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1 I llcallyouwhenIgetthere 2 IwaswatchingTVwhileshewassinging 3 Shealwayssingsasshedances 4 Hedidn tgotobeduntilhehadfinishedhiswork 5 Assoonashearrives I lltellhim 1 6 Although Thoughhewasexhausted still hekeptonworking 7 WhileIlikethecolour Idon tliketheshape 8 We llmakeatripevenif thoughtheweatherisbad 9 Whetheryou refreeorbusy you llhavetoattendtheceremony 10 Nomatterwhoyouare youmustkeepthelaw Whoeveryouare youmustkeepthelaw 2 原因状语从句Conjunctions because since as for nowthat 3 1关于becausebecause表示的原因是必然的因果关系 语气最强 通常放在主句之后 有时也放在主句之前 YouwanttoknowwhyIamleaving IamleavingbecauseIamfedup 2 回答why提出的问题 只能用because A Whycan tIgo B Becauseyouaretooyoung 4 3 because引导的从句可用于强调句 其余不能 It sbecauseheiskindthatwelikehim 4 because从句可用作表语 其余不能 Thisisbecausetheearthistravelingaroundthesun 5 2关于since since引导的原因状语从句一般放于主句之前 表示已知的 显然的理由 通常被翻译成 既然 较为正式 语气比because弱 例如 Sinceyouarefreetoday youhadbetterhelpmewithmymath 既然今天你休息 你最好帮我补习数学 6 since可用于省略句 而其它不能 如 Sinceso thereisnomoretobesaid 7 3asas引导原因状语从句时表示附带说明的 双方已知的原因 语气比since弱 较为正式 位置较为灵活 常放于主句之前 例如 Asitisraining you dbettertakeataxi 既然在下雨 你最好乘出租汽车 Iwenttobedearly asIwasexhausted 我睡得早 因为我筋疲力尽了 8 4关于for 1 for是并列连词 其他为从属连词 它有时可表示因果关系 只能放在主句之后 是对前面分句的内容加以解释 如 Itrainedlastnight forthegroundiswetthismorning 9 5关于nowthatnowthat用来说明一种新情况 然后加以推论 Nowthatyouareready we llstartatonce 既然你已经准备好了 我们马上开始 10 Adverbialclausesofresult结果状语从句 引导词 so that such that 如此 以致于 so adj adv that such a an adj n that such a an adj 可数名词单数 that such adj 可数名词复数 that such adj 不可数名词 that 当名词有many much few little修饰时 只能用so 不能用such 11 她是如此的疲惫 以致于很快就睡着了 Shewas she quickly 2 这是一本非常有趣的小说 以致于我读了三遍 Itwas novelthatireaditthreetimes 3 他跑得非常快 没人能追上他 Heruns nobodycancatchupwithhim 4 玛丽有如此多的工作要做 以致于她整天呆在办公室 Maryhad todothatshestayedatherofficeallday so that such that sotiredthat fellasleep suchaninteresting sofastthat somuchwork 12 引导目的状语从句常用的连词有 sothat 以便 inorderthat 为了 以便 lest 免得 唯恐 forfearthat 生怕 以免 等目的状语从句的谓语常含有may might can could should would等情态动词 13 1 Youmustspeakloudersothat inorderthatyoucanbeheardbyall 2 Hewrotethenamedownforfearthat lest heshouldforgetit 3 Bettertakemoreclothesincasetheweatheriscold 14 1 you vegotachance youmightaswellmakefulluseofit A NowthatB AfterC AlthoughD Assoonas2 Hefounditincreasinglydifficulttoread hiseyesightwasbeginningtofail A andB forC butD or 15 3 Amancannotsmilelikeachild achildsmileswithhiseyes whileamansmileswithhislipsalone A soB butC andD for4 I dliketoarrive20minutesearly Icanhavetimeforacupoftea A assoonasB asaresultC incaseD sothat 16 5 Rosesneedspecialcare theycanlivethroughwinter A becauseB sothatC evenifD as6 Leaveyourkeywithaneighbor youlockyourselfoutoneday A eversinceB evenifC soonafterD incase7 Hehas littleeducationthathecan tteach littlechildren A so suchB too suchC a soD very so 17 8 Heleftin ahurry heforgottolockth


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