chicken, but we dont buy any hamburgers. Uncle Li doesnt like them. Mom wants to buy some apples for me. She knows, I like apples very much. But we cant find any.14 . How much is meat now?ATwelve yuan a kilo.BTwenty yuan a kilo.CThirty yuan Two kilos.DForty yuan three kilo.15 . What doesnt Li Meis mom buy?AMeat.BFish.CHamburger.DVegetables.16 . Uncle Lis favorite food is _.AfishBchickenChamburgerDvegetables17 . _ are Li Meis favorite.AHamburgerBVegetablesCBananasDApples18 . Who wants to have dinner with Li Mei?ALi Meis friend.BLi Meis classmate.CLi Meis grandfather.DLi Meis uncle.MessageTuesday, January 1, 2019 13:14Hello!I just landed and Im going to your house from the airport now. Whats the exact address and how can I check in (办理入住)? London is the city that I have dreamed of traveling for a long time. Do you have any good suggestions? I am leaving for China the day after tomorrow. Id also like to know how to check out then.Ma DongdongHello, Ma Dongdong!Welcome to London! The address is 33 Westminster Street.Its easy to check in. We have a box hanging on the wall next to the door of our house. You can open the box and take the key from it.A map and a guidebook are on the table in the dining room. The Wi-Fi password is “LOVETRAVEL”.Check-out is before 11 a.m. when you leave. To check out, just leave the key on the table and close the door.Please let me know if you have any trouble. I will come to help you soon.Enjoy your stay in London!Kind regards,Dayle StewartWarmhouse B&B19 . Ma Dongdong would leave for China on _.ATuesdayBFridayCWednesdayDThursday20 . He could get the key by _.Aopening the box on the wallBopening the doorCusing the map and the guidebookDusing the Wi-Fi password21 . According to the messages, Ma Dongdong was most probably a(n) _ in London.AvisitorBwriterCbusinessmanDexchange studentBWhen people think of healthy foods for eyes, they think of carrots. Yes, carrots are good for eyes. But there are also many other healthy foods for eyes. If you want to have healthy eyes, eat them.Kale(n.甘蓝菜)Kale is a dark green vegetable. It looks like a cabbage. If you want to eat kale, you will still have healthy eyes when you are old. And vitamin (n.维生素) A in it can help you see well in the dark.Chicken Chicken is great food for eyes. And you can cook it in many ways. You can make chicken soup, chicken noodles and chicken salad. All of them are delicious.SalmonSalmon is a kind of fish. It has a lot of Omega. If you often feel you have dry eyes. Omega in salmon can help you. You dont need to eat a lot each time A little will be OK.22 . The passage is talking about_.Acarols and eyesBdelicious and healthy foodChow to cook chickenDhealthy food for eyes23 . Kale is a kind of _.AcabbageBfruitCvegetableDmeat24 . The underlined word “them” refers to(指) _.Afood with chickenBchicken soupCchicken noodlesDchicken salad25 . Mark has dry eyes, He can cat Some _.AcarrotsBkalesCchickenDsalmons26 . We can learn from the passage that _.AWe all have bad eyes when we are old.BVitamin A helps us see well in the dark.CThere is a lot of Omega in chicken.DWe must eat a lot of salmon each time.三、用单词的正确形式完成句子从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当形式填空。record clap go rise.appear27 . The moon _in the east and sets in the west.28 . Those famous singers _ songs from 9:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. last night.29 . The films are not new. They first _ in 1903.30 . Paul isnt here. He _ to Beijing on business.31 . Look! How excitedly the children_ their hands!四、单词填空The English people like take-away food. The most popular food is fish and chips. They usually go to a fish and chip s_. They put the food in paper b_, and take it home, or to their workplace. At lunch t_, many people eat take-away food in the p_.Chinese take-aways are also very popular in England. People in the USA and Australia like Chinese take-away food, too. But the most popular food in the USA is f_chicken.32 . s_33 . b_34 . t_35 . p_36 . f_五、语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置.Have you ever shared a room with someone, perhaps a brother, sister o roommate? How did you get along with the other person? Did you always have arguments 37 . did you work out a way to share the space without arguments?Astronauts say that one of the most difficult 38 . (part) of space exploration (探测) is sharing a tiny area with other people for a long time. Spaceships 39 . (design) to make the best use of every bit of room. There is no more area that you can escape to have 40 . quiet time all alone. Nor can you decide to get away and go for a walk. Its even 41 . (difficult) when you share the small area with astronauts from other cultures. These astronauts are usually the people 42 . may have different lifestyles and customs.43 . do astronauts manage to have good relationships with their partners? First, astronauts are 44 . (careful) chosen for their experience, physical fitness, and ability to get along with other people. They decide to finish the task successfully, even that means giving up some 45 . (person) needs for the time being. Each member of the space team does research, so that takes up a lot of time. Then there are “spacing” skills such as listening 46 . music on headphones or writing that can be done alone. Perhaps some of these will help you with your roommate.六、信息匹配四、任务型阅读Moatton town为缓解交通拥堵,正计划修建一条公路。Mr Green要求学生对修路可能带来的影响作调查并撰写报告。下面是一位学生的报告及 Mr Green的修改建议,请仔细阅读,将A-E分别填入46-50小题相应的空格中,完成修改任务。You need a title here.47 . This report will look at the effect that the new road near Moatton will have on the people who live there. The road is being designed to direct traffic away from the center of Moatton, just outside the town.48 . 1.49 . .2. Fewer cars w


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