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中原工学院信息商务学院毕业设计(论文)“外文翻译”专用纸改进网络学习实践活动的合作框架程少武( 软件064班 20068001145 )摘要:ICTS已经在UNED改变了教育模型和教学组织的技术。一方面,教室已经成为真正的公共教育,家庭作业发展为个人和小组合作的形式,并且教育已成为基于WEB的内容和交互式资源。另一方面,新的教学宗旨可以实行。特别是,被隔绝的教与学会因为合作框架提供的可能性而改变。然而,有时候网络学习的经验可能会让人失望或者受挫。许多在线课程存在以下的问题:它们基于问题与答复模型,其内容和交互作用不互相涉及,并且内容依赖于框架结构和版式。再者,相似的内容经常被盲目开发。为了解决这些和其它相关的问题,UNED中的“改革小组”开发了一个称为ALF的动态WEB框架(动态学习框架教育术语)。ALF提供了一套新的支持网络学习的工具,几个计算机支持合作学习框架被集成在这个平台上,代替了中间件协作。非援助指导成为学习行为的预定方案。众所周知,静态学习性能评估指示器(例如被访问页面和链接到存取资源)通过用户交互作用可以很容易地在访问的路径上成为跟踪设备。最后,为了改进可用性和可维护性,课程内容都建立在XML规范上。关键字:虚拟团体,计算机支持协作学习,基于WEB的教育适应系统 绪论ICTS 已经改变了基于UNED 1 的教育模型和教育组织技术。 一方面, 教育已经成为的真正的公共教育,代替面对面的会议式教育, 我们有视频会议甚至个人视频媒介。传统媒介(像广播和电视教育) 和各种的材料和文件可以很容易地在线获取。家庭作业已经发展成为个人和小组合作形式并且课程教学已成为基于因特网的的内容和交互式资源。另一方面, 新的教学目标是可实行的。这种自我评估的形式可以随时完成。个人学习可以通过家庭教师在线指导。由于合作架构提出的可能性,这种单独的学习方式已经被改变。然而, 有时在网上的学习体验会让你失望和受挫(Bonk, 2002) 。 就像我们过去两年看见的一样, 许多在线的课程具有以下所说的特点:首先, 他们根据问题和答复模型, 在问题和答复模型里学生问问题然后家庭教师感到有责任去提供答复。其次, 课程有两个不同的资源:一个是协作的管理,一个是内容。他们两个通常是无关联的。第三,框架和结构依赖于内容的不同。同样内容可以用不同的方式来修订(打印, 网上交付, 等等) 。再者, 相似的内容从一开始便已出现。最后,管理和监测的任务在得到很少支持的情况下完成的。例如, 当前的对用户按自己的推理方法所做的行为进行评估的这个环境缺乏支持。为了解决这些问题,在UNED 的“Innova 组织”已经提出了一种动态的网页框架叫做ALF 2积极的学习框架教育学的译法,基于两年中对超过14000名网上学习者的阅历 Boticario et al. , 2001 ALF为网上学习阶段提供了一种新的工具。取代以前的非支持协作,一些电脑支持协作型学习(CSCL)框架已被完整地应用在平台上。ALF的用户在虚幻的学习里感到棘手,因为虚幻的学习超越了传统的网络课程的组织约束,非援助的向导已经为行动的学习设定了不同阶段。众所周知,动态指示器为学习者的行为进行评估(像访问过的页面和最近链接的资源)已成为快速的跟踪,这样推理的路径很容易从用户的交互作用中获取。最后, 为了提高可用性和可维护性,课程内容根据XML规格进行设定。此外,我们涉及了一项更有野心的研究阶段。在这个阶段中学习者被给予以其经验为基础的有力的指导;在这个阶段里总体上说其他用户的相关经验将对整体学习经验有积极的影响。因此,WebDL3(远程学习调查组)已经在研究开发一个合适的框架,在这个框架中,用户基于网络挖掘技术和全部机械学习任务分类网站的集合,来建立模型系统。这个研究被做为欧洲基金工程重要的一部分。(适应因特网的动态研究IST-2001-33288)在这节里,首先,简要的回顾在线训练中发现的的问题。然后,为了解决这些和其它相关问题,2年以后在ALF的运行中将会提出我们的方法, 目标, 教育模型, 合作阶段, 课程发展和经验。这一节将在一系列的结论和未来的工作中结束在线培训中发现的问题很多的研究已被实施,以揭示在第一波有效的学习阶段中所发现的困难。事实上, 一般的看法是只有很少的所谓的最佳的实践 (Bonk, 2002),特别让人震惊的是在线教学中有很高的退学率, 主要由于目标不够明确和没有动力。在不同的方面发现了在线训练深层次的学习兴趣流失的问题:认知,教学方法和实用性(陈, 1997)。因而它从根本上促进和保证了自然学习模型的阶段(Schank &Cleary,1995),在这个阶段里学生通过实践来学习。教育框架也被建立在有效的学习中, 为每一个发现的问题设计协作和通信服务是很重要的方面(Boticario & Gaudioso, 2000)。而且,在关键因素之间建立了一种直接的交互作用,就是实用性领域和他们的对学习的作用领域(Mehlenbacher, 2000)。我们也应该提及有关管理问题的研究,包括思想上的改变,在改变的过程中不同的人像讲师、学生和公共机构都应被涉及。在网络函授学习中,新的可能性和被调整的工作部署没有被假定的话,它就不能被成功地保证(Dobson, 1998)。关于这一点,在物质发展管理和以相信标准能解决困难的共同作用下,这个问题也已经很突出(Bonk, 2002) 。另一方面,一个教育站点提供的内容经常是完全静态的。它为每名学生提供的课程是一样的,比如一个导航序列, 一系列参考书目,一个通信服务组织以及各种资源。这种同样的反应服务于不断变化的学生的需求和他们的学科水平。再者, 适应是函授教育的本质,因为学生被隔绝,并且有多种背景和兴趣(Gaudioso & Boticario, 2002)。最近(马德里,2003年2月),在一个被称为“技术发展水平研究室”的研究所里,因为“网络教学论题”项目(IST-2001-37440)的促进,一些由国际多重学科团队和技术专家(大学教授、教育专家、开发商、项目负责人和用户)识别出的主要技术问题如下:致力于学习者的需求(开发适当的技术、信息过滤和适用的接口)、保证可用性和互用性(标准)、满足教育需求(评估、教师支持和训练、综合化学习和工作)和建立合作和协作系统。以后我们会看到,迄今为止的ALF学习平台和它的教育方法与经验可以成功地处理很多上述在线训练的问题。ALF:动态知识结构1概要 我们的研究的基础是一个有着超过180000名学生的很大的欧洲函授学院,它有传统的函授模式,一贯支持ICTS,UNED尤其想给那些希望拥有第二次学习机会的人一次机会,这些人的时间非常有限,并且距离也是个大问题,甚至身体残疾。当然也可以为那些想更新他们知识的公司职员服务。最后的这个群体同样可以考取研究生。在这篇文章中我们会看到不同年龄的学生有不同的学习背景和动机。因此需要为这些不同的学生提供不同的教育需求。函授教育在这方面曾经非常有用,特别是,基于WEB的适应教育系统是最佳解决方案。现在已经开发出的要求能够成功支持合作工作的虚拟平台被称为ALF(动态知识框架),这个新的平台模式(ALF2,也称为ALF平台模式)建立在ACES上,也就是开放公共系统,一个平台模式和为建立基于WEB的开放资源的工具和一套允许数据模式管理的交互作用脚本TCL(工具命令语言)。ALF的第一个重要特点是使用关系数据库来管理网络服务器上的信息数据。在一个这样的合作环境中,有巨大的信息流在用户和这个站点之间流动。因为用户通常用不同的方法互动,所以这些站点也都是动态的,比如在BBS上发信息,组织交互式会议或者出版材料。因此,组成ALF的关系数据库必须支持这些需求。这个数据库不仅存放用户的个人信息和他们发送的信息内容,还用于构造处理每个可能发生的潜在事物的解决方案。(如图1)图1、ALF工作流程ALF的另一个重要的特征是通过网站提供基于用户的多种不同的界面。所有关于用户的信息可以用TCL脚本语言来汇集。脚本可以连接到数据库,所以这些信息可以很容易地存储和根据需求来检索。TCL脚本也可以维护动态环境,因为它可以使网页动态地构造,并且如果需要这个过程可以利用数据库信息来完成。从用户的观点来看,ALF提供一个很大的被明确划分为三个工作区域的工具集合:个人区域、公共区域和课程区域。