meat tooth 食肉一族_第1页
meat tooth 食肉一族_第2页
meat tooth 食肉一族_第3页




meat tooth 食肉一族 俗话说,“萝卜青菜各有所爱”。每个人都有自己的饮食偏好,不论是家庭的遗传还是环境的因素,酸甜苦辣咸中的滋味,不同的人会有不同的喜好。有些人喜欢吃甜食,英语里很早就有一个为人熟知的词组来形容这种人, 即:sweet tooth。近些年来英语里又出现了另外一个词组,同sweet tooth有些相近,但是用来指另外一种人,即:meat tooth。我们先来看看下面这段话: in a couple of months, i rediscovered my love for meat. sausages, steak, buffalo wings, crab legs, brisket, pork dumplings, those chicken legs served at dim sum. others craved chocolate or cheesecake; i had a meat tooth.讲这段话的仁兄提到了不少食物,细看一下,原来都是肉类食品:香肠、牛排、螃蟹、鸡腿、胸脯肉、猪肉饺子等等。别人喜欢吃巧克力和奶油蛋糕,这位仁兄则偏好肉类食物。由此看来,我们可以将meat tooth解释为: a craving or fondness for meat(偏爱肉类食物的人,或者用目前流行的说法:肉食一族)。下面还有两个使用这一词组的例子: seafood is hardly the only food product whose demographic profile skews toward the feminine as candler points out, women also eat more fruit and more mint-chocolate-chip ice cream than men do. but unlike these other foods, seafood may offer a unique way of connecting with men, and tim ryan, senior vice president of the culinary institute of america, thinks he knows what it is: appeal to their meat tooth. dominion is a horrible, wonderful, important book. it is horrible in its subject, a half-reportorial, half-philosophical examination of some of the most repugnant things that human beings do to animals, notably keeping them in the factory farms that have ta


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