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形容词和副词 1 形容词的位置 形容词一般放被修饰词的前面 Itisaquietbutinterestingplace 形容词后置的情况 1 当形容词修饰不定代词one no any some或every构成的复合词 如 something anything nothingHedideverythingpossibletohelpus 2 只能充当表语的形容词必须后置Shewastheonlypersonawakeatthatnight 3 Enough修饰名词既可放前也可放后 但所修饰的名词放句首时 只能前置Ihaveenoughtime timeenough 4 形容词else放不定代词或疑问代词后作定语AnythingelsecanIdoforyou sir 2 the adj 表一类人 复数 和抽象概念 单数 Weshouldhelptheoldandthedisabled 多个形容词作定语的排列 限定词 序数词 基数词 描绘性形容词 大 小 长 短 高 低 形状 年龄 新旧 颜色 国籍 地区 出处 物质材料 用途 类别 名词 TheoldladywantstobuyabeautifulredChinesesilkdressforherdaughterasapresent TheyboughtacharmingbigroundnewblackFrenchwoodenwritingdesklastyear 3 意义相差很大的同根副词 close接近地closely密切地free免费地freely自由地hard努力地hardly几乎不late晚lately近来most非常mostly主要地wide广阔地widely广泛地high高highly高度地deep深deeply抽象意义的 深 loud大声地loudly大声地 含有 喧闹 near邻近nearly几乎 注意 不带 ly 表具体 多位于动词 宾语 后 介词前 与过去分词构成复合词 带 ly 表抽象 修饰形容词 副词 过去分词 修饰动词位置不限 4 与形容词相关的几个句型 1 too to too adj adv todo太 而不能做某事 too adj 表个性品质 todo非常 做 too nottodo 太 不会不做 not nevertoo todo永不 决不 onlytoo buttoo todo十分 非常 极其 Theboyistooyoungtogotoschool Theboyisnotoldenoughtogotoschool Heiseagertoleave Sheisonlytoopleasedtohelpyou 2 more than与其说 后面 倒不如说 前面 beless than benotso asmuch as be ratherthan berather than Shewasmorefrightenedthanhurt Shewaslesshurtthanfrightened Shewasfrightenedratherthanhurt Shewasratherfrightenedthanhurt 3 cannot too cannever too越 越好Onecanneverbetoocarefultostudy 4 A对B犹如C对D一样AistoB just asCistoD AistoBwhatCistoD Just AsCistoD soisAtoB WhatCistoD thatisAtoB Airistousaswateristofish Airistouswhatwateristofish Aswateristofish soisairtous Whatwateristofish thatisairtous 4 形容词和副词的比较等级的用法 比较等级的常见句型 1 as 原级 as as adj a an 单数名词 as Tomcan tpayashighapriceasIasked It snotso asdifficultasIexpected 2 比较级 than 比较对象 less 原级 HeistallerthanI me MaryislesscleverthanTom 3 the 比较级 ofthetwoHeisthetallerofthetwo 4 the 比较级 the 比较级 Themore thebetter 5 比较级 and 比较级Thenewcityisbecomingmorethanmorebeautiful 6 beoneof among the 最高级 pl Heisoneofthebestfootballplayersinourclass 7 用介词by表相差的程度Sheistallerthanmebythreeinches 8 一个人的两种性质的比较 用more than Annactsquiteunfriendly Ithinkshe smoreshythanunfriendly 9 否定 比较级表最高级的意义Hehasneverspentamoreworryingday 10 no not 比较级 than的特殊含义AisnomorecarefulthanB A和B一样都不细心AisnolesscarefulthanB A和B一样细心AisnotmorecarefulthanB A不如B细心AisnotlesscarefulthanB A比B细心 11 than后加anyother 单数名词 allother theothers anyother anyoftheother anythingelse表最高级Sheplaysthepianobetterthananyotherstudent allotherstudents anyoftheotherstudents anyoftheothers anybodyelseinherclass 注意 1 比较的对象应该相同Theradiosmadeinourfactoryarebetterthanthose made inyourfactory ThepopulationofChinaislargerthanthatofanyothercountryintheworld 2 比较的对象不能相互包容比较级 than anyother 单数名词 all the other pl anyoneelse anyofother pl TheMississippiRiverislongerthananyotherriverintheUnitedStates ChinaislargerthananyothercountryinAsia anycountryinAfrica 3 修饰比较级的修饰语有 rather much still even far any alot agreatdeal byfar abit threetimes Thestudentsstudyevenharderthanbefore 4 修饰最高级的修饰语有 序数词 byfar nearly almost bynomeans notrealy notquite nothinglike I dliketobuythesecondmostexpensivecamera 5 比较状语中动词的使用 BoblooksyoungerthanIdo Boblooksyoungerthanheis BoblookedyoungerthanIdid Iknowyoubetterthanhedoes Iknowyoubetterthanhim 6 比较中的省略 1 从句省略整个谓语 保留主语Ourlibraryhasasmanybooksasyours 2 省去谓语保留主语和be have或助动词Susanhasdoneasmuchhomeworkasyouhave 3 省略主语和谓语 保留状语Sheismuchbetterthanyesterday 4 省去整个than从句Sheismuchhealthierandhappier 无比较级 最高级的形容词和副词 1 表示比较 特殊意义的 comparative ly relative ly special ly 2 表绝对意义的unexpected ly entire ly excellent ly perfect ly total ly thorough ly whole ly complete ly 3 表大小 极限 主观 上下的 extreme ly main major chief ly senior 4 表性质特征的scientific wooden golden woolen 5 表独一无二的 形状的 强调的only single round level very own simply favorite 倍数的表达法 1 主语 谓语 倍数 as 