这些工具是:调查窗体、模式控制和正确的个人访问和管理区域的文件组,需求事件通告服务、任务计划、个人和团体议程、个人和团体兴趣链接、票务管理、个人和WEB组发布、信息介绍、新闻组、常见问题解答、团体和小组管理、类别管理、个人活动跟踪等等,并且可以得到任何专用的工作区域。在ALF上注册的用户被按分类列入不同的工作组中(参见图1)。工作组可以由不是网站管理者的人来负责管理。这些工作小组的设置对函授教学特别有用,因为它也有不同的大学系部、课程、学习和研究小组。从ALF的不同特点我们可以描述我们采用的教育模式,我们选择那些可以反映出它们不同特征的特点。2目标ALF平台的开发明确地包括能保证有效地用于UNED中ICTS的教育方法和教育组织。我们对这些事件的经验,在2年以后被超过14000名的ALF初级模式(ALF1,(Boticario et al. 2001等)用户广泛使用,也反映出上文中提到的同样的问题。因此,第一个平台版本的目标很普通,而这第二个平台版本的目标则在解决这些问题方面更为明确。这些目标如下:促进基于虚拟学习社区管理的教育前景,个人组织和工作组可以根据不同的目标和各种战略可能性,这是灵活、开放和个性化的。集中一个被明确组织的框架上的用户互动空间,这个框架保证基于个性化工作区和根据需求事件自动通告的动态服务。提供基于避免迷惑感和聚焦于学习过程的任务计划的框架。确保使用与预先定义的角色(讲师、合作者、辅导教师、管理员等)相配套的相关服务和资源,也有可能指定新的角色(协调员、卡通设计者、监督员、助手等)。为用户提供学习进程跟踪,不仅是计数用户活动(页面访问、文件下载、发送信息等)而且还可以推论学生访问路线和其他一些由用户提供的有价值的东西,比如来自于不同形式和调查的统计。明确地设置基础原理课程书目,基于UNED的教学模式(例如,学习指南)有助于了解各个学科的教育架构和理论。提供角色(管理员、顾问、协调员等)和功能(活动计划、小组论坛管理、个人或小组活动评估等)被明确定义的各个不同的CSCL(计算机协作支持学习)阶段。改进基于XML规范的内容管理和可用性。最后,我们的经验表明在课程设计和发展方面的努力投资和网络上的合作工作区的适当组织,直接与它的实用性有关。因此我们开发了一个平台,ALF2,其工具的可用性和实用性都是为了完成预先确定的目标。因此,这个协作框架的开发是为支持不同的活动和资源质量跟踪和评估。From:Jesus G Boticario. An active collaborative framework for improving e-learning practices21i C DEW orldc onferenceon O penL earning& D istanceE ducation,香港,2004 An active collaborative framework for improving e-learning practicesAbstract:ICTS have already changed educational models and teaching organization techniques at UNED. On the one hand, classrooms have become Virtual Educational Communities. Homework has developed into personal and collaborative workgroups and teaching classes have become web-based contents and interactive materials. On the other hand, new pedagogical objectives are feasible. In particular, isolated learning has changed because of the possibilities that collaborative frameworks offer. Nevertheless, sometimes disappointment and frustration characterize e-learning experiences. Many on-line courses just feature the following issues: they are based on the question and answer model, contents and interactions are not related to each other and contents are framework and format dependent. Furthermore, similar contents are sometimes developed from scratch. In order to tackle these and other related issues the “Innova Group” at UNED has developed a dynamic web framework called ALF (Active Learning Framework educational version). ALF provides a new set of tools for supporting e-learning scenarios. Instead of noon-supported collaboration, several Computer Support Collaborative Learning (CSCL) frameworks have been integrated on the platform. Non-assisted guidance has become scheduled scenarios of learning activities. Well-known static indicators for learners performance assessment (like visited pages and links to accessed materials) have become tracking facilities where reasoning paths can be easily accessed from users interactions. Finally, in order to improve reusability and maintenance, course contents are based on XML specifications.Keywords: Virtual Communities, Computer Support Collaborative Learning, Web-based adaptive educational systems.From:Jesus G Boticario. An active collaborative framework for improving e-learning practices21i C DEW orldc onferenceo nO penL earning& D istanceE ducation,香港,2004 1.INTERODUCTIONICTs have already changed educational models and teaching organization techniques at UNED 1. On the one hand, classrooms have become Virtual Educational Communities. Instead of face-to-face conferences, we have videoconferences or even personal videoconferences. Traditional media (like radio and educational TV) and diverse materials and documentation can be easily accessed on line. Homework has developed into personal and collaborative