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如何提升你的英语阅读?三个步骤让你在看电影中轻松提高英语水平 当你必须要阅读英文时,你是否冒冷汗呢?刚开始阅读一篇*夹杂著不认识的词汇是会有压迫感的,甚至对于非常有自信的读者也是一样。下面有五个有效的技巧可以帮助你的阅读成为很有收获的经验而非患得患失。 如何提升你的英语阅读的五大技巧 事前的准备 不要匆忙的就直接阅读。在你开始阅读前,先看一下标题及图片。这将给予你对于主题有很好的想法 , 并想想你已经得知的讯息。下一步,推测一下这篇*在说什么,想想你要学什么,然后写下大概遇到的问题。为阅读自我准备是一种让你预测到下一页的方式。 第一次的接触 现在你已经对于主题有一般的了解,你可以开始你的阅读了。开始后就不要停止阅读全篇*。你目前不需要担心细节, 刚开始的时候,你应该试著抓到主旨在说什么, 这就是skimming。当你阅读完全部*后,想想看你理解并且记住了多少。 详细的阅读 还记得你先前写下的那些问题吗?现在正是寻找答案的时候了。请再阅读一下*,但是这一次需要慢一点及小心一点了。寻找一下跟你的问题有关的任何词汇或句子。这就是scanning。如果你看到任何东西你认为有兴趣或是重要的,那就用笔注记起来。一旦你完成了,你对于*应该更了解。 词汇、词汇、词汇! 你不需要了解每一个词汇来了解*在说什么。找出你不知道的关键字或句子然后试著写下来。但是请不要现在就拿起字典来!试著利用*上下文来猜词汇。在你已经猜过之后,那就拿起字典来查看你到底猜对程度多少。你一定会感到莫名的惊喜的! 最后的阅读 在这个时候,你应该更清楚这篇*在说什么了。再阅读一次。你现在可以专注任何陌生的文法架构或句子型态上。当你完成一切动作后,坐下来想一想你今天学到的东西。现在再看看其实没有那么难嘛,不是吗? 翻译: do you break out into a sweat when you have to read in english? staring at a page full of unfamiliar words can be overwhelming, even for the most confident of readers. here are five useful tips that can help make reading a rewarding experience rather than a dreaded chore. be prepared never rush straight into reading. before you begin, look at the title and any pictures. this will give you a good idea of the topic. think about what you already know. next, predict what the reading will be about. think about what you want to learn and write down any questions you may have. preparing yourself for the reading in this way will get you started before the first page is even turned. at first sight now that youve got a general idea of the topic, you can begin. read the entire text over once without stopping. dont worry about the details just yet. in the beginning, all you should be trying to do is get a feeling for the main idea. this is called skimming. when youre done, think about how much youve understood and remembered. its all in the details remember those questions you wrote down before? now its time to find the answers. read the text again, but this time, read it slowly and carefully. look for any words or phrases that relate to your questions. this is called scanning. if you come across anything else thats interesting and important, underline that too. once youre finished, you should have a fuller understanding of the text. words, words, words! you dont have to understand every single word to understand the text. pick out key words or phrases you dont know and write them down. but dont reach for the dictionary just yet! try to guess the words meaning from context - the words or phrases around it. after youve taken a guess, go ahead and use the dictionary to see how close you were. you might be pleasantly surprised! final reading by this time, you should be familiar with the text. read it one more time. you can now focus on any unusual grammar structures or sentence styles. when youve finished, sit back and think about everything youve just learned. that wasnt so difficult, was it? 三步骤让你在看电影中轻松提高英语水平 many people effectively learn english from hollywood movie. yet, you can see some friends, who watch thousand of hollywood movie, do not speak any words! right, the thing is you dont just watch it but you have to watch by learning purpose to create more useful entertainment. 很多人一边看着好莱坞的电影一边就把英语(论坛)学好了。但是也有些人看了几千部好莱坞电影,还是一个字都不会说!对了,关键在于你不能只是看着玩,还必须抱着学习的目的认真的看。 the steps may annoy your emotion but if you want to learn english you better follow below steps. otherwise, you may lost your time and effort without nothing. 下面这3个步骤也许会让你觉得不爽,但是如果你真的想通过看电影提高英语的话,你最好还是遵循这3步,否则你要么浪费了时间,要么浪费了精力,最终一无所获。 step1: watch soundtrack movie (of course!) and watch it with the subtitle on at the first time. your eyes and ears should work equally at this stage. try to understand the theme and the main idea of the movie. 第一步:看有声电影(囧不是废话嘛),第一遍的时候带着字幕看。这一阶段,你的眼睛和耳朵应当同时工作。试着理解片子的主题和大意。 many people effectively learn english from hollywood movie. yet, you can see some friends, who watch thousand of hollywood movie, do not speak any words! right, the thing is you dont just watch it but you have to watch by learning purpose to create more useful entertainment. 很多人一边看着好莱坞的电影一边就把英语(论坛)学好了。但是也有些人看了几千部好莱坞电影,还是一个字都不会说!对了,关键在于你不能只是看着玩,还必须抱着学习的目的认真的看。 the steps may annoy your emotion but if you want to learn english you better follow below steps. otherwise, you may lost your time and effort without nothing. 下面这3个步骤也许会让你觉得不爽,但是如果你真的想通过看电影提高英语的话,你最好还是遵循这3步,否则你要么浪费了时间,要么浪费了精力,最终一无所获。 step1: watch soundtrack movie (of course!) and watch it with the subtitle on at the first time. your eyes and ears should work equally at this stage. try to understand the theme and the main idea of the movie. 第一步:看有声电影(囧不是废话嘛),第一遍的时候带着字幕看。这一阶段,你的眼睛和耳朵应当同时工作。试着理解片子的主题和大意。 step 2: watch it again, still with subtitle on, but now try to minimize the use of your eyes on the subtitle. listen as much as possible and look at the subtitle only when you really do not understand. skip all small detail at the first time and slowly increase the amount of learning by decreasing the number of time you stop the movie. 第二步:第二遍看,还是带着字幕,但是尽量少看字幕。努力用耳朵去听,只是在实在不懂的时候再看一眼字幕。刚开始的时候忽略掉听不懂的细节,不要一遇到听不懂的就暂停。然后慢慢的多听几遍,试着越来越少的暂停。 step 3: watch it without subtitle. it sounds tough but believe me, after enough practice at the first two steps, you will find it easier to watch the movie in pure english. 第三步:去掉字幕看。这听上去很难但是你要相信,只要你在前两步练习的足够充分,你就会发现去掉字幕没有想像的那么难。 you may need to spend sometime to pass t


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