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.南 京 信 息 职 业 技 术 学 院 试 卷2012 /2013学年第_1_学期 期末考试B卷课程名称: 基础英语精读(一) 考试时间:100分钟命题人 赵小云 2012 年 11 月 27 日审批人 2012 年 12月 28 日使用班级:61271P 考试成绩: 。题号一二三四五六七八九十总分阅卷人得分Part Fill in the gaps with words or phrases chosen from the following box. Change the form where necessary. (10 minutes)practicallyscheduleaccurategraspwrecksufficientglowswitchprecisesustainhandleconveyfertilerigidsurvivepreviousin terms ofput acrossdo with in the interest of1. Our manager is so _ in his thinking, he never listens to new ideas.2. Its _ impossible to get home in less than an hour when the traffic is heavy.3. The job is great _ advancement but the starting salary is rather low.4. It was thought that he had committed the crime, but thee wasnt _ evidence against him.5. The earths atmosphere makes _ observation of distant stars difficult.6. Words cannot _ how grateful we are for his timely help.7. It seems the government has not yet _ the seriousness of the problem.8. Therell certainly be some problems, but nothing that you cant _. 9. It was already a _ when two weeks later the police found his stolen car and he had to buy a new one. 10. The _ of the setting sun reddened the stream.11. Buses run along specific routes with _ stops at _ time.12. The former lake bed is now a _ plain producing good crops of wheat.13. Only the hope that the rescuers were getting nearer _ the trapped miners.14. The police believed that the reason they failed to find anything suspicious in that guys bag was that members of the gang _ bags at the airport.15. _ world peace, we must promote mutual understanding among nations with different social systems.Part Complete the following, using the words or phrases in brackets. Make additions or changes where necessary.(5 minutes) 16. Mrs. Green is very dull as a lecturer. Hes _ and old-fashioned, and doesnt seem to have the faintest idea of how _. I always get _ his lectures. (rigid, inspire, bore)17. My professor assigned me some _ books on computers to read. Unfortunately they _ in our school library. I _ worried about it. (available, kind of, reference)18. True it is hard to make accurate predictions, but _ growth of the information industry _ that this line of products _ profitable. (highly, steady, ensure)19. You can spend hours wandering around the department stores, leisurely inspecting the items _, or _ some antiques along the sidewalks, where youll most likely _ the variety of things on display. (hunt, for sale, amaze)20. Lots of _ that the lost ancient tunnel must have run right _ the city, _ the seashore. (extend, convince, evidence, underneath) Part Choose the best answer for each of the following: (15 minutes)21. Virginia is famous _ the birthplace of American presidents.A. forB. toC. asD. in22. John is so hungry _ success that hell spare no efforts to achieve it.A. forB. ofC. toD. at23. Old habit dies hard. Thats why you should stop smoking before the habit _. A. takes outB. takes upC. takes holdD. takes place24. The whole village _ to welcome him.A. turned inB. turned offC. turned onD. turned out25. She continues to lead a _ life.A. respectfulB. respectiveC. respectD. respectable26. I was so hungry all the time that I could not _ the diet for longer than a month.A. keep up withB. keep upC. keep offD. keep out of27. Some educators are hoping to _ major changes in the educational system. A. bring aboutB. bring forwardC. bring upD. bring back28. He is very good at _ his ideas.A. putting acrossB. putting asideC. putting offD. putting through29. He _ several people who didnt have the tickets. A. turned outB. turned awayC. turned inD. turned into30. The bottles _ is about 100ml.A. abilityB. capabilityC. proficiencyD. capacity31. They _ the workers of the city to support the strike. A. called offB. called onC. called inD. called away32. An aquiline nose was her best _.A. personalityB. characteristicC. feature D. character 33. The railway industry must keep pace with the growing demand _ transportation.A. toB. forC. atD. in34. Professor Smiths devotion _ IT, i.e. information technology.A. atB. inC. ofD. to35. Susan was not informed _ the reasons why she was dismissed.A. ofB. toC. atD. with36. If the doctor had not told me to go on a diet, I _ as much again.A. eatB. can eatC. ateD. could have eaten37. We really should meet _ soon to discuss the details of the plan.A. sometimesB. sometimeC. some timeD. a time38. I was so completely absorbed _ the game on TV that I didnt hear Martin come in.A. inB. ofC. atD. to39. Pavlov ran a bell every time he gave food to a dog. Soon the dog started to associate the sound of the bell _the smell of food.A. byB. ofC. withD. at 40. I noticed she avoids _ any reference to her first husband in her latest book.A. to makeB. to doC. doingD. makingPart Reading Comprehension:(20 minutes)Learning to Read in CollegeThe Timkens sent their child Laura off to college with a check for $7,000 in tuition(学费) and thought that was the end of it. But soon after they received a letter from the dean of studies (教务主任).