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-教育精选-扬子一中初三英语9A 省学案初三英语备课组Unit 1 Know yourselfPeriod 1 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit一、目标导学1、帮助学生学会用适当的语言(形容词)描述人的性格特点。2、帮助学生学会谈论自己和他人的性格特点并了解性格特点和职业之间的关系。3、掌握本课时出现的重要语言点。二、自学助思1、自学P6-7页生词,掌握单词(短语)的正确读音,了解词义及单词词性。四会单词:order_ grammar _ Neither_ nor _ 四会短语:eat up _ keep in order _ Show off _ grammar rules _ Come up with (new ideas)_ neithernor_三会单词:creative_ curious_ energetic_ modest_ organized_ accountant_三会短语:be curious about_ make a good accountant _2、大声朗读P6-7页内容,找出下列重点句型并试着翻译成中文。(1)Youve eaten up my breakfast!(2)She keeps all her things in good order.(3)He often comes up with new ideas.(4)Its terrible for me to work without speaking all day long.三、群学导引1.Free talk : T-Ss :Talk about their personalities: T encourages Ss to describe themselves, especially using some adjs.2.Pair work: T asks Ss to work in pairs. Describe their good friends personalities to their partner.3. P7 Part A : S /Ss : The students should finish it individually ; Read it aloud and check the answers.4.P 7 Part B : (1) T-ss: T asks the Ss to listen to the tape and try to answer some Qs. (2) Ss: Listen to the tape and read it loudly. (3) Free talk: Ss: work in pairs or groups: make their own dialogues. (4) Ss Share their performance.5.Comic strip: (1) T-ss : Play the tape , the Ss should listen carefully and try to find out the answer to the questions:Does Eddie think himself generous? (2) Ask the students to act it out,help them if necessary.四、拓展探究1、Discussion : T helps the Ss talk about the relationship between the jobs and their personalities.2. Finish some Exercises : TIMES ENGLISH POST (各班级根据学生生情自己选择)五、课后省学1、记忆本课时词汇、短语和重要句型。2、熟读Comic strip和对话,鼓励学生背诵。3、对照目标导学,总结自己本节课收获,自行开展补标活动。扬子一中初三英语9A 省学案初三英语备课组Unit 1 Know yourselfPeriod 2-3 Reading(1)一、目标导学1、帮助学生认识四位在各自工作领域表现杰出的人物。2、帮助学生掌握描述工作和性格的词汇。3、帮助学生掌握并运用描述工作和性格的语言技能。4、培养学生学习先进、努力奋斗的精神。二、自学助思1、自学P8-9页生词,掌握单词(短语)的正确读音,了解词义及单词词性。(教师可根据生情和自己教学进度,分两次让学生完成)四会单词:born_ praise_ general_ race_ lead_ high-speed_ connect_ miss_ attention_ standard_ pioneer_ carelessness_ 四会短语:a born artist_ win high praise from_ art community_ day after day_ general manager_ eitheror_ take the lead_ fall behind_ be ready to_ take on new challenges_ high-speed railway_ connect-to/with_ as good as_ can (not) afford to_ Pay attention to_ work to high standards _be willing to _三会单词:impress_ sculpture_ sales department_ challenge_ chief _ surgeon _ extra_ devote_ respect_ suitable_ partner_ 三会短语:impresswith_ work for the sales department_ work extra hours_ devoteto_be suitable for_2、大声朗读课文,找出下列重点句型并试着翻译成中文。(1)You either take the lead or fall behind .(2)I am ready to take on new challenges any time.(3)To us, a miss is as good as a miss.(4)As a doctor,you cant be too careful.(5) Carelessness will be a disaster not only to ourselves but also to patients.三、群学导引1. Leadin : T-Ss: T describes the person ,ask S to tell out the suitable personality .2.Discussion : Guide the Ss to discuss what jobs Suzy (.)can do .3.Show them some pictures about the jobs,help the students to tell out what personalities they should have.4. Pre-reading : The Ss should read the article and find out the answer to the question: Who and what are the four people mentioned in the article?5. While-reading: (1) T plays the tape ,ask the students listen carefully and complete Part B2(2) )T lists some questions, ask the Ss to read the paragraphs more carefully and find out the answers.(3) Encourage the students to read the paragraphs loudly.四、拓展探究1.Ss try their best to finish Part B3 ,help them if necessary.2.Retell the article .Give them some key words if possible.五、课后省学1、记忆本课时词汇、短语和重要句型。2、熟读课文,鼓励优秀学生分段背诵。3、对照目标导学,总结自己本节课收获,自行开展补标活动。Reading (2)一、目标导学 (同一课时)二、自学助思 1、词汇、短语部分同一课时。2、自主阅读课文,模仿课文,自行完成Part C1.三、群学导引1、Revision :PersonJobPersonalityWU WEISu NingLiu HaoFang Yuan2.Presentation: Discuss the table , explain the language items .3.Encourage the students to ask for help if they are in need. Help them solve the problems.