原级 as 比较对象TheroomwhereIstayedlastnightisthreetimesasbigasmyownroom 2 主语 谓语 倍数 the 度量名词 of 比较对象主语 谓语 倍数 what clauseOurclassroomisthreetimesthesizeoftheirs Thelengthoftheroadistwicewhatitwasthreeyearsago 3 主语 谓语 倍数 比较级 than 比较对象主语 谓语 比较级 than 比较对象 by 倍数TomhasfourtimesmoremoneythanIhave Thelineislongerthanonebytwice Ais倍数 what从句Theproductionisnowthreetimeswhatitwasthreeyearsago 副词的类别 1 按对象分类1 针对动词A 时间副词 nowrecentlyB 频度副词 alwaysoftenC 地点副词 nearbyinatD 方式副词 clearlybadlygentlyE 程度副词 almostpoorlyF 强调副词 simplytrulyquiteG 方位副词 insidebackwardsH 方面副词 morallysocially2 句子副词针对句子 用于修饰整个句子 可以同enough配合使用 如maybe actually fortunately surely luckily funnily等 3 引导句子A 疑问副词 whenwherehowwhy引导特殊疑问句B 连接副词 whenwherehowwhy引导状语从句C 关系副词 whenwherehowwhy引导定于从句 副词在句子中的作用 1 做状语 修饰各种形式的动词 2 做表语 只限于那些既可做介词 又可做副词的小品词inoutupdownback等 Thelightisstillon Areyouthrough withyourwork 3 做宾语补足语 只限于上述的小品词 Keepyourcoatonifyoufeelcold Iwantitbacknow 4 做定语 只限于上述的小品词 Writeyounameintheplacebelow Thebuildingaroundwerebadlydamaged 5 做短语动词的一部分 只限于上述的小品词 giveoffgoongeton 副词的比较等级和使用 1 副词等级的构成和使用与形容词的情况基本相同 2 副词的比较等级的一些特殊用法 1 hadbetter hadbestdosty We dbetternotdisturbhim Ihadbestfaxthemourplans 2 toknowbetterthan to dosomething 懂得不宜作某事 Heknewbetterthantomentionthistoher 3 tothinkbetter of sth 改变主意 决定不这样做 Heusedtobearacialandthoughtbetterofit 形容词和副词及其短语用法举要 4 tobe adj to forsbtobeimportantto forsbtobenecessaryto forsbtobeusefulto forsbtobeharmfulto forsbtobeharmlessto fortobenaturaltosb 某人天生的 tobeunknowntosbtobehelpfultosbtobevaluableto5 tobesorry1 tobesorry but 2 tobesorrythat 3 tobesorrytodosth 4 tobe feelsorryfor aboutsb sth6 tobeafraid1 tobeafraidtodosth2 tobeafraidofdoingsth sth sb7 adj and adj adv goodandcold verycoldrareandhungry veryhungryniceandtired verytired 8 most very Heisamost very proudmanmost very thankful9 very adj 一样的 同一的 theveryquestionsheaskedyesterday10 seldom hardlyever rarely 11 happilyforsb sbislucky 12 sometime sometime sometimes13 oneday usedinpastorfuture someday usedinfuture 14 theotherday usedinpast someotherday usedinfuture 15 everyday adv everyday adj 16 would had drather1 would drathersbdid haddonesty Iwouldratheryouwenthomenow presenttime Iwouldratheryouhadstayedwithusyesterday pasttime 2 would dratherdoAthandoB 不做B 做A 3 would drathernotdoAthandoB 不做A 做B 17 pretty very fairly rather 18 rather fairly1 ratherbad stupid poor cold hot加强语义 表示 过于 Thisisarathereasyquestion 过于容易 It sratherwarmtoday perhapstoowarm 2 fairlygood nice brave warm cool减弱语义 表示 相当 It sfairlywarmtoday pleasantlywarm 3 rather too adj for n Heisrathertallforhisage Heistoothinforhisheight 19 quite1 notvery Thebookisquitelong 2 completely very Thestoryisquitewrong 3 showing understand agree Ifeelweshouldn tspendmorethan 20 Quite 1 Marykeptweighingherselftoseehowmuch shewasgetting heavierB heavyC theheavierD theheaviest2 The housesmellsasifithasn tbeenlivedinforyears littlewhitewoodenB littlewoodenwhiteC whitewoodenlittleD woodenwhitelittle3 Therearetwobuildings standsnearlyahundredfeethigh thelargerB thelargerofthemC thelargeronethatD thelargerofwhich A A D 4 ItisreportedthattheUnitedStatesuses energyasthewholeofEurope astwiceB twicemuchC twicemuchasD twiceasmuch5 Allenhadtocallataxibecausetheboxwas tocarryallthewayhome muchtooheavyB toomuchheavyC heavytoomuchD tooheavymuchHedidit ittookme one thirdatimeB one thirdtimeC theone thirdtimeD one thirdthetime D A D 7 Borishasbrains Infact Idoubtwhetheranyoneintheclasshas IQ ahighB ahigherC thehigherD thehighest8 Inrecentyearstravelcompanieshavesucceededinsellingustheideathatthefurtherwego ourholidaywillbebetter ourholidaywillbebestthebetterourholidaywillbethebetterwillourholidaybe B C 9 totakethisadventurecoursewillcertainlylearnalotofusefulskills BraveenoughstudentsB Enoughbravestude
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