



新概念英语第一册阶段测试题(4960)姓名_ 分数_一、 填入下列单词中所缺的字母.(0.520=10分)01.b_t_ _er 02.m_ _t 03.lam_ 04.h_sb_nd 05.tr_th 06.b_ _f 07.tom_t_ 08.lett_ce 09.p_tato 10.p_ _r 11.p_ _ch 12.a_t_mn 13.Aug_st 14.cl_mate 15.w_ _m 16.J_ly 17.s_ _th 18.seas_n 19.s_bject 20.Dec_ _ber 二、根据句子的含义填入正确的单词,单词的第一个字母已给出.(10分)1. The Smiths l_ at 30 Jiefang Road. 2. Do you want a c_, Mrs Bird?3. He a_ home early today. 4. He u_ reads newspaper in the evening. 5. They go to s_ on foot every day. 6. At the m_, they are watching TV in the room. 7. Ann often _ milk in the morning. 8. It our f_ subject of conversation. 9. Do you have any writing p_? 10. Sometimes, we have our l_ at home.三、选出下列句子的最佳答案。(10分)1. Which would you like, tea or coffee? _ is OK.I really dont mind. A. Both B. None C. Either D. Neither2.Where do you come from? I come from _. A. Brazilian B. Dutch C. French D. Germany3. It is cold in winter. It snows in _. A. September B. June C. April D. January4. Mary is flying to English soon. She will arrive _ London _ the morning of July 10. A. to, on B. in, on C. in, in D. at, in 5. Usually I _ the dishes, my wife _ TV in the living room. A. washes, watch B. wash, watches C. washes, watches D. wash, watch6. The boy is my friend, _ I cant remember his name. A. but B. and C. or D. so7. I want _. A. changes B. my change C. my changes D. some changes8. The days are long and the nights are short. The sun _ and _. A. rises late; sets early B. rise late; set early C. rise early; set late D. rises early; sets late9. Whats the weather like _ summer? Its hot _ July and August. A. from; on B. in; in C. of; on D. at; for10. _ ? She usually reads a newspaper. A. What is she usually doing B. What do she usually do C. What is she doing usually D. What does she usually do 四、用所给词的适当形式填空 (15分)1.The boy_(sit)under the tree now.2. Do you want_ (some) meat today?3.What are you going to do?I_ (paint) the bookcase.4. It often_ (rain) in summer.5.Where _the girl_(come)from?She _from Beijing.6. We are _.We come from_ (Australian, Australia).7. There are some_ (policeman) in the park.8. Jim_ (not like) coffee, but he_ (like) tea. 9. Mr. Black goes to work on_ (foot) every day.10. The children always do_(they)homework at night.11. She often_(watch)TV in the evening, but now, she_(read)the newspaper.12. _ (be) there any wine in the refrigerator?13. He usually_(arrive)at home at six oclock.14. I only have some small_(box).15. Summer is very hot, and it _ (shine) every day.五、用所给的词语组成句子 (52=10分)1. Bill, usually, does, newspapers, night, at, read_ ?2.Tom, eat, and, Jack, their, together, lunch, often_ . 3.at,moment,he,the,drinking,in,garden,tea,the,is_ .4. they, doing, are, homework, or, playing, their_ ?5. father, his, in, shaves, sometimes, morning, the_ .六、选出恰当的选项完成对话(10分)(A)A. Does it often snow in winter B. Whats your name C. Im ChineseD. Which season do you like best E. Where are you fromLi Ming: Hello, my name is Li Ming._1_?Jack: My name is Jack.Li Ming: How do you do?Jack: How do you do?Li Ming:_2_?Jack: Im from England. And you?Li Ming:_3_.I come from China.Jack: Whats the climate like in your country?Li Ming: Its often cold in winter and hot in summer.Jack: _4_?Li Ming: No. In winter it often snows in North China, but it seldom(难得)snows in South China.Jack: _5_?Li Ming: I like summer best. I can swim in the river.Jack: Summer is my favourite season, too.1. _ 2._ 3._ 4. _ 5. _(B)A. Do you want one B.I like blue best C. Give you the changeD.I want some pencils, please E. And I want a bottle of blue ink, tooAssistant: Can I help you?Man: _6_.Assistant: What color do you like?Man: _7_.Assistant: Here you are.Man: _8_.Assistant: Sorry. I only have black ink._9_?Man: Yes, please.Assistant: Is that all?Man: Thats all.Assistant: Wait a moment._10_.Man: Thank you very much. 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _七、判断下列句子是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”,并改正 (15分)1. His mother clean the room every morning.2.They go to the school on foot every day.3.He usually reads newspaper after lunch.4.They dont doing their homework now.5.Mr.Black goes to work by a car every day.6.She and her friend often drinks tea together.7.I want a envelope, please.8.I not have any writing papers.9.What else do you want?10.The boy playing in the garden.八 句型转换。(10分)1. My Sawyer usually drinks tea in the living room in the afternoon.(对划线部分提问)_2. Lets go to the zoo. (改为please开头的祈使句)_3. Their father takes them to school everyday. (对划线部分提问)_4. Where do you come from? (同义句转换)_5.The children usually go to school by car. (对划线部分提问)_九. 完形填空。(10分)Jimmy is a school boy. He 1 hard at his lessons. So his teachers 2 him. But he thinks himself is the cleverest (最聪明) boy in his class. One afternoon Jimmy 3 home after school. He is hungry. So he says to his mother, “Mum, Im too hungry. 4 I have something to eat?” “Supper is not ready now. But here are two 5 . You can eat them first.” Says his mother. So Jimmy 6 the two apples in his hands. He 7 the apples and says, “Mother, I have 8 apples now. Please look. This is the first one. This is the second one. Isnt one and two three? Im clever, you see.” “Oh, yes, you are very clever, Jimmy,” says his mother, “No, please give me the 9 one. Give your father the 10 one. And you eat the third one.”( ) 1. A. dont study(学习) B. doesnt study C. study D. studies( ) 2. A. doesnt likeB. likesC. dont like D. like( ) 3. A. goB. does go C. gos D. goes( ) 4. A. Ca


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