



Unit 9 Whats this,Mum?l 发音:掌握字母o在单词中的基本发音:o /如:orange fox box not mop hot hopl 重点词汇:bone hamburger salad sausage tomato pizza l 新课标词汇:hamburger salad tomatol 课文重点:1)、Whats this/that?学生会用这个句型来提问,并且会用Its .来回答。 2)、What is it? Its .。学生会用运用句型提问,并且能够用Its .来回答。 3)、日常口语:Lets play!我们一起玩吧!Your turn!到你了!l 重点语法:Whats this/that?Whats=what is 要求学生会将缩写与全写相互替换着写出来。this所指物体离说话者距离近:这,这个;that所指物体离说话者距离远:那,那个(this,that都只能表示一个)教案:Period 1:Step1:Greetings and divide groups 4minsStep2:warm-up (happy happy together) 5minsStep3:review the words in the previous class ( point and say) 5minsStep4: presentation lead in the words by showing a food party and ask what do you like? Bone drill : pass the picture and say 4mins Hamburger drill: jump and say 5mins Salad drill: write and say 4mins Sausage drill: high and low voice 5mins Tomato drill: fingers-play game 5mins Pizza drill: catch and say 4minsStep5: review the words drill: play blue and red markers 6minsPeriod 2:Step1: warm-up (red light and green light and yellow light) 4minsStep2:review the content in the previous class drill: jump and say 5minsStep3: presentation 听录音, 引入课文内容 16mins Drill: 1)speaking practice 2) pair work 3) speaking performance Step4:引入Whats this/that? 让学生用这个句型来提问,并且会用Its .来回答。 10mins What is it? Its .。学生会用运用句型提问,并且能够用Its .来回答。 Drill: little teacher ask and answerStep5: review all the content in this class drill: look and say 5minsStep6: 让学生总结本堂课的所有内容 回顾 5mins 一周两次:Period 1:Step1:Greetings and divide groups 4minsStep2:warm-up (happy happy together) 5minsStep3:review the words in the previous class ( point and say) 5minsStep4: presentation lead in the words by showing a food party and ask what do you like? Bone drill : pass the picture and say 4mins Hamburger drill: jump and say 5mins Salad drill: write and say 4mins Sausage drill: high and low voice 5mins Tomato drill: fingers-play game 5mins Pizza drill: catch and say 4minsStep5: review the words drill: play blue and red markers 6minsPeriod2:Step1:warm-up fingers-play game 4minsStep2: review the words drill: jump and say 7minsStep3:引入日常口语 Lets play!我们一起玩吧!Your turn!到你了! 4mins Drill : ask and answerStep4: 引入字母o在单词中的基本发音by showing the words of orange fox box not mop hot hop Drill: 自然拼读 TPR practice 5minsStep5: 引入Whats this/that? 让学生用这个句型来提问,并且会用Its .来回答。 15mins What is it? Its .。学生会用运用句型提问,并且能够用Its .来回答。 Drill: little teacher ask and answerStep5: review all the content in this class drill: look and say 5minsStep6: 让学生总结本堂课的所有内容 回顾 5mins Period1:Step1:greetings and divide groupsStep2:warm-up (red light and green light and yellow light) 4minsStep3:review the content in the previous class drill: jump and say 10minsStep4: presentation 听录音, 引入课文内容 20mins Drill: 1)speaking practice 2) pair work 3) speaking performance 4) try to recite this dialogueStep5:review the sentence of “ whats this? -Its a_. ” 8mins Drill: I say Chinese, you say EnglishStep6: review all the content in this class. Ask & answer 6minsPeriod2:Step1:warm-up play walking walking . 4minsStep2: review the context recite the dialogue 5mins Step3:引入Whats this & whats that 的提问以及回答,区分


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