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Module6 Atriptothezoo GuideMapofBeijingZoo guide导游 plants animals Wecanseemany inthezoo leaf leaves pl nts n mlz li f li vz zebra giraffe lion panda bear elephant monkey tiger Therearemanykindsofanimalsfromdifferentcountries suchas 1 Lookatthepicture Whatcanyousee bearelephantgiraffelionmonkeypandatigerzebrazoo Wecanseethreegiraffes somezebrasandsomeelephants 2 LinglingandTonyaretalkingaboutthetrip Listenandcheck thewordsyouhearinActivity1 bearelephantgiraffelionmonkeypandatigerzebrazoo de nd r s lion dangerous Iteatsmeat Doesiteatmeat Yes itdoes Dolionseatmeat Yes theydo la n de nd r s comefrom Africa DoesitcomefromAfrica Yes itdoes bear Iteatsmeat fishandplants dangerous Doesiteatfish Dobearseatmeat Yes theydo Yes itdoes be r comefrom England DoesitcomefromAfrica No itdoesn t elephant largeandstrong Iteatsplants Doesiteatmeat Dotheyeatplants Yes theydo No itdoesn t el f nt comefrom Asia DoestheelephantcomefromAsia Yes itdoes Iteatsbamboo panda cute Doesiteatmeat No itdoesn t Yes theydo DoesitcomefromChina Yes itdoes Dopandaseatbamboo b m bu p nd kju t comefrom China giraffe tall Iteatsleaves Doesiteatleaves Yes theydo Dogiraffeseatleaves Yes itdoes d r f comefrom Africa t l DoesitcomefromAsia No itdoesn t monkey cute Iteatsfruit Doesiteatmeat No itdoesn t Domonkeyseatfruit Yes theydo m ki comefrom China DoesitcomefromChina Yes itdoes zebra Iteatsplants leaves andgrass Doesiteatplants leavesandgrass Yes itdoes zebr blackandwhite comefrom Africa DotheycomefromAfrica Yes theydo Nowlistenandcompletethetable No 1 2doitwithbooksclosed meat otheranimals meat plants plants bamboo plantsandleaves 4 Underlinethecorrectwords Thereare 1 other manyanimalsfromdifferent 2 country countriesinBeijingZoo 3 such whichasbears giraffesandpandas Thelionsare 4 funny dangerousbecausetheyeatmeat Thebearseatmeattoo butalso 5 plants leaves Elephantsare 6 different cute They re 7 tall whiteandeat 8 plants meat Pandasareblackandwhiteandeat 9 bamboo otheranimals The 10 panda s guide snameisLingling 1 Welcome sb to 欢迎 某人 来 Warmlywelcome 热烈欢迎 You rewelcome 不用客气 2 表示单位名称 山河等专有名词 首字母要大写 如 BeijingZoo3 Let s 动词原形用来表示提建议 其他表示建议的句型有 Shallwedo Whataboutdoingsth Wouldyouliketodosth 回答 Notes 地点 Ok That sagoodidea 4 倒装句 Herearethelions 这边是狮子 公共汽车来了 Here 半倒装句 主语是代词时 看 她在那边 Look Theresheis 给你 Here 5 第三人称行为动词一般现在时的否定形式是在行为动词前加 肯定形式是在动词后加上 一般疑问句是在句首加助动词 comesthebus youare doesn t s es Does EverydayEnglish Sure Shallwegoand That sveryfunny dangerousfavouriteheretheresure Pronunciationandspeaking Listenandrepeat Les3 loves4 likes A Doesthebeareatmeat B Yes itdoes A Doesthetigereatbamboo B No itdoesn t Iteatsmeat Doesthe Workinpairs3 AskandanswerquestionsabouttheanimalsinActivity3 A Doesthebeareatmeat B Yes itdoes A Doesthetigereatbamboo B No itdoesn t Iteatsmeat Workinpairs AskandanswerquestionsaboutanimalsinActivity3 Askandanswer A What syourfavouriteanimal Doesiteatplants B Yes itdoes A DoesitcomefromChina B Yes itdoes A Isitthepanda Guessinggames Itislargeandstrong Ithasalongnose Iteatsplants Itisverycute Iteatsbamboo ItlivesinChina It sblackandwhite Iteatsleaves Ithasalongneck Itisveryquiet 课堂反馈小测 一 选择填空 1Thisismytrip London AtoBforCon 2 Maryoften intheriverinsummer AswimmingBswimCswims 3 helistentoEnglishinthemorning Yes hedoes AIsBDoCDoes 4LetJack please AgoBtogoCgoes 5 Welcome myhome girls A B atC to 6 Thetiger eatgrass A can tB doesn tC don t 7 Doesthetiger fromAsia AcomesBcomeCis A C C A C B B 二 根据上下文提示 完成句子 1北极熊来自北极 喜欢游泳 Thepolarbear theArctic anditlikestoswim 2 猴子喜欢吃香蕉吗 是的 喜欢 Doesthemonkey Yes


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