workgroups and teaching classes have become web-based contents and interactive materials. On the other hand, new pedagogical objectives are feasible. Evaluation can be don at any moment for self-assessment purposes. Personal learning can be guided on line by the tutor. Isolated learning has changed because of the possibilities that collaborative frameworks offer.Nevertheless, sometimes disappointment and frustration characterize e-learning experiences (Bonk, 2002). As we have seen during the past two years, many on-line courses just feature the following issues: first, they are based on the question and answer model, where students ask questions and a tutor feels responsible for providing answers. Second, courses have two different dings of resources: there are those for managing the collaboration and there are contents. Both of them are usually unconnected. Third, contents are framework and format dependent. The same content must be reedited for different means (printed, web-delivered, and so forth). Furthermore, similar contents are sometimes developed from scratch. Finally, administrative and monitoring tasks are done with very, little support. For instance, current environments lack support for assessing users behaviors based on their reasoning paths.In order to tackle these problems the “Innova Group” at UNED has developed a dynamic web framework called ALF 2 (Active Learning Framework educational version). Based on our two years experience with more than fourteen thousand e-learning users (Boticario et al. , 2001), ALF provides a new set of tools for supporting e-learning scenarios. Instead of non-supported collaboration, several Computer Support Collaborative Learning (CSCL) frameworks have been integrated on the platform. ALF users are involved in a working space of Virtual Educational Communities, which surpass the organizational constraints of classical web courses. Non-assisted guidance has become scheduled scenarios of learning activities. Well-known static indicators for learners performance assessment (like visited pages and links to accessed materials) have become tracking facilities where reasoning paths can be easily accessed from users interactions. Finally, in order to improve reusability and maintenance, course contents are based on XML specifications.Moreover, we are involved in a more ambitious research scenario where the learner is dynamically guided based on his/her experience and where other users related experiences could affect learning experiences as a whole. Thus the WebDL 3 (Web Distance Learning) research group has being working on an adaptive framework where the user modeling system is based on a combination of web mining techniques and ensembles of classifiers for machine learning tasks. This research is included as an essential component of a European funded project, ALFANET 4 (Active Learning for Adaptive Internet, IST-2001-33288).In this paper, first a brief review will be done of the problems that have been detected in online training. Then in order to tackle these and other related issues, our approach, the objectives, educational model, a collaborative scenario, course development and experiences after two years in operation with ALF will be presented. The paper will end with a series of conclusions and some future works.2.PROBLEMS DETECTED IN ONLINE TRAININGNumerous studies have been done that reveal the difficulties detected in the first wave of virtual learning environments. In fact, the general view is that there are few so-called best practices (Bonk, 