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Module 1 Unit 1从下列15个单词中选出10个单词,并用他们的正确形式填空Module 1 Unit 1Abe concerned about ignored on purpose power recover in order to set down exactly no longer calm down added to go through outdoors a series of face to face1. The fine day_our pleasure. We had a good time in the country.2. You see, he is so excited. It is hard for him to_.3. The government should _the growth of young people.4. _earn enough money, he often works late into the night.5. _the passage quickly and then say what the main idea is.6. I asked her name and address but I forgot to _them _in the notebook.7. Our teacher left me some books to read after class_.8. The incident caused _events that nobody had expected.9. He wants to talk with his son _.10. After her father died, the orphan _went to school.Module 1 Unit 1Bcalmed set down a series of power in order to no longer packed dislike joins in entirely loose was tired of disagreed grateful dusty1. The windows are very dirty because they are_.2. I would be _if you could help me with my homework.3. We waited in the class until things _down.4. _make the baby happy, the mother bought a toy for him.5. I am not _happy about the proposal.6. His mother _up all the things for him before he went aboard.7. This vacation was totally spoiled because of _wet days.8. He listens but he never_.9. He _with his parents on most things.10. She _hearing about their trip to England.Unit 2Aactual accent African gradual official spelling vocabulary based petrol commanded enrich request expressed fluently present 1. You have to get _ permission to build a new house, otherwise, you will get charged.2. He forecast that the repairs would cost $20,000, but the _ cost was a lot less.3. Their marketing strategy is _ on a study of consumer spending in recent years.4. It is unfair to discuss his case if he wasnt _.5. There has been a _ increase in the birth rate since the government has taken measures.6. To improve your writing, what you need to do is to build up your _.7. Speaking the language _ certainly smoothed our path to success.8. The general _ his men to attack the city, and eventually got victory.9. All the members of the club are _ to attend the annual meeting to celebrate their achievement during the past year.10. She _ surprise when I told her the news that she won first price in that fierce competition.Module 1 unit 2 BSpanish comes up natives lorry recognized lightning identity straight latter elevator frequent voyages midwestern accent gradually1. We have invited a professor who is a _ authority on teaching English to give us a speech on English learing.2. He speaks English with such a strong Indian _ that I hardly catch what he is talking about.3. The book you are looking for is _ in front of you.4. The government of the island treated the _ badly.5. She experienced a loss of _ after she gave up her career to get married.6. Like a flash of _, the singer rose to stardom and died suddenly. 7. Sudden rainstorms are _ on this part of the coast.8. In the _ years of his life, he lived alone and never welcomed visitors.9. Later in the next century, people from England made _ to other parts of the world.10.He is very innovative and always _up with new ideas.Module 1 unit 3 Apreferred shortcoming advantage giving in ever since at midnight be fond of transported stubborn persuade schedule make up ones mind organization attitude view as usual1. The goods will be _ to Tokyo by air.2. At the moment, he _ not to think about the future. 3. Her Olympic experience gave her a big _ over the other contestants for the final victory.4. My work has been going downhill _ my divorce.5. Most people enjoy receiving letters , but few seem to _ very _ writing them . 6. Can you _ her out of her foolish plans?7. He could have finished it on_, but somehow he fell behind.8. The _of such a large-scale party takes a lot of time and energy.9. The authorities(当局) showed no signs of _ to the kidnappers demands.10. Leigh takes a maternal _ toward the Chinese girl. Module 1 unit 3 BFinally reliable determined prefer stubbornly shortcomings forecast pace changing her mind ever since journey bent graduation care about 1. The manager thought he was a _ person and told him all about the new plan.2. The news that he was in trouble _ me to act at once.3. The old man held onto his job _ and would not retire.4. He has made up his mind to overcome his _.5. John was asked to deliver a speech on the _.6. She is very firm about it; I cant bend her into _.7. _ the team from Argentina won the championship.8. I dont _ the price, so long as the car is in good condition.9. Their perilous _ across the ocean has attracted public attention.10. The branch _ but didnt break when the boy climbed along it.Module 1 unit 4 Aat an end shocked injured damaged headline electricity suffering judging from smelly were frightened in honour of buried trap shelter right away1. When he learned that his brother had returned from abroad, he set off to his home _.2. Thousands of people lost their homes in the earthquake and it was impossible to provide them with enough food, clothing and _at that time. 3. A party was held _ the heroes who had helped saved thousands of lives in the big earthquake in Yushu.4. We were when we heard of the news that they would get married soon.5. There were dozens of people in the fire, and they were sent to hospital immediately.6. It will at least take five months to repair the ship that was seriously _ by the hurricane. 7. Many men _ underground when there was an accident at the mine.8. _ what he said, we knew he had told us a lie.9.Throw away your dirty and _ socks.10.A large number of students who _ by a terrible noise calm down now.Module 1 unit 4 Bcongratulations events sincerely extremely cyclist useless dig out at an end burst in ruins express miner outline rescue was thought little of1. I _ pity those who are more unfortunate than me.2. I send you my warmest _on your success.3. Please make a(n) _ before trying to write a composition4. Some 2,000 athletes competed in twenty _.5. She looked confident but as a matter of fact she felt _nervous.6.If you get much fatter youll _your clothes。7. We dont need to do extra work this evening. The days work was almost _ now.8. The soldiers have tried hard to search for anyone alive buried _.9. Before making a success of his writing, he worked as a taxi driver, a newspaper seller, a(n) _ and a railway man.10. His view _ in the meeting which was held yesterday.Module 1 unit 5 Adevoted, educate, inactive, escape from, equal, attack, sentenced, be generous with, has been out of work, lose heart, putin prison, qualities, begging, was blown up, cruelty1. The doctor _all his life to helping the poor people.2. The prisoner was_to death after killing an innocent child.3. Elias_in the past twenty years for blowing up the government buildings.4. The World Trade Center that was 411 meters high_by terrorists.5. A pound is_to 100 pennies.6. Alone and unsupported, she was reduced to_ for her living.7. Several people were crushed to death as they tried to_the burning theater.8. Cold blooded animals such as snakes are _in winter.9. In the story, the writer wanted to tell people the _of the war.10. Honesty is one of the best_on her.Module 1 unit 5 BViolent, illegal, in trouble, came to power, as a matter of fact, turn to, attacked, reward guidance, being generous with, hope, principle, found, selfish, education, 1. The lady offered a _of $5 for the finder of her lost necklace.2. He has only received two years of _, but he can read and write well.3. Poor as he is, he is famous for_his money to help the poor.4. You must learn to protect yourself when being_.5. _criminals are a danger to society.6. You had better operater the machine under the_of an experienced worker.7. It is considered _to hunt for the wildlife.8. It has been five years since this party_. Many people wonder whether it will stay on.9. A _person always thinks about himself and never consider others feelings.10. I tried to stand on my own two feet rather than_ my parents.Keys : Module 1 Unit 1 A. 1. adds up 2. communication 3. listed 4. Cheating 5. ignored 6.suffered 7.recovered 8.gone through 9.face to face 10. concerned B 1.dusty 2.grateful 3.calmed 4. In order to 5. entirely 6.packed 7.a series of 8. joins in 9. disagreed 10. was tired of Module 1 unit 2 A 1. official 2. actual 3. based 4. present 5. gradual 6. vocaulary 7. fl


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