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Unit 4 He said I was hard-working1.soap opera 肥皂剧,电视(连续)剧2.on Friday night 在星期五晚上3.be mad at sb=be angry with sb 生的气4.have a surprise partyfor sb 为某人举行一个惊喜晚会5. not anymore 不再,再也不6. get nervous 变得紧张8.first of all首先9.do a homework project 做家庭作业10.pass on 传递pass sth to sbPass on the message to sb 向某人传递信息11.work on 从事,设计,演算,操作12.be supposed to do sth. 被期望(要求)做13.be good at = do well in 擅长15.report card 成绩单16.have a (bad) cold 患(重)感冒17.be in good health=keep/ stay healthy 身体健康18.end-of-year exams 学年考试19.have a big fightwith 和大打一架22.get over 克服,恢复,原谅23.a poor mountain village 一个贫穷的山村24.sound like+n 听起来像26.in the mail 在邮箱里27.Its a good idea for sb to do sth某人去做某事是一个好主意28. Chinas rural areas 中国的偏远地区29.2000 meters above sea level 海拔2000米30.the thin air 稀薄的空气31.agree with sb. 同意, 与相符(一致)32. both and 两者都33.finish doing sth 完成做某事34.open up 打开,展开,开发,揭露 open up ones eyes to 开拓某人的视野到.35.a good start 一个良好的开端36.care forlook after=take care of 照料,照顾37.in danger 处于危险之中38.start a bad habbit养成一个坏习惯39.copy ones homework抄袭某人的做业40.send ones love 问好41.find science really difficult发现科学真的很难42.make a decision to do sth=decide to do sth 决定做某事44.There is no difference between .and. 在.和.之间没有区别45.its just that. 只不过,只是46.be over 结束,完成47.in the city of .市48.a one-year program 一个一年期的项目49.people who need help 需要帮助的人50.something we can do for them 我们能为他们做的事本单元目标句型: 1. 许老师告诉我他会说二种语言。Mr. Xu told me that he could speak three languages.2. 许老师说地球绕着太阳转。Mr. Xu said (that)the earth travels around the sun.3. 许老师告诉我他将去北京。She told me he would go to Beijing the next day.4. 许老师说欧洋正在做作业Mr. Xu said OuYang was doing his homework at that time.5. 许老师说王硕研勤奋。Mr. Xu said Wang Shuoyan was hard-working.6. 在英语上,与听相比,我更擅长于读。In English, Im better at reading than listening. 7. 情况怎样? Hows it going? 8. 她不想再当我最好的朋友了。She didnt want to be my best friend anymore.9. 我说那会开始一个坏的习惯,并且她应该自己做作业。I said it would start a bad habit , and that she would do her own work.10. 那是现在我所知道的所有消息。Thats about all the news I have now. Mum and Dad send their love. 11. 她说帮助别人改变了她的生活。She said helping others changed her life.12. 现在的年轻人需要经历不同的事情。Young people today need to experience different things13. 我可以开阔学生的眼界到外面的世界,并且给他们的生活一个好的开始。I can open up my students eyes to the outside world and give them a good start in life.Unit 5 If you go to the party,youll have a great time!41.have a great/good/nice/wonderful time =have fun =enjoy oneself 玩得高兴3.end of year party 年终晚会4. take away 拿走,取走5. all the time=always 一直,始终,总是6. ID card 身份证7.old peoples home 养老院8.make money 赚钱9. around the world = all over the world世界各地10. go to college 上大学11.work hard 努力工作(学习)12.a professional athlete 职业运动员13.a dream job 理想的职业14.make a living(by) doing 通过谋生do sth for a living 做某事谋生play sports for a living靠体育运动为生15.play sports 进行体育运动16.get injured 受伤17.in fact 事实上,实际上18.mobile phone 移动电话19.too much 太多(修饰不可数名词)too much homeworktoo many太多(修饰可数名词复数)too many booksmuch too 太.(修饰形容词或副词)much too difficult20.laugh atsb 嘲笑某人21.wear jeans 穿牛仔22.let sb in/out 让某人进/出23.half the class 一半的学生24.have a difficult time with/doing sth做某事有难25.be famous for 因.而著名26.be famous as 作为而著名27.work with 与.打交道;和.一起工作28.bring sth to . 把某物带来.29.watch a video 看录像30.get an education 接受教育.31.The rules for. .的规则32.study for a test 为考试而学习33.have a chance to do sth 有一个做.的机会34.in class 在课堂上35.花费相关短语的总结: sb. pay some money for sth. 某人为某物花(钱)。(pay-paid) Sb. spend some money on sth.某人花(时间/金钱)在某事上。(spend-spent) Sth cost sb some money 某物花费某人多少钱_ Sb. spend some time (in) doing sth. 某人花了(时间/金钱)做 It takes/took sb. some time to do sth. 花了某人(时间)做某事。本单元目标句型: 1. If 引导条件状语从句 如果刘老师去参加晚会,我们将会玩得非常高兴。 If Ms Liu goes to the party, well have a great time.如果你穿牛仔裤去晚会,李老师将不会让你进入。If you wear jeans to the party, Ms Li wont let you in.6.For many young people, becoming a professional athlete might seem like a dream job.7.If you become a professional athlete, you will be able to make a living doing something you love.8.However, professional athletes can also have many problems.9.If you are famous, people will watch you all the tim


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