四、拓展延伸1、请根据所学课文,用正确的单词或者短语完成短文。Wu Wei is a (an) _ artist. He has _ the whole country with his _work. His _have won high_from the art community.Su Ning is a (an)_manager now.She is active and _. She hates working with numbers _. She thinks life is like a _. She is reay to take on new _.Liu Hao woeks as a chief engineer of the _ Railway. It _ Sunshine Town to Tianjin. He said that a miss is _a mile.,so he pays _to every detail .He is also well _.Fang Yuan is a (an)_heart surgeon. She often works _hours .People in the town all _respect her not only for her carefulness but also for her kindness.2、 翻译下列句子(各班根据学情适当做调整)(1)Amy的精彩演讲给我们留下了印象。(2)虽然他很粗心,但是还是注意到了这个细节。(3)你要么接受挑战,要么保持沉默。(4)作为带头人,他愿意把一生献给教育事业。(5)对一个外科医生来说,仔细和耐心非常重要。(6)你的性格不适合当工程师,也不适合做经理。(7)和谦虚、大方的人一起工作让我感到开心。3、如果时间允许,在第一节课的基础上继续复述课文。五、课后省学1、熟练复述课文并牢记文章中的重要短语和句型,迎接教师检查。2、对照目标导学,总结自己本节课收获,自行开展补标活动。3、完成TIMES 第一期第二课时练习。扬子一中初三英语9A 省学案初三英语备课组Unit 1 Know yourselfPeriod 4-5 Grammar一、目标导学1、帮助学生学会使用并列连词 and ,but ,or 和so 。2、帮助学生掌握并列连词bothand, not only but (also), eitheror 和neithernor。二、自学助思1、自学语法部分的词汇和短语。四会单词:impatient四会短语:accept others advice_ think twice (about sth)_ worry too much _ do the dishes_2、仔细阅读语法内容(有条件借助于语法书),了解所学并列连词的“词义”,掌握其基本用法。3、预习TIMES中的语法内容并完成“练一练”三、群学导引1. Leadin :呈现下列练习,让学生用适当的连词完成句子。(1)I am active and energetic,_ I love working with people.(2) He does not like to talk much ,_ his work shouts.(3) I can be a good teacher _ a good doctor.(4) He does not like singing _ dancing.(5)I want to share the best art with people,_ I am always searching for something better or different.2.Presentation and practice.根据上述练习,教师组织学生进行讨论并归纳总结连词的基本用法。 3.Part B:(1)学生朗读课本第13页各连词短语对应的例句,让学生试着解释每个连词的意思。(2)学生讨论,分析谓语动词的单复数形式。四、拓展探究1.游戏:让学生用学过的连词进行造句接龙游戏(根据学情)2.让学生独立完成第12页练习并核对答案。3.学生独立完成BI&B2 练习,核对答案。五、课后省学1、完成TIMES 中的语法(第三课时)练习1-4。2、对照目标导学,总结自己本节课收获,自行开展补标活动。扬子一中初三英语9A 省学案初三英语备课组Unit 1 Know yourselfPeriod 6 Integrated skills一、目标导学1、帮助学生从书面和口语形式了解生肖、星座和性格的关系 。2、帮助学生学会谈论一个人的性格。3、帮助学生掌握听的基本技巧,学会捕捉正确的信息。二、自学助思1、自学综合技能部分的词汇。四会单词:calenda_animal sign_ appear_ fixed_ lively _ star sign_ divide_ shape_四会短语:appear in a fixed order_ every 12years_ in all _ decide your personality _ the Year of the Rabbit_ divideinto三会单词:lunar_ represent_ cycle_ powerful_ practical_ loyal_ 三会短语:the Chinese lunar calendar_ represent a lunar year _ a cycle of _2、仔细阅读A1部分,根据该部分内容完成A2部分的相关填空。三、群学导引1、Lead-in : Background :T introduces something about the Chinese lunar calendar.2. Presentation and practice (1) T: Show them the pictures of Part A1,help the students to tell out the names of each picture in English.(2) Encourage Ss to say something that they have known about the animals, especially their personalities.(3) Teach the new words and phrases .3.Listening practiceT-Ss: Help the Ss finish Part A2.4. Speak up 问题引领(1) Qs:What is Joes animal sign?(2)What are people born in the Year of the Tiger like?(3)What is Julie like ?(4)What does Millie think of the relationship between animal signs and personalities?分组(角色)朗读表演四、拓展探究1、Part A3: Ask the Ss to finish Part A3 on their own.2.If time permits ,Ss should do some exercises on TIMES (2期) 五、课后省学1、完成TIMES 中的综合技能(第4课时)剩余练习 。2、对照目标导学,总结自己本节课收获,自行开展补标活动。3、背诵Speak-up对话。扬子一中初三英语9A 省学案初三英语备课组Unit 1 Know yourselfPeriod 7 Study skills一、目标导学1、帮助学生了解略读法 。2、帮助学生学会略读一篇文章,找到所需要的信息。 二、自学助思1、学生自行准备一份报纸或者杂志,自己预先读一读喜欢的栏目内容。2、问题你知道怎样从书面材料中获取信息吗?三、群学导引1、Lead-in : Free talk T: Do you read newspapers and magazines in your free time ? How do you get information from them ? Encourage the Ss give out their own ideas.2. T writes skimming (略读) on the Blackboard, s/Ss give their opinions.3. Presentation and practice (1) Ss read the 3qs on page 17 and think about the key words to each question.(2) Encourage Ss to find out the answers to these Qs,praise the winner and ask them to share their ways.(3) Encourage the Ss to work in pairs, ask and answer.四、拓展探究1、Groups work: 教师事先准备好相关报纸、杂志或者旅游指南等,让学生根据问题,用略读方式找到答案。2、学生用他


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