2002). What is particularly surprising is the high dropout rate on online courses, mainly due to not very explicit instructions and no incentive.In depth-study of online training has detected issues of interest in different areas: cognitive, pedagogical and usability (Chen, 1997). It is thus essential to promote scenarios that guarantee the natural learning model (Schank & Cleary, 1995), where the student learns by doing. Educational frameworks have also been established where active learning, collaboration an the design of communication services for each of the difficulties detected are vital aspects (Boticario & Gaudioso, 2000). Moreover, a direct correlation has been established between the key aspects in the usability field and their effect on learning (Mehlenbacher, 2000).We should also mention the studies that consider the issues related to the management, including the changes in mentality that the different protagonists in the process should experience: lecturers, students and the institution. Without assumed new possibilities and restructured work deployment of e-learning cannot be successfully ensured (Dobson, 1998). Related to this issue, problems associated with material development management and faith in standards for solving these difficulties have also been highlighted (Bonk, 2002).On the other hand, often the contents provided by an educational web site are fully static. The navigation sequences, the set of references, the organization of communication services and resources are the same for every student on the course. This homogeneous response is to students with changing needs and whose level of experience on the subject being taught and on the use of resources available on the website are different. Furthermore, adaptation is essential in distance education because students are isolated and have a wide variety of backgrounds and interests (Gaudioso & Boticario, 2002).Recently (Madrid, February 2003), in a workshop titled “State of the Art Workshop”, promoted by the project “e-Learning Thematic Network” (IST-2001-37440), some of the main technological issues identified by an international multidisciplinary team of learning technology experts (university professors, educational technologists, developers, project managers and users) were the following: to attend to learners needs (developing the appropriate technology, information and filtering and adaptive interfaces), to guarantee reusability and interoperability (standards), to satisfy educational requirements (assessment, training and support for teachers, integration of learning and working), and to create collaborative and cooperative systems.As we shall see later on, the ALF learning platform and its educational approach with experiences to date show how many of the aforementioned problems of online training can be successfully tackled.3.ALF: ACTIVE LEARNING FRAMEWORK3.1.OverviewOur research is developed in one of the largest European distance-learning universities (UNED) with over 180,000 students and a traditional distance-education model, which is strongly supported with ICTs, UNED is especially for those people who want to be given a second chance to study, whose time is very limited, for whom distance is a problem, and who may even be physically handicapped. It is also for corporate workers who want to update their knowledge. This last group can also take advantage of the postgraduate course offered. In this context we can find students of different ages and with very different backgrounds and motivations. There is therefore a set