“We are happy to announce that we have started a remedial reading class for college freshmen and strongly advise that your daughter Laura participate in it. If she doesnt, it is our opinion that Laura will not be able to keep up with her studies. The cost will be $250.”Timken read the letter. “I thought Laura could read,” he said to his wife.“So did I. I think the problem is she can read, but she does not understand what she reads.”“What did they teach her in public school and high school?”“I have no idea, but if the college says she needs remedial reading wed better see that she gets it or $7,000 will be thrown away.”A few days later they got another letter from the dean.“The English Department has informed us that your daughter Laura cannot write. They have suggested that she enroll in(报名参加) the remedial writing class. We started it two years ago when we discovered this was a common problem for most college students. If you agree that Laura should get this special help, please send a check for $250.”Timken was angry now.“How did she get in college if she cant write?”Mrs. Timken was much more optimistic about it. “Laura can write. She just cant write complete sentences.”“She went to school for 12 years and she cant write a sentence?” Timken said, “They made an illiterate out of my daughter!”“Oh, I believe thats a bit strong, Im sure, anyway, the college can help her learn to write. After all, it is an institution of higher learning.”“So now we have to pay $250 for something they should have taught her in grammar school?”“Dont you remember what the principal said years ago? It was the schools responsibility to make good citizens out of the students, and the parents responsibility to teach the children to read and write. It seems that were the ones who failed.”Timken sent in the check, and was not surprised to find another letter waiting for him a week later.It read: “We have found that no one in the freshman class can add, multiply, subtract or divide simple sums. We feel it is urgent that this deficiency (缺陷) be corrected early in a students college career. Therefore, we are setting up a special arithmetic course. The fee will be $250. If you do not want your daughter to take this course we cannot guarantee she will graduate.”Once again Timken flew into a rage (勃然大怒). “I thought Laura got As in math in high school.”Mrs. Timken said, “That was conceptional math. She never could add or subtract. Dont you remember when you complained once about it and Lauras teacher told you, She can always learn to add and subtract when she gets to college.?”Choose the best answer for each of the following questions. 41. When the Timkens sent their daughter Laura off to college and paid the tuition, they thoughtA. they had done what the parents had to do and they could do nothing more about it.B. They had paid what they ought to pay and the college would take care of her studies.C. She had entered the college and would enjoy a successful college career.D. All of the above.42. A remedial class isA. a class for college freshmen.B. a class for those students who are interested in reading or writing.C. a class for elementary arithmetic study.D. a class for those students who need special help to keep up their studies.43. From what the dean says in his second letter we know for sure thatA. Laura is a student in the English Department, majoring in (主修) English writing.B. Laura is very poor in writing and has failed an important examination.C. Laura is very poor in writing but she is only one of the very many who fail to write well.D. No college student can write, so that is really a common problem.44. What is an “illiterate”?A. A person who cannot add, multiply, subtract or divide simple sums.B. A person who is unable to read and write.C. A person who has been to school for 12 years but cannot write a sentence.D. A person who has not formed good study habits.45. When Mrs. Timken said, “Oh, I believe thats a bit strong”,A. she was blaming her husband for using strong language.B. She thought her husband was exaggerating (夸大)the fact in a way.C. She thought it unnecessary for her husband to get so angry.D. She was not very happy to hear her husband describing her daughter as an illiterate.46. “An institution of higher learning” refers toA. a college or university in general.B. a college or university of high reputation.C. a college which can produce good writers.D. a college which is able to correct the students deficiencies in time. 47. The statement “Were the ones who failed” could be most suitably replaced byA. we failed to cooperate with the school and teachers.B. we did not keep in good contact with the school and teachers.C. we neglected (忽略) our duty as parents to teach our child to read and write.D. we failed to keep in mind what the principal said.48. What is Mr. Timkens attitude toward his daughters need for remedial courses?A. Anger and confusion.B. Happiness and joy.C. Love and hate.D. Disgust (厌恶).49. What is Mrs. Timkens attitude toward her daughters need for remedial courses?A. Acceptance of the fact that she needs them.B. A feeling that shes failed Laura somehow.C. A willingness to pay the fees.D. All of the above.50. The title “Learning to Read in college” meansA. students who are not good at reading are offered a good


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