高中英语人教大纲第三册:Unit10 mericn literture(第三课时).doc_第1页
高中英语人教大纲第三册:Unit10 mericn literture(第三课时).doc_第2页
高中英语人教大纲第三册:Unit10 mericn literture(第三课时).doc_第3页
高中英语人教大纲第三册:Unit10 mericn literture(第三课时).doc_第4页




The Third PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Review the words learnt in the last period.2.Review the phrases learnt before.3.Review the verb tenses.Teaching Important Points:1.Learn to use the words and phrases correctly.2.Learn to use the verb tenses correctly.Teaching Difficult Point:How to use the verb tenses correctly.Teaching Methods:1.Review method to consolidate some words and phrases.2.Practice to make students master the usages of different verb tenses.3.Individual work or group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1.the blackboard2.a computer for multimedia useTeaching Procedures:Step Greetings and RevisionT:Good afternoon,everyone!Ss:Good afternoon,Miss Yang!T:In the last period I told you to write a short description of Della.Now Id like someone to read his passage.Who is the volunteer?S1:Ill try.Della was a young woman whose family was poor.She and her husband Jim lived in a shabby house but she loved her husband very much.Now Christmas was coming and she wanted to buy a present for her husband Jim.To her sorrow,she didnt have enough money to do so.She was so sad that she began to weep.Suddenly she thought of her hair,which was long and beautiful.It was one of the two possessions of the couple.The other was Jims gold watch,which had been his fathers and his grandfathers.Della decided to sell her hair to buy Jim a Christmas present.So she went to a barbershop and sold it for $ 20.With the money,she bought a gold watch chain for Jim.Then She hurried home to wait for Jim.T:Well done!Now lets consolidate some of the words we learnt in the last period and review some phrases we learnt before.Step Word StudyT:Now look at the activities on the left and write down where one goes or what one does to get them done on the right.(Show the following on the screen.)to do some shoppingonegoes to the to send a letterone puts it in a to have ones hair cutone goes to a (Teacher asks some students to give the answers and spell out the words at the same time.)Suggested answers:grocerymailboxbarbershopT:Now look at the screen and lets do another exercise.Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of phrases.Please do this exercise by yourselves.(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)according to,belong to,attend to,refer to,turn to,contribute to,adapt to,get accustomed to1.Mrs Brown asked her lawyer whether there was no one else to_the large group of journalists waiting for her to make a statement.2.In order to survive,all life in the pond has to _the changing conditions in the environment.3. _the World Health Organisation,health care projects are needed in all big cities to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS.4.The diamond necklace which Mathilde wore that evening_her friend Jeanne.5.Coming from the South,it will take him some time to_the northern climate.6.The teacher told the students to_Page 109 to do the exercises.7.Although he did not mention any names,everybody knew whom he was.8.As a young writer he often_the school magazine with poems and short stories. (Teacher gives students some time to prepare,and then asks some students to give the answers.)Suggested answers:1.attend to2.adapt to3.According to4.belonged to5.get accustomed to6.turn to7.referring to8.contributes toT:Now look at Ex.3 in your textbooks.Its a short passage about a famous writer whose name is O.Henry.By the way,do you know something about him?S2:O.Henry was an American writer in the late 19 th century.His real name was William Sidne Porter and O.Henry was his pen name.He wrote many short stories,which were set in New York.The plots of his stories are clever and interesting,and the end is always surprising.Most of the characters in his stories are ordinary people in cities.His works include The Four Million,The Gift of the Magi,The Furnished Room and so on.(Bb:O.Henry:The Four Million;The Gift of the Magi;The Furnished Room.)T:It seems that you know a lot about O.Henry.Are you interested in American literature?S2:Yes.I like to read some books written by American writers in my spare time.I think this can help me enlarge my knowledge.T:I think so.Reading varieties of books is very helpful to you in all aspects.So you should do a lot of reading in or out of class.Now please read the passage to get the general idea and then complete the passage with the proper form of the words from the box.(Teacher gives students a few minutes to prepare.After a while,teacher checks the answers with the whole class.)Suggested answers:1.attend to2.anxious3.desperate4.garment5.shabby6.endingStep GrammarT:Thats all for Word Study.Now lets go on with Grammar.In this part well review all the verb tenses.Please write out the forms of different verb tenses on the blackboard.Liu Fang,come to the blackboard,please.(Teacher asks a student to do as required.Teacher writes out a form on the blackboard and asks the student to fill in it.)tensestaking the verb “do” for examplethe Present Indefinitedo/doesthe Present Continuousam/is/are doingthe Present Perfecthave/has donethe Future Indefiniteshall/will dothe Past Indefinitedidthe Past Continuouswas/were doingthe Past Futureshould/would dothe Past Perfecthad doneT:Now lets do Ex.1.Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the verbs in the brackets.Meanwhile,you must pay attention to the voices of some verbs.(Teacher gives students a few minutes to prepare,and then checks the answers with the whole class.)Suggested answers:1.has2.had been;had lived;came3.wrote;published4.saw;are;known5.was reading;was watching6.has been boiled7.claiming;will stand8.are becoming9.will fly10.will see;has just comeT:Now look at Ex.2.This passage is also about O.Henry.It tells us something about his life and experiences.Now read the passage by yourselves to get the general idea and then fill in the blanks with the proper form of the verbs given.Finally Ill check the answers with the whole class.Suggested answers:(1)was(2)was regarded(3)was brought(4)ran(5)held(6)worked(7)spent(8)wrote(9)settled(10)published(11)gained(12)contributedStep Summary and HomeworkT:In this class,weve reviewed some of the words and phrases weve learnt.We have also reviewed the verb tenses.At the same time,weve gained some knowledge about


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