of educational requirements and needs to be fulfilled that are different for each student. Distance-education tools have been shown to be useful in such situations and, particularly, web-based adaptive educational systems seem to be one of the best solutions.A platform called ALF (Active Learning Framework) has been developed to support the requirements for the successful collaborative work of virtual communities. The new version of this platform (ALF2, also called ALF educational version) builds upon ACES, the ArsDigita Community Educational System, a multiplatform and open source set of tools for constructing web-based and a set of TCL (Tool Command Language) scripts allowing management of the interaction with the data model.This first important feature of ALF is using a relational database to manage the information provided by the web server. In a collaborative environment like this, there is a huge stream of information flowing between users and through the site. These sites are very dynamic since users are regularly interacting in a variety of ways, such as sending messages to the bulletin boards, organizing interactive meetings or publishing materials. Accordingly, the relational database component of ALF provides support for these requirements. This database does not only store the user personal information and the contents they send, but also serves to structure potentially everything that is happening in the site. Fig.1. ALF course workgroupAnother key feature of ALF is that it offers different views based on user navigation and actions through the site. All kinds of information on users can thus be gathered with TCL scripting language. The scripts can interface with the database so that this information can be easily stored and retrieved on demand. TCL scripts can also contribute to maintaining a dynamic environment, since they enable web pages to be dynamically constructed and this process can make use of the database information if required.From the users point of view, ALF provides a large variety of tools organized around three clearly differentiated workspaces: personal area, communities and courses. Some of these tools are: surveys and forms, version control and right access personal and group documents in the management spaces, services for notification of events on demand, task planning, personal and group agenda, personal and group links of interest, ticket management, personal and group web spaces for publishing, presentations, news, FAQs, group and subgroup management, categories, tracking of personal activities, etc., and customization of any of the work areas available.Users registered on ALF are classified into workgroups (see Figure 1). The administration of each workgroup is done by the person in charge who may not be the website manager. The setting up of these king of workgroups is particularly useful for distance learning since it allows different university departments, courses, study groups and research groups to be managed.From the different ALF features we could describe and the educational approach we have adopted, we have selected those features that reflect its differentiating characteristics.3.2.ObjectivesThe ALF platform has been developed to specifically cover the pedagogical approach and the educational organization required to guarantee the effective use of ICTs at UNED. Our own experience in these matters, after 2 years intensive use by more than 14,000 users of an earlier version of ALF (ALF1, (Boticario et al
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