



Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? The Third Period Section B( 1a1e)Teaching aims(教学目标)1. 熟练掌握可数名词和不可数名词和How much/ How many引导的特殊疑问句。 2. 熟练使用“First, Then, Next, After that, Finally”学会表述三明治的过程并表达自己对食物的喜好。 3. 激发学生对于食物制作的兴趣并开发他们的创意。 4. 引导学生关心了解身边人的饮食喜好,促进交流与合作意识。Language points(语言点)1要求掌握以下词汇: 1) 名词n. cheese,butter, tomato, turkey, onion, slice, condiments, piece2) 代词adv. another 3) 副词 adv. finally4) 词组 cut up, add to, on top, put on, a piece of, what about(本节课的生词较前面两个课时多,所以在呈现的时候采用了直接导入的方式强化学生对于关键词的掌握,并适当拓展了部分相关生词)2. 要求掌握以下句式:How do you make a cheese sandwich? Do you like lettuce in a sandwich? How much butter? First, . Then, . Next, . After that Finally, . What else?.Difficulties(难点):够选择恰当的动词描述制作一种家庭食品的过程并做进行连续性的描述。根据自己的喜好,充分发挥想象,有序的制作特有的sandwiches,提高自己的交际能力。Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Warm-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)How do you make a pizza?T: Do you like to eat pizza? What do you need if you want to make it? And how do you make it? Work in groups and show us what you know.S: First, mix up flour (面粉), butter and milk to make a crust (面包皮).Next, put pizza sauce (调味汁) on the crust.Next, cut up peppers (辣椒), sausage (香肠) and mushrooms, and put them on the pizza.Then, add some cheese to the pizza.Finally, put the pizza in the oven (烤箱).(通过食物的导入,直接提高了学生的兴趣,同学培养了学生小组合作的团队意识。)2. Presentation(呈现和sandwich 有关的新词的图片和单词)T: Now, lets look at some pictures. Can you tell me what it is/they are? (单刀直入让学生根据图片说单词,既节约了导入的时间,又给了学生更多巩固掌握词语的练习机会)T:What can we make with these? (教师把出现过的图片和词进行复现,自然引出本课时的关键词sandwich) 3. Work on 1aT: I am going to make my favorite sandwich. Whats in it?S:T: How about your favorite sandwich? Whats in it? Finish 1a in your book.(教师引导学生从说过渡到写,同时又为后面的语言交流做好准备)4. Work on 1bT: Ask and answer questions with a partner. Find out what he/she likes in a sandwich. S: A: Do you like lettuce in a sandwich? B: Yes, I do. A: Do you like tomatoes? B: No, I dont.T: Make a survey and give a report.NameLikes/dislikesS: In our group, _ likes/dislikes_ in a sandwich. . _ and _ both like/dislike_ in sandwiches. And we all like/dislike_ in sandwiches.(从对话到小组调查到报告,教师铺设了平台给学生大量操练的机会,让学生在做中学,同时自然地引导学生关心身边人,并有意识地把获得的信息进行整合,提高了学生的表达能力的锻炼。5. Work on 1cT: Look at the picture in 1a. Listen and circle the words you hear. (教师放录音,在2a的基础上,此任务简单,教师可以在放完一遍录音以后就订正答案)6. Work on 1dT: Listen again. Write the ingredients in the order you hear them. (和前面不同,此处的听力练习,需要学生有更多的整理能力,有必要的话放两遍)FirstNextThenFinallybutterT: Read the dialogue and finish the recipe. S: Girl: How do you make a cheese sandwich? Boy: Well, first put some butter on a piece of bread.Girl: How much butter? Boy: Oh ,about one spoon.Girl: OK, what else? Boy: Next, cut up some tomatoes.Girl: How many tomatoes? Boy: Well, maybe one is enough. Put the tomato on the sandwich. Next, cut up an onion.Girl: Sounds good. What about the cheese? Boy: Next, put some cheese on the sandich.Girl: How much cheese? Boy: Not too much, but you can put more if you like.Girl: OK. Is that all? Boy:Not quite. Then, put some lettuce on the cheese.Girl: Sounds delicious! Boy: Finally, put another piece of bread on top.Girl: Great!(课文文本信息的有效使用,有利于学生提高阅读和理解能力,所以听力材料的整编很有必要)T: Finish the chart.Ingredients: (教师对文本信息的合理处理,可以有效帮助学生改变机械地从文本中寻找答案的习惯,而慢慢养成思考着阅读文本并形成相应输出能力的习惯。)T: Now, lets try to fill in the blanks, please.Lets make acheese sandwich We need _ of bread. As for vegetables, we need an_, one_ and some _. Of course, _ butter is necessary. Oh, dont forget the _, you can put more if you like. Lets make it now! First, _ the butter _a piece of bread. Next, _ the tomato and the onion. _, put them on the sandwich. After _ , _some cheese _ the sandwich._, put some lettuce on the cheese and put _ piece of bread_. Now, its time to _ it!(此处,对于听力文本的再次整编,既是前面的自然产出,更有利于学生完整掌握关键的语言信息,并为学生下个环节的语言输出做了良好的铺垫)7. Work on 1eT: Tell your partner how to make your favorite sandwich.S: A: First, put some butter on a piece of bread.B: How much butter?A: About one spoon.8. Further practiceT: The Super Chicken Sandwich in KFC is delicious. How to make it? Try to describe the instructions.(给学生机会,实现从机械操练到意义操练)S: T: Crazy sandwich wanted!Sandwiches are very popular food. So we want to design (设计) a new kind of crazy sandwich. The person who has the greatest originality (创意) can enjoy sandwiches fee for a year!- The Crazy Restarant Discuss in groups how to design a Crazy Sandwich Here are some useful expressions:How much butter/salt/pepper/etc.? How many tomatoes? About a teaspoon What else? Sounds delicious! How do you make a sandwich?First, Next, Then, After that, Finally, Now, it is time for pairwork.One student describes


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