



在咖啡厅实用对话及情景句(一) 喝咖啡是很多人的爱好,以下是给大家整理的关于在咖啡厅实用对话及情景句(一),希望可以帮到大家 在咖啡厅 (一) jasmine: im so tired! i dont know how i can make it through this lecture. 贾斯敏:累死我了!我不知道是怎么熬过这一整节课的。 sean: the professor is a bit boring today. you need something to perk yourself up. how about a coffee? 肖恩:今天讲课的教授的确有点枯燥乏味。你需要点东西来提提神。咖啡怎么样? jasmine: i dont really like coffee, to be honest. its too bitter for me. 贾斯敏:老实说我不怎么爱喝咖啡。那东西对我来说太苦了。 sean: well, how about a soda? 肖恩:哦,苏打水怎么样? jasmine: most soft drinks have too much sugar in them. 贾斯敏:大多数苏打汽水都糖份太高。 sean: the diet sodas dont have any sugar in them. which one would you like? 肖恩:低卡汽水里就没那么多糖了。你爱喝哪一种? jasmine: i like diet sprite. does that have any caffeine in it? 贾斯敏:我爱喝雪碧。里面含咖啡因吗? sean: unfortunately, it doesnt. how about some diet? 肖恩:可惜不含。健治可乐怎么样? jasmine: i dont care for coke. i heard that coke was first used as a medicine and i dont like medicine. what else has caffeine? 贾斯敏:我不喜欢喝可乐。据说可乐原来是药用的,我可不喜欢喝药。还有什么饮料里面有咖啡因呢? sean: maybe you should try a cappuccino or a latte; they taste much better than plain brewed coffee. 肖恩:也许你可以来一杯卡普奇诺或者拿铁咖啡。这两种都比普通咖啡好喝。 jasmine: maybe. how about a mochaccino? are they any good? 贾斯敏:也许吧。摩卡奇诺怎么样?好喝吗? sean: youll love that. its just a shot of espresso beans mixed with steam milk and some chocolate syrup. 肖恩:你一定会喜欢的。是少许意大利特浓咖啡豆煮好之后,配上鲜奶打成的泡沬,再加巧克力酱调配而成的。 jasmine: thats perfect! would you like one, too? my treat. 贾斯敏:好极了!你也来一杯吧?我请客。 sean: thanks, but ill stick with some jasmine tea. im trying to watch my diet. 肖恩:谢谢,不过我还是喝茉莉花茶吧。我正在节食。 实用情景句型 1. i dont know how i make it through this lecture. 我不知道是怎么熬过这一整节课的。 i dont know how to make it through this lecture. 我不知道是怎么熬过这一整节课的。 i dont know how to endure through this lecture. 我不知道是怎么熬过这一整节课的。 2. you need something to perk yourself up. 你需要点东西来提提神。 you need something to wake you up. 你需要点东西来提提神。 you need something to refresh yourself. 你需要点东西来提提神。 you need something to have your socks knocked off. 你需要点东西来提提神。 3. i dont really like coffee, to be honest. 老实说我不怎么爱喝咖啡。 to tell you the truth, i dont like coffee. 老实说我不怎么爱喝咖 honestly speaking, i dont really dont like coffee. 老实说我不怎么爱喝咖 frankly speaking, i dont like coffee. 老实说我不怎么爱喝咖 4. i dont care for coke. 我不喜欢喝可乐。 i dont like coke. 我不喜欢喝可乐。 i dont like drinking coke. 我不喜欢喝可乐。 5. thats perfect! 好极了! thats great! 很好! ok! 很好! thats wonderful! 很好! 6. my treat. 我请客。 im buying. 我来付钱。 let me get this (one). 我来付钱。 its on me. 我来付钱。 7. ill stick with some jasmine tea. 不过我还是喝茉莉花茶吧。 i stick at some jasmine tea. 不过我还是喝茉莉花茶吧。 il


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