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1.note-taking symbols and abbreviations for your reference :Abbreviations in Note takinguse only the abbreations that fit your needs and that you will remember early。a good idea is to introducte only a few abbreations into your note taking at a time。symbols helple in math-these are commonly used in texts and references。S=sumF=频率leave out periods in standard abbreations。Cf=compareE.g.=exampleDept=departmentUse only the first syllable of a word .Pol=politicsDem=democracyLib=liberalCap=capitalismuse entire first syllable and only 1st letter of 2nd syllable。Pres=presentationSubj=subjectInd=individualCons=conservativeEliminate final letters。use just enough of the word to form a recognizeable abbreviation。Assoc=associateBiol=biologyInfo=informationAch=achievementChem=chemistryMax=maximumIntro=introductionConc=concentrationMin=minimumRep=repetitionOmit vowels,retain only enough consorts to give a recognizeable skeleton of the word .Ppd=preparedPrblm=problemEstmt=estimateBkgd=backgroundGvt=governmentuse an apostrophe in place of letters。Amt=amountContd=continuedGovt=governmentEducatl=educationalform the plural of a symbol or abbreviated word by adding sChpts=chaptersEgs=examplesFs=frequenciesIntros=introductions使用g to represent ing endings。Ckg=checkingEstg=establishingDecrg=decreasingExptg=experimentingSpell out short words such as in,at,to,but,for,and key。abbreviations or symbols for short words will make the notes too dense with shortchand .Leave out unimportant words。Leave out the words a and the。If a term、phrase、Or name is written out in full during the ledgeture、substitute initials whenever the term、phrase、Or name inuse symbols for commonly recurring connective or transitional words。=andW/=withW/o=withoutVs=against=therefore=is or equaluse technical symbols where applicable。Zb=German,for exampleIbid=Latin,the same workO=degreesH2o=水More reference:Use standard maths,accounting,and science symbols . examples :加上/paralleluse standard abbreviations and leave out full stops . examples :Eg exampleIt dept信息技术部门UK United KingdomUse only the first syllable of a word .examples :马尔营销Cus customerCli客户端use the entire first syllable and the first letter of the second syllable .examples :Subj subjectBudg budgetindindividualto distinguish among various forms of the same word,use the first syllable of the word,an apostrophe,and the ending of the word。examples :Techgy technologyGenion generalisationDely deliveryuse just enough of the beginning of a word to form a recognisable abbreviation . examples :AssociatedachachhivementInfo informationOmit vowels from the middle of words,retaining only enough consorts to provide a recognisable skeleton of the word。examples :Bkgd backgroundMvmt移动Prblm problemform the plural of a symbol or abbreviated word by adding s . examples :Custs customersFs frequencies/s ratiosuse g to represent ing endings . examples :Decrg decreasingCkg checkingEstblg establishingSpell out,rather than abbreviate short words . examples :InButAs钥匙leave out unimportant verbs . examples :IsWasWereleave out unneccessary articles . examples :a安更多If a term,phrase,or name is initially written out in full during the talk or meeting,initials can be substituted whenever the termJanuary advertising campaign budget jacbuse symbols for common connective or transition words . examples : at2至4 forAndW/withW/o withoutVs againstcreate your own set of abbreviations and symbols。you may wish to develop separate sets of symbols and abbreviations for different courses or subjects .Other Symbols and AbbreviationsAs a result of/consequences of -Resulting in -And/alsoEqual to/same as=Following ffMost importantly *莱斯坦Greater than especally esp/关于缩写一、缩写英文缩写非常常用,例如imp : important、asap : as soon as possible。如果能熟练地处理缩写,对考试会有很大帮助。缩写一般用四种方法写。f删除所有收藏MKT: marketMGR:管理器MSG: messageSTD:标准版RCV: receivef保留前几个字符INFO informationINS insuranceEXCH exchangeI owe you IOUIn stead of I/O保留f开头和结尾发音字符WK weekRM工作室PL人物根据f发音R areTHO though穿过四川高级口译听力一般用作英语缩写。缩写原语APT ApartmentACC AccountantACDG AccordingACPT接受AD Advertisement广告地址Advice adviceAMAP As much/many as possibleAMT AmountAPV ApproveASAP As soon as possibleBAL BalanceBLDG BuildingCert证书CFM ConformCNCL CancelCNF ConferenceCMI CommissionCMP CompleteCMPE Compete/competitiveCMU Communicationconcconcern/concerning/concernedCOND ConditionCO. Company深度部门DiscdiscdiscdiscountDPT DepartureEXCH ExchangeEXPLN ExplainEXT ExtentFLT FlightFNT FinalFRT FreightFYR For your referenceGD好GUAR GuaranteeH.o .家庭办公室INFO InformationIMPS ImpossibleIMP(T) ImportantINCD IncludeINDIV IndividualINS InsuranceINTST InterestedI/O In stead ofIOU I owe youIVO In view ofMANUF ManufactureMdl模型MEMO MemorandumMgmangerMIN MinimumMkt市场Msg消息NCRY NecessaryNLT No later thanOBS观察程序OBT ObtainORD Ordinary


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