新概念英语第一册第111-112课-The most expensive model_第1页
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新概念英语第一册第111-112课:the most expensive model lesson 111 the most expensive model最昂贵的型号listen to the tape then answer this question. can mr. frith buy the television on instalments? how does it work?听录音,然后回答问题。弗里斯先生可以用分期付款方式购买电视机吗?如何操作呢?mr.frith:i like this television very much. how much does it cost?弗里斯先生:我非常喜欢这台电视机。请问它多少钱?assistant:its the most expensive model in the shop. it costs five hundred pounds.店 员:这是店里最贵的型号。它的售价是500英镑。mrs. frith:thats too expensive for us. we cant afford all that money.弗里斯夫人:这对我们来说是太贵了。我们花不起那么多钱。assistant:this models less expensive than that one. its only three hundred pounds. but, of course, its not as good as the expensive one.店 员:这种型号的比那种要便宜些。它只要300英镑。但是,它当然没有价钱高的那种好。mr. frith: i dont like the model. the other models more expensive, but its worth the money.弗里斯先生:我不喜欢这种型号。那一种型号价格是贵一些,但它值这么多钱。mr. frith: can we buy it on instalments?弗里斯先生:我们可以用分期付款的方式购买吗?assistant:of course. you can pay a deposit of thirty pounds, and then fourteen pounds a month for three years.店 员:当然可以。您可以先付30英镑定金,然后每月14镑,3年付清。mr. frith:do you like it, dear?弗里斯先生:你喜欢吗,亲爱的?mrs. frith:i certainly do, but i dont like the price. you always want the best, but we cant afford it. sometimes you think youre a millionaire!弗里斯夫人:我当然喜欢, 但是我不喜欢这个价钱。你总是要买最好的,可我们买不起。有时候你认为自己是个百万富翁!mr.frith:millionaires dont buy things on instalments!弗里斯先生:百万富翁是不会分期付款买东西的!new words and expressions生词和短语modeln. 模型affordv. 付得起(钱)depositn. 预付定金instalmentn. 分期付款pricen. 价格millionairen. 百万富翁notes on the text课文注释1 大多数两个以上音节的形容词可与more/less连用构成其比较级形式,与most/least连用构成其最高级形式,如本课中的几个例子:this models less expensive than that one; the other models more expensive; its the most expensive model in the shop.2 its not as good as the expensive one,它不如那种价格高的好。not as.as. 可以用来进行比较,意思是,放在前面的人或物在程度上低于后面的人或物。3 buy.on instalments,以分期付款的方式购买。lesson 112 how do they compare?它们的比较级和最高级是什么?lesson 101-102 自学导读 first things first课文详注 further notes on the text1buy on instalments,以分期付款的方式购买。i have bought this house on instalments.我用分期付款的方式买了这所房子。2and then fourteen pounds a month for three years 然后每月14镑,3年付清。then和fourteen之间省略了pay。语法 grammar in use形容词的平级比较级:asas形容词的比较形式有3种:较高比较级(more expensive, the most expensive);较低比较级(less expensive, the least expensive) ;平级比较级 (as expensive as)。请看下面句中asas的用法:the green apple is as sweet as the red one.这个绿苹果同那个红苹果一样甜。the policeman is as tall as the policewoman.这个男警察与那个女警察个子一样高。the white knife is as sharp as the black one.这把白色的小刀与那把黑色的小刀一样锋利。i dont know as many people as you do.我认识的人没有你认识的多。robert is not as old as he looks.罗伯特没有他看上去那么高。the blue car is not as clean as the red car.蓝车没有红车干净。词汇学习 word study1afford v.(1)买得起;付得起(钱):she cant afford a new coat.她买不起一件新大衣。we are not rich enough to afford a car.我们并不太富有,不能购置汽车。(2)担负得起(时间等):i feel i can t afford any more time on this project.我觉得我不能再在这个项目上花更多的时间。we cant afford such enormous fees.我们无法负担如此巨额的费用。2deposit(1)n预付定金;押金;保证金:he put down a deposit on the house yesterday.昨天他付了房子的定金。youll have to pay a deposit of 60 to reserve the room要预定这个房间,你需交付60美金